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Old 04-29-2016, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Gerry it's worth looking into but I'm almost certain the Municipality will not allow it for insurance and liability reasons. There's really no space at the marina to provide access other than the gas docks themselves which are out of the way for a truck. A huge amount of fisherman are going to be effected by this which is why I posted it in the fishing section, thought you could make an exception similar to your "Petition to Oppose Marine Sanctuary Designation" thread in the salt water fishing forum. Considering the significance of this on all fisherman sailing out of Shark River Inlet, many more people will see it and benefit from it in that forum.

Last edited by dakota560; 04-29-2016 at 03:59 PM..
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Latest "RUMOR" I heard is the pipe wont be fixed until they are allowed to restart the dredging in the river. which I believe isnt until July.

No reason other than Space they cant set up a temporary option.
8 marinas in the river and they all are effected.
would also think that at the amount of gas they sell, its a crazy loss of revenue,
yet seems only urgency is for the construction to move forward.
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Old 05-01-2016, 07:42 PM
bbfisherman bbfisherman is offline
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

They are working on connecting the lines as a trench has been dug almost to the fuel tanks. How much longer depends on how fast they work I guess.
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Old 05-01-2016, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Whatever they do I hope they do it quickly since it's going to be a royal pita for boats sailing from SRI. Someone needs to light a fire under the town's ass, their sense of urgency or lack of has been astonishing with all the issues effecting the Municipal Marina this year. They've intentionally kept all this under wraps to mitigate the effect on slip renewals. Town should be sued, I hope they lose a good percentage of their slip rentals as a result of being coy. This gas situation on top of everything is simply a disaster for all boat owners on the river.
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Old 05-01-2016, 08:26 PM
bbfisherman bbfisherman is offline
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Angry Re: Gas Issue Shark River

I agree Dakota,you are renting the slips with implied ammenities such as reasonable parking and access to the gas dock. Both of which they haven't or will not be suitably supplied. Council meeting this tuesday at 6 pm.

Last edited by bbfisherman; 05-01-2016 at 09:00 PM..
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Old 05-02-2016, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

It's a class action suit. Find a good lawyer and get some money back. Or a fix

Originally Posted by dakota560 View Post
I wasn't aware the accident happened back in November. Municipality should be sued for not disclosing it at the time renewal slip applications went out to everyone at the Municipal Marina. They for the first time I remember offered a two year deal with locked in rates, now it's obvious why that offer was made. Also heard but haven't confirmed that they may close the public launch because of parking concerns. I doubt that will be their course of action since it involves loss of revenue. Instead I'm sure they'll keep it open and further complicate an already major parking problem and place the burden on the shoulders of the people who rented slips there. The south parking lot which was used for trailer parking is completely dedicated to the dredge operation now so that space is lost. Add to that the lost parking spots because of the restaurant construction which is probably ~60 spots, the spots which will be lost for their equipment and the construction workers vehicles coupled with party boat patrons and Pier 9 traffic and that marina is going to be the wild wild west this year! Plus now no gas until Memorial Day and my guess would be possibly the entire season! Not good!

If Jack Baker and the town want a restaurant, the construction of which caused this accident, then in my opinion the same parties should be held responsible for an alternative solution so that the boat owners and slip lessees don't end up with the short end of the stick. The municipality at minimum should have disclosed all these facts before slip agreements were sent out and for all other boat owners on the river an alternative plan for gas should have been developed and if that wasn't feasible notice should have been provided well in advance of the season being upon us. It's a shame what's happening in Belmar........the legacy of being a fishing community is slowly being sold out by all your local politicians to the highest bidder! Tragic!
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Old 05-03-2016, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Just got back from the Belmar Town Hall meeting. There was nothing on the agenda to address the gas situation but it ends up there's not much of a situation to address. I spoke to a gentlemen from Belmar DPW, might have been the Director not sure, but he assured me the gas pumps would be operational at latest by next Friday 5/13 and possibly by this Friday 5/6. Said Memorial Day or later was never the planned date. I guess in the absence of better or any communication from the town, rumors were flying. Very nice guy, he told me he received a call from somebody from Neptune today, the town itself or a marina, who asked if it was true there would be no gas on the river for the entire season. Amazing with the internet, social media, web sites etc there seems to be more miscommunication and rumor mill now than ever. Hopefully what I was told tonight holds true, time will tell.
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