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Old 12-08-2014, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by dfish28 View Post
We were actually yelling at Murr for eating the hermits Joey da Fish stole from Shrimpy!, just cuz Steve painted some silver and gold for the holidays Murr thought they were those Ferraro Rochèr chocolates and went to town before we even left the dock
That's some funny stuff right there
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 12-09-2014, 07:18 AM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

I think he put some bells in them too
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Old 12-09-2014, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

someone had to eat the hermits lord knows the tog don't
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears
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Old 12-09-2014, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Now that is funny!!!
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Old 12-09-2014, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Just a heads up I had a PB on that trip I only lost 2 rigs
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Old 12-10-2014, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by Joey Dah Fish View Post
Just a heads up I had a PB on that trip I only lost 2 rigs
But did you catch any fish?
The two best days to fish are yesterday and tomorrow. "You shoulda been here yesterday" and "Tomorrow looks good!"
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Old 12-10-2014, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by Foul Hook View Post
But did you catch any fish?
4 shorts 1 decent keeper probably 5 lbs
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Old 12-10-2014, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

more for the njfishing calender
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Old 12-10-2014, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by D-ROD View Post
more for the njfishing calender
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Old 11-06-2015, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
Once again NJFishing.com brings to you the LAB Memorial PUOSU VII. Alex (MVP) and I will be hosting it and we will have Wilson on hand photographing it. Still a lot of unmet needs for LAB’s family, so we will be donating all the proceeds after expenses to them.

If there are any sponsors or individuals out there who would like to donate a door prize, please post it here. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.
Everyone is on their own for food and drink but if you’d like to bring something for the crowd, post it here so everyone knows who is bringing what.

Some updates on the Mimi trip
- $125 payment will be made on the boat so if you are in and don't show up you still need to cover your fare.
- If you qualified for the Mimi trip you need to confirm by Wednesday 12/3 if you are in or out. If out, your spot will be filled by an alternate
- Boarding on the Mimi will be 6:15 and the boat leaves at 6:30 sharp.
- There we will be no boarding order.
- White Leggers, a tip for the mate and a $100 pool for largest fish are included in the fare. Feel free to tip the mate extra if you'd like.
- Please check in here the night before just in case we need to cancel for weather. If that is the case, we will revert back to the original 20 and the alternate list to fill the rescheduled trip.
- Sinkers will be available on this trip so take what you need and leave a donation for the family.
- This is largest fish takes all.... Winner gets the $100 pool, the PUOSU VII hat, use of the LAB Memorial Grandma rod and reel until the next PUOSU.
- Everyone is on their own for food and drink

Looking forward to fishing with everyone... I will be there and fishing but unless I get in as an alternate, I can't qualify for the crown.

The Rules:
1) If you have to ask what PUOSU or LAB is, you have either been living under a rock or you’re not a true NJFer.. Stay home you ain’t coming on this trip. If you ask on this thread you are out.

2) If you ask questions already covered in this thread you are out too, SO READ THIS CAREFULLY.

3) Format this year is same as last. If you don’t like it tough! If you have any suggestions keep them to yourself or feel free to run your own trip.

4) Fare for each trip is $125. That includes fair, tip, bait (greens / whiteleggars) and pool. Pay Pal is preferred for the Ocean Explorer trip but if you have to be a pain in the a$$ and can’t figure out Pay Pal, go ahead and write and mail a check..Paypal address is njfishing@aol.com send it as a gift not payment for services. Make sure to include your screen name in the comments section. Mailing address if you want to send a check is NJfishing.com 17 Montview Road Edison NJ 08837. Make sure and put your screen name on the check.

5) 1st trip is on the Ocean Explorer in Belmar on Saturday 11/29/14 and will be limited to 40 people. This is first come first served so it’s however responds to this post first. No wining if you get shut out. We will keep a short waiting list in case someone who reserves a spot drops out or does not pay… When you reply to this thread to reserve a spot please indicate how you intend to make payment.

For those of you who might have rode the short bus to school, this is how your reply might go… “I’m in and will send Pay Pal”

6) Payment is due to me for the Ocean Explorer trip by 11/22/14 or you are out and your spot will be turned over to the alternate list hacks. Hence the name Put Up Or Shut Up (PUOSU)... We ain’t tawkin post marked here... It's got to be in my hand.

7) Only one registration per person and that person must be a member of this site with a least 25 posts. Don’t even ask if you can register someone else PERIOD!

8) All past PUOSU winners JLRotary, Scotty, Rob B, River Rat, and Loudsprtfsh1 are automatically granted a spot on the Ocean Explorer. If they want in they must sign up here and make payment by 11/22.

9) 2nd trip will be for the people with the 20 heaviest Blackfish on the Ocean Explorer to fish the following Saturday, 12/6/14 on the MIMI and compete for the 2014 PUOSU VII crown. We will also keep a short waiting list in case a few of the hen pecked winners wives won’t let them fish 2 weekends in a row. So make sure and weigh your fish even if you think you don’t have a shot at the final 20.

10) Boarding order for the Ocean Explorer trip will be the past PUOSU winners first, followed by remaining members in order of their sign ups.

11) Boarding for the MIMI will be by heaviest to lightest fish from the Ocean Explorer trip. Payment for Mimi trip is $125 and will be made at the boat. If you say you’re coming, you better be there.

This ain’t no flag football game, its full contact. You can pick your spot but while we are fishing, it’s every man for himself. Mugging, skating, bullying are encouraged and to be expected.

All updates with boarding order and payments will be made on this thread so be sure and stay tuned here.

Cancellations for weather will be made at the captain’s discretion and refunds will be issued if we don’t sail. Check back on this post the night before or morning of to get cancellation updates.

Looking for volunteers to assist with
- Getting White Leggers - hookset donating a buschel and will make arrangements for another 5 buschels
- Weighing in the fish - Shrimpy
- Door prize raffles and selling 50/50s - Dales

OK Buoys…….Who’s in ??

Food and Drink
JJ Bittings Keg o Beer - Gerry
One case of PAs finest beer - PAbeerguy
Philly pretzels and headless Dog Fish - JMurr
Home made brownies - Taxman
Case of water and chips - LingKing
Chili - Joey Dah Fish
Dfish - Sabret dogs
CaddiShack - Dougnuts
Kielbasa and Kraut - HD Marc

Door Prize Donations
- One 2014 or 2015 Open Boat pass Captain Kris Fish Stix http://www.fishstixnj.com
- One 2015 Canyon Tuna pass Captain Bob Bogan The Gambler http://www.gamblerfishing.net/
- KurtisB donating Grandma rod and reel he won last year. Winner gets to use it for year and pass it along to next winner
- Angina Hart donating a Penn Spinning Rod
- Sam the Sinker Man donating 25 pounds of 8 ounce bank and 25 pounds of 8 ounce flat sinkers which we will sell on the boat for $1 each, some finished Bucktails packages and some unfinshed Bucktails to be chosen by the winner.
- Captain Jerry Fish Mongers donating 2 open boat passes one for each trip which can be used for a single spot on charter as well as any scheduled open trip www.fishmongercharters.com
- Captain Pete Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing donating a spring 2015 Striped Bass charter for 4 people http://www.fintazticsportfishing.com/
- Captain Nelson for Roman Round donating one 2015 open boat pass www.romanround.com
- Captain Adam LaRosa Canyon Runner donating 2 Canyon Runner Spreader Bars and bags www.canyonrunner.com
- Yong from Jigging World a Spiral wrapped Black Demon Blackfish Rod www.jiggingworld.com
- Scoundrel a Classic Customs custom built rod
- Dales/RFA-NJ donating 2 Free passes and 2 arm length raffle tickets (1) per winner to the next RFA-NJ Fishing Trip. This will be open only to all those that get the "skunk" zippo, nada on PUOSU so that way they wont be disappointed or have any expectations when they win!
- We also got a cash donation from Steve from Staten Island who LAB used to get his crabs from..... Did not mean that how it sounded

Sign Ups
Gerry Z - Paid Cash
MVP - Paid Pay Pal
Wilson - Paid Check
jlrotary - Paid Pay Pal
Scotty - Paid Pay Pal
Fin Reaper - Paid by check
Sharkispy - Paid Pay Pal
Dales- Paid Check
HD Marc - Paid Pay Pal
Shrimpy - Paid Cash
Joey Dah Fish - Paid Cash
Kurtisb - Paid Pay Pal
Dfish - Paid Pay Pal
Riverbassfishing - Paid Pay Pal
LeftyReeler - Paid Pay Pal
hartattack - Paid Pay Pal
Sea Run Hunter - Payment Pending Pay Pal
Captnvinny - Paid Pay Pal
CadiShackFishing - Paid Pay Pal
PaBeerGuy - Paid Pay Pal
Hookset - Paid Pay Pal
SaltLife1980 - Paid Pay Pal
Scoundrel - Paid Pay Pal
Capt Yasar - Paid Pay Pal
Taxman - Paid Check
D-ROD - Paid Pay Pal
reefsquatter - Paid Pay Pal
LingKing20 - Paid Check
QuanMan - Paid Pay Pal
SportfishingUSA - Paid Cash
BlackfishBobby - Paid Check
Thing1- Paid Check
Thing2- Paid Check
JMurr - Paid Cash
Dupes - Paid Pay Pal
Pink Avet Girl - Paid Pay Pal
Young from Jigging World - Paid Pay Pal
MickRazz - Paid Pay Pal

The results are in from the OE trip!! Here are your top 20 NJfishing.com. All of you have to confirm if you are in or out on the Mimo trip by Wednesday 12/3 or you forfeit your spot
1) MVP 10.0 - In
2) Dupes 7.4 In
3) Thing1 6.7 - in
4) Scoudrel 5.14 - Out
5) SportfishingUSA 5.9 - Out
6) Riverbassfishing 5.6 - Out
7) Joey Dah Fish 4.15 - In
8) Jmurr 4.9 - In
9) JLRotary 4.9 - In
10) Dfish 4.9 - In
11) Kurtisb 4.4 - In
12) LeftyReeler 4.4 Out
13) Hookset 4.3 - In
14) Blackfish Bobby 4.3 - In
15) Thing2 4.2 - Out
16) HartAttack 3.15 - In
17) Drod 3.7 - In
18) Scotty 3.7 - In
19) Capt Yasar 3.7 - In
20) Jake 3.5 - Out

On the Alternate List
21) Caddy Shack 3.0 - In
22) Reefsquatter 2.13 - In
23) Sharkispy 2.11 - Out
24) MickRazz 2.9 - Out
25) Quanman 2.9 - Out
26) HDMarc 2.8 - In
27) Shrimpman Steve 2.5 - Out
28) Gerry Zagorski - In
29) Fin Reaper - Out
30) Sea Run Hunter - In if he wants in
31) Capt Vinny - In if he wants in
32) Saltlife - In

Each of the 20 finalists will be getting one of these shirts donated by JakesDad
This one for you admiral shrimp while I JFF lmfao
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