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Old 12-05-2014, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

I have another crock full of kielbasa and kraut for round two, disappeared so fast last week that it seemed to be a no brainer for tomorrow. I was practicing for the final round today on the Mimi and although I got the pool today, I heard Blackfish Bobby caught a 12 pound pool fish on the Ocean Explorer, so he's the guy to mug. See you guys in the morning, bring rain gear!
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Old 12-05-2014, 08:04 PM
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Default Early Line

Here's the early line for PUOSU Finals - numbers go out the window after JMURR steps to the plate

1) MVP -the chalk favorite - kinda like the 2014 Yankees - we know how well that went 25:1
2) Dupes - cannot ride Blackfish Bobby's coattails in the Finals - will be hard-pressing to dupe last week's effort, even though he appears to be an Olympic Skater - got as much chance winning this as Dick Buttons does in the next Olympics 50:1
3) Thing1 - good genes don't count in the Finals - this is the big leagues - 50:1
4) Joey Dah Fish - Fluke-a-sauris ? Try tog-no-more-us 50:1
5) Jmurr - No Vin = No chin = No win 50:1
6) JLRotary - no Will?, no repeat 25:1
7) Dfish - have not had the pleasure of meeting him reports are encouraging though - will introduce myself tomorrow 50:1
8) Kurtisb - the most interesting man in the world is like a Fart: Silent but deadly, he'll be passing wind tomorrow and I'll be upwind for sure 25:1
9) Hookset - Mikey is smiling at 'ya for procuring CHOICE white-leggers and caring for them this week; however even talking about that yellow fruit (not to be named here) is bad karma 35:1
10) Blackfish Bobby - we ain't fishing in your OE living room, warmup on Friday was like fishing in a washing machine, his head will still be spinning tomorrow, especially as it swivels watching the other contenders' Tog 25:1
11) HartAttack - total hack still suffering from effects of Broken right wrist - sets his hook like a Nancy 50:1
12) Drod - will he make Mike proud by being the first 2-time PUOSU champ (which is also a 5 time PUOSU chump) - house favorite 10:1
13) Scotty - this ain't Captain Hank and it ain't Cape May, but Scooter always brings his A game 25:1
14) Capt Yasar - At least he qualified and didn't get in the back-door wil introduce myself tomorrow 50:1
15) Caddy Shack - when I invited you to mug me last week I didn't invite the whole family: bringing donuts and leaving with them too O O O 50:1
16) Reefsquatter - won a Tog tourney on ANOTHER NJ Fishing Site - we won't hold it against you (or for you) 35:1
17) HDMarc - snuck in the back-door, don't let it hit you on the way out 35:1
18) Gerry Zagorski - 'nuff said 50:1
19) SaltLife - better odds than his dad 49:1
20) ???? If this spot goes to PABeerGuy we'll all be happy - BURP 35:1

Let's get 'em boys :
Once in a while you can get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right

Last edited by hartattack; 12-05-2014 at 08:14 PM..
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Old 12-05-2014, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Today's catch on the Monger. Just over 9. Will find bigger tomorrow. Pic coming
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Old 12-05-2014, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Get ready for tomorrow!
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Old 12-05-2014, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

1) MVP- focused Alex is a worthy competitor, but got his bigun last week can he do it twice in a row or will he be to busy playing candy crush on his phone?? 10-1
2) Dupes- still hve no clue who this is please say hi to me tomorrow. guess he cught a big one last week but that was last week tomorrow sh!tweather no time for newbs 100-1
3) Thing1- doesny have uncle bobby putting him onthe primo bottom but youth don't care aboot the weather so young bol will be at the rail. 25-1
4) Joey Dah Fish- hope he bounces his sinker enough to find the right rhythym has been trying to learn the tog craft & really seems to be trying hard thats cool keep trying- 225-1
5) Jmurr- 19 keepers in last 2 trips typical loud mouth from philly won't have sportfishingusa building his life for him again easily the best looking,wittiest & most charismatic person on this trip but thats like being smartest kid at the special olympics. 0 chance for this hack 1000-1
6) JLRotary- won it last year, & is still hungry but that happens with asian food. def a chance 15-1
7) Dfish- stole ragu's crabs caught a nice fish will it happen again?no 50-1
8) Kurtisb- mot interesting togger in the world,dude caught a torpedo ray but this sint the ripleysfishingtrip its puosu lets see what ya got 35-1
9) Hookset- got great crabs but if taht made ya a good togger id of been a record holder in college. stick to bringing real fisherman bait 50-1
10) Blackfish Bobby-had a pig today but isnt gonna have his bff capt quinn putting him on the "good"spots 35-1
11) HartAttack-what a nice guy 5000-1
12) Drod- mi hermano is due but his flight from Guam may be delayed with the rain 20-1
13) Scotty-12lb with my pal hank last week, 9lb today, guaranteed he gets mustard in his ear before he wins puosu again 50-1
14) Capt Yasar- insert tan guy joke here. 150-1
15) Caddy Shack- great movie stick to golf 600-1
16) Reefsquatter- squat all ya want refusing to mug will result in no chance 700-1
17) HDMarc- nice guy supposedly can fish i aint seen no proof of this thogh 100-1
18) Gerry Zagorski- fearless leader, great guy, love him like the drunken uncle i never had he wins i jump overboard 50000-1
19) SaltLife - cool name hope your prostaff too 200-1

im off to dissappoint my girl then go to sleep good luck.........................bitches
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears
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Old 12-05-2014, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Originally Posted by jmurr711 View Post
17) HDMarc- nice guy supposedly can fish i aint seen no proof of this thogh 100-1
That's because I've never been on a boat that targets doggies
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Old 12-05-2014, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Adam W
20'cc hydra sport-Bad Habit
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Old 12-05-2014, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Congrats to Bobby Blackfish and HD Marc on there winning pool fish on the OE and Mimi. Good luck to everyone tomorrow it's a new day and I may not catch this winning fish ( that's a given) but I will learn how to not bounce a sinker hey it's a start. I'm polish you know
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Old 12-05-2014, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Bananas have been hidden on the boat when I hung joeys whites today

Have fun playin hide and seek!

Make me proud FF!

Good luck to all!
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 12-06-2014, 01:06 AM
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Default Re: LAB Memorial PUOSU VII 11/29 and 12/6

Another night of no sleep before fishing trip. Car is all packed and ready to go. Good luck to all. See you all in a few hours.
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