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View Poll Results: Would you release it?
Yes 74 64.91%
No 16 14.04%
Not sure, will decide after I land it 24 21.05%
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Old 05-21-2014, 12:06 PM
Pauls1976 Pauls1976 is offline
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Ideally, I will say release it after a quick picture. However, there are too many variables for an honest answer to me. Am I in a tournament or not? How and where is the fish hooked. Trebles hooked in gullet or spoon right in jaw or circle hook in corner of mouth? I wouldn't release if she was hooked bad and bleeding out the gills when I got her boat side.

I killed a 47lber once, that was only because the fish inhaled the Stretch 30 that was being trolled for blues (shark bait), the trebles mangled her jaw and gullet.
Old 05-21-2014, 12:12 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Besides all the BS that goes on with party boat pools, I don't enter the pool because I don't want to need to keep a 50lb bass just for the pool money.
Old 05-21-2014, 12:16 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Only caught up to a 30. If full of eggs I probably would take pic and release. I also don't want anyone telling me what to do. But, because everyone says they do not taste that well and are the Breeders I think I would let her go. After you eat a fish all you have is a pic and a memory anyway. Releasing the Fish doesn't change that. I will keep and eat the next smaller one.
Old 05-21-2014, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
Interesting, controversial and somewhat emotional topic here.....

I would release it.... For those of you in the same boat, I'd be interested in hearing others opinions as to why we are so protective of Stripers and have no issues keeping other fish for the table like Fluke.

In my case I think some of it has to do with fishing through the 70s and early 80s when the Stripers were hard to come by. These fish and the people that chased and caught them were put up on a pedestal. Having said this, I have and still do keep a few smaller ones during the year for the table, but when it comes to one of the big girls I feel differently. Why do I feel this way? Can't really put my finger on it.

BTW - To each his own and I have no issues with people taking their legal limits of fish. It's a personal choice. I fish a lot and for those that only fish occationally, I totally understand them wanting to take some fresh fish home but here again, I feel differently when it comes to taking a big fish. I know a lot of people like this.... A small Striper comes on the deck and it goes right into the box without a thought.... A bigger one comes on the deck and the guys are standing around arguing about releasing it and getting pretty emotional about it. Why??

for the most part Stripers are one of the few fish that we control more than the Commercial guys do.
They along with big blackfish, seems to hold a little more respect for how long it took to get that big.

A smaller bass takes alot less time to replentish its loss, and there are many more of those smaller fish.
heck 100 fish days with schoolies isnt uncommon, but your not going to have that with 50 pounders.

The fight is drastically different and seeing a fish over 50 pounds on the deck its sheer size is incredible.

I think the rest comes down to having to bang ones chest, and I think most guys go though that too. I know I did.

Thankfully im past that now, actually caring less who knows im catching or not.
Old 05-21-2014, 12:37 PM
BRM247 BRM247 is offline
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Not an issue for me but how would you know it was really over 50 without weighing it? And what damage would that do prior to release? Just length and girth and go with an estimate? I'd think trying to hang that sucker off my scale would do more harm them good if my intention was to release, which it would be. Add fight time, unhook time, measure time, picture time and exitement time next thing you know you got a fish that might swim away but who knows its fate 20 minutes later
Old 05-21-2014, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

My biggest bass is 35lbs and she swam away healthy i throw multiple bass bank of all sizes when i hook that 5o il be the guy releasing her And4 swimming along next to her after the release just to watch her swim! I def have a special connection with stripers but i love releasing big fish of all kinds!
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Old 05-21-2014, 01:17 PM
DaveTats DaveTats is offline
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Originally Posted by jmurr711 View Post
I would tie it to my roof & drive back to philly & eat every inch i could. I have caught & kept 40lbr before & ate every piece of fillet & cooked the head & used the carcass in the garden but i can accept I am the bad guy
How about you drive up to Montreal with it on your roof?

I'd release it just to piss you off
Old 05-21-2014, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Originally Posted by DaveTats View Post
How about you drive up to Montreal with it on your roof?

I'd release it just to piss you off
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Old 05-21-2014, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

I think I would keep it, but I'm not sure. It depends on how long the fight is, how long it takes to unhook her, and just how healthy she looks altogether. My PB is 40 lbs caught on a PB. If it wasn't gaffed, I would've released her as she came in quite easily. Took me 2 minutes to land. Comparatively, the 30 lber I caught that night almost spooled me and took about 10 hard fighting minutes to land. There was no way the 30 was going back.
Old 05-21-2014, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: 50 Pound Bass - Would You Release It?

Originally Posted by Njmat567 View Post
Here is a great question ... What about a party boat fish with pool money involved... Toss away a 40lber and 120 bucks or take the beast....
Good question.....on the Fishermen a sign posted in the cabin clearly states "CATCH AND RELEASE" count toward the pool, both the daily and seasonal. Never had a complaint from the second place guy. (Wouldn't matter if they did)!
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