Originally Posted by PGAProfishional
I'll repay you gents as often as I can with reports!
One thing I didn't mention. After my first trip on the Passaic "Little Falls", I did a bit of research, "Google Maps" and conjured up with a few more areas that I could enter on foot. "Where there's a will, there's a way"
By the way, Have you, or anyone else seen the under water structure on the south side of the Route 4 Bridge. It looks like an old train-trestle or a crane that submerged. I found it while on my Kayak's maiden voyage. I hooked up to a Smallmouth that wasn't very big using a weedless wacky rigged 4'' Pumpkin Senko. I just couldn't believe I didn't get snagged, over 10 casts into the structure.
Just make me wonder what other kind of goodies are submerged!!
Ive only been up that far once, up to the fish weir, and dont think I spotted it. Very cool though. Last summer, a buddy and I found 3 submerged cars in Pompton River, so nothing about either river would surprise me at this point lol.