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Old 05-20-2013, 10:08 AM
crustyangler17's Avatar
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Thumbs down 5/19 Nb

I started at the conservation area off 28 and worked my way down behind milltown school. Not much action, just 2 browns, one was native i think, and lost another one, all on spinners. p bait and trout mags had no results. When i was walking back upstream i tried switching lures but noticed that one of my tackle boxes wasnt in my pocket i didnt hear it fall out but searched around for the next 20 minutes but could barley see the bottom. the water was a bit too stained. i left disapointed knowing that i lost 80$ worth of stuff- 10 spinners, 4 phoebes, 2 pins minnows and 4 small crankbaits all in that one box never trust handwarmer pockets on your waders! Stuff can fall out easily. If anyone decides to fish around there look for a small 4x6 green box with all those lures in them. I might try looking for it when the water levels go down and its clearer.
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Old 05-20-2013, 12:16 PM
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Default Re: 5/19 Nb

I fished a part of that stretch Friday afternoon but from Milltown School to the Route 22 bridge and managed only 2 stockie browns (on a spinner and a small Rapala) as well but had a lot of bumps and follows. The guys using worms were hammering them though, I saw one guy leave with a full stringer after about an hour.

Doesn't look like any bows or brookies were stocked lately as everyone I spoke to only caught browns.

I'll keep an eye out for the tacklebox if I get out there again soon. That sucks, I lost a nice Zippo lighter at Penns Creek last fall.
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Old 05-21-2013, 08:25 AM
StriperGirl StriperGirl is offline
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Default Re: 5/19 Nb

I drive past this area all the time and it amazes me that people catch anything here at all. The water is so shallow at times, and more often than not the ones that do fish here I never see catch anything.
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Old 05-22-2013, 07:29 AM
buzzbaiter's Avatar
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Default Re: 5/19 Nb

Never lost a box but I've had my license fall off numerous times. I've had to do S&R to find them. A few times it was while wading the shoreline of lakes so they were easy finds. They just float along shore. Rivers and streams aren't so easy. I once backtracked a mile to find one. It got caught up in a side eddy and was just spinning in circles.

This is before u could just reprint them. Now I don't care. I had a lost one mailed back to me(after a year; I think whomever found it used it. lol) and have mailed two back over the last 30 years.

As for dunkings, too numerous to name. Worst getting wet was a splashdown into 40F water. Many other painful ones landing on my hand, wrist, knee and hip. Also whacked myself in the face with a branch(walked into it. don't ask)enough to see stars, break my sunglasses and get 1" long gash. Who says fishing isn't dangerous.
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Old 05-23-2013, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: 5/19 Nb

Originally Posted by StriperGirl
I drive past this area all the time and it amazes me that people catch anything here at all. The water is so shallow at times, and more often than not the ones that do fish here I never see catch anything.
It gives up a lot of fish in the spring as there are a lot stocked in that stretch. I've never fished there in the summer but the water does get really low.

This past fall it was really nice for that stretch. Hardly anyone out there and the state threw some big Bows in there during the fall stocking period.
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Old 05-23-2013, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: 5/19 Nb

Originally Posted by Moz
I fished a part of that stretch Friday afternoon but from Milltown School to the Route 22 bridge and managed only 2 stockie browns (on a spinner and a small Rapala) as well but had a lot of bumps and follows. The guys using worms were hammering them though, I saw one guy leave with a full stringer after about an hour.

Doesn't look like any bows or brookies were stocked lately as everyone I spoke to only caught browns.

I'll keep an eye out for the tacklebox if I get out there again soon. That sucks, I lost a nice Zippo lighter at Penns Creek last fall.
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