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Old 08-22-2014, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I 100% C&R. I have see carp/catfish anglers at various areas from Fairfield to Chatham and/or the forked sticks they leave behind.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 08-22-2014, 08:21 PM
Esox Luciano Esox Luciano is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

Def C&R also. Seen some Asians keepin catfish & carp, also some PuertoRican dude keepin anything he caught even a sucker., nooo goood! Brackish part too. Wish people knew better.
You can't catch fish from ur couch.
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Old 08-22-2014, 08:31 PM
msgdan msgdan is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

100 % catch, photo and release ! I did have a great spot about 8 years ago near a bridge with shore access that I used to catch 5 pike a day, every time out. I would never fish the spot from the kayak when there were shore fisherman there (didn't want them to see what I was catching).

One day I was there in the kayak and saw 5 tails of 30" pike sticking out of a 5 gal. bucket. I went over, landed the kayak and told them he was OVER the limit.........He didn't understand what I was saying. I made a call to F&G and I am not sure if they ever followed up, but "they" were there catching and keeping for weeks to come.

Needless to say, that spot is not even worth trying for pike even though this was years ago.

Glad I have a kayak and fish MILES from any shore access spots.

Danny V
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Old 08-23-2014, 04:35 PM
jimcnj jimcnj is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

Not Passaic but..

Talked to an older gentleman (looked like 80 year old) at park pond . He had a dozen small sunnies in a bucket. Told me he puts them in a blender with egg and breadcrumb to make fritters. I told him that park ponds around here are part of the storm sewer system. Told him about dog crap, motor oil, lawn chemicals, light industrial run-off and all. He just laughed and said they taste real good. Whatever.
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Old 08-24-2014, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I have only practiced catch and release in any nj freshwater fishery. However, a couple of times I have witnessed people down in paterson keeping carp, white perch, smallmouths, and unfortunately northern pike. They put them in garbage bags and take them home to eat. It was usually just one or two fish at a time but I explained to them that with the sewer run off going into the river and seeing toilet paper coming out of pipes, they may not be too healthy to eat. I think the game warden needs to patrol paterson more because i think a lot of fish are being taken out of there. And of course the cops because I have seen drug dealers, a prostitute, and dudes smoking weed and drinking forties while fishing at eight am. Lol luckily I never had a problem.
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Old 08-25-2014, 03:00 AM
zhitoman zhitoman is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I keep sunfish sometimes, and an occasional bullhead, but I don't fish Passaic.
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Old 08-25-2014, 08:01 AM
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I think the game warden needs to patrol paterson more because i think a lot of fish are being taken out of there.
This is a problem statewide: too few WCO's to cover many waters. You only ever see them around opening day of trout and in major parks. I go out fishing between 75-100 days a year and rarely see or talk to them. They NEED to go to the under the bridge spots and check these fill my bucket "anglers". They may not be not taking too many fish but they are taking undersized ones I'm sure. Most fish-eating fish(bass/pike/pickerel) have one per week or month health warnings. Carp are apparently the worst(no surprise)Perhaps those are the signs they should put up:

http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dsr/fisha.../advisory-shee. ts-2012/passaic-river-rt280.pdf
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 08-25-2014, 11:50 AM
justin1982 justin1982 is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

Originally Posted by buzzbaiter View Post
This is a problem statewide: too few WCO's to cover many waters. You only ever see them around opening day of trout and in major parks. I go out fishing between 75-100 days a year and rarely see or talk to them. They NEED to go to the under the bridge spots and check these fill my bucket "anglers". They may not be not taking too many fish but they are taking undersized ones I'm sure. Most fish-eating fish(bass/pike/pickerel) have one per week or month health warnings. Carp are apparently the worst(no surprise)Perhaps those are the signs they should put up:

http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dsr/fisha.../advisory-shee. ts-2012/passaic-river-rt280.pdf
I agree, I've only seen signs in Newark about not eating crabs. People need to made aware because I've noticed that if I, just a regular guy, tell bucket anglers they shouldn't be eating out of the river they get defensive or pretend they dont understand me. Forget keeping the fish, it's not safe.
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Old 08-25-2014, 04:35 PM
RichieFer RichieFer is offline
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I live in Harrison and have always been curious to go down and try the river. Have seen a few people there before but they don't speaky speaky the engrish lol. Anyone ever have any luck that far down below the falls and the North Arlington area ?
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Old 08-25-2014, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Question for Passaic R. Anglers

I think C&R practice needs to be better explained to certain fishing 'groups' so that they realize their habits can have a negative impact on fisheries. The NJDFGW can also look at more restrictive creel laws like no kill or larger max sizes on gamefish like 15" for bass and 30" pike. Most gamefish are sport fish not dinner fish. Take all the sunnies, perch, crappie, carp and bullheads you want but gamefish? Most should be returned to fight again. I also see nothing wrong with a few no-kill fish rules on popular lakes/rivers. Although natural factors such as habitat, water chemistry and forage play a far bigger role in how many fish or how big fish get in a particular waterbody, angler harvest can be a factor as well. I think a few no-kill bass/pike/musky lakes and rivers might help things. Certainly couldn't hurt right?
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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