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Old 08-27-2013, 07:18 PM
CityGuyFishing CityGuyFishing is offline
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Default How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

I'm taking my 12 y/o nephew out fishing this weekend and Musconetcong Gorge is pretty convenient for our route. I've never been there. He isn't much of a hiker and we'll be fishing from the shore. Anyone know what the access is like there?
Or have any other good beginner spot recommendation along rt 78 toward PA? Even easy fish like sunnies are fine, just want to spend a few hours with the kid, and hopefully get a pic of him with a fish.

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Old 08-27-2013, 08:13 PM
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

The hike is your first obstacle at the Gorge. Fishing from shore is your second. I'm pretty diehard and I only get into the gorge a couple times a year. Follow the river downstream to Warren Glen. There's a nice spot for shoreline fishing. I used to take my young'uns there alot. Trout, walleye, smallmouth, pike, musky, carp, catfish, sunnies...... and the occasional striper have all been tagged here. Good luck.
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Old 08-27-2013, 08:48 PM
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The Birdman The Birdman is offline
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

I would not go to the Gorge, it is tough to get to.
If i were you i would go to the boat ramp of Round Valley.
Tons of sunny beds around the ramp, and the occasional trout off the dock, or walk around to the right side of the ramp and fish off the sandy point for trout.

It would be a nice picture of him with Round Valley as the background too.

But if the river is a must go to south of the gorge to one of the 4 bridges that cross over the river especially towards the bigD.

Last edited by The Birdman; 08-27-2013 at 08:54 PM..
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Old 08-28-2013, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

Originally Posted by The Birdman
walk around to the right side of the ramp and fish off the sandy point for trout.
Just so you know, they completely fenced off that sandy point a few weeks ago and put up like 10 no trespassing signs. I was heart broken as that's a favorite spot of mine. However, someone already ripped down one of the fences last week so I don't know, maybe it's ok to go thru now (like how there used to be that little hole in the fence). Either way, the gate will open in the fall so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

Originally Posted by cmoran719
Just so you know, they completely fenced off that sandy point a few weeks ago and put up like 10 no trespassing signs. I was heart broken as that's a favorite spot of mine. However, someone already ripped down one of the fences last week so I don't know, maybe it's ok to go thru now (like how there used to be that little hole in the fence). Either way, the gate will open in the fall so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world
They are just trying to cut down on the number of people that will park in the Ramp lot and walk into the park from there for free. That's a long walk for a day at the park in my opinion...besides the illegal factor. Hate when people feel they don't have to pay their share for having parks and outdoor places like that. I do wish they would move the fence back to allow fisherman more access to those corner areas. That whole section is supposed to be fishing only so whats a few more feet for us.
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Old 08-29-2013, 12:41 PM
CityGuyFishing CityGuyFishing is offline
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Default Re: How is access at Musconetcong Gorge?

Thanks for all the tips. I think we'll try the dock at the reservoir. I'll hit the gorge sometime when I'm by myself.
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