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Old 09-12-2010, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

Just a quick question, how do you pay for the permit by CHECK/CREDIT CARD or is it CASH ONLY PLEASE ? Can anyone answer THANKS
Old 09-12-2010, 01:18 AM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

Originally Posted by barbarian
Just a quick question, how do you pay for the permit by CHECK/CREDIT CARD or is it CASH ONLY PLEASE ? Can anyone answer THANKS
Since you do not pay for the permit, the answer to your question is "You don't."
Old 09-12-2010, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

THANKS for the reply CAPT TB , do you know the process how a party boat obtains the RSA permit? THANK YOU AGAIN KINDLY for your time
Old 09-12-2010, 02:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it just me...?

CAPT TB just wanted to rephrase my last question ,is there any types FEES to be paid for RSA permit and type/options of payment by the applicant for whom the permit will be issude too THANKS YOU for your help
Old 09-12-2010, 11:19 AM
jigman90 jigman90 is offline
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Default I hope I'm a day late and a dollar short on this RSA FLUKE PERMITS!

I don't know if I missed the negitive feed back about the RSA fluke permits [computer crashed] but all I want to say is that it is a messed up situation!
If the Goverment wants records they should ask each party boats to keep records during the season!
also isn't this salt water registery that each of us had to sign up for, for records?
then there is the SFFF has everyone forgotten about this group are we not supposed to stick together?
I'm a boat owner plus I also fish on Party boats! I fish a lot with my Grandkids ages 12 and 18 how do I explain about the RSA permits to them!
I tell you what I tell them! it is all about greed!! those boat that are buying these permits are going to be the first ones to CRY when they are run out of business by our Gov't they have turned there back on other personaly owned boaters and Charter Boat owners and other Party boat owners for a couple of extra days of fishing! these RSA PERMITS are for the greedy!
As for the anglers that are fishing on these boats I now have no respect for you either and some of these anglers are very popular on this board!
I would like you guys to personaly tell my grandchildren why you fish for fluke on a RSA permit boat and they can't fluke fish on our boat!!
I personally will not EVER fish on any of the party boats that fish for fluke on the RSA permit I know my money is small but you have lost a customer forever!

Greedy people will loose in the end!!
Old 09-12-2010, 11:26 AM
Chrisk Chrisk is offline
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Default Re: I hope I'm a day late and a dollar short on this RSA FLUKE PERMITS!

Maybe you should read some of the RSA posts here before posting. As I understand it the permits fund the program.
Old 09-12-2010, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: I hope I'm a day late and a dollar short on this RSA FLUKE PERMITS!

can the moderators make a sticky of the threads that have discussed this already? Now that RSA season is on us, there will probably be a lot more of these uninformed posts popping up.
fish fish
Old 09-12-2010, 11:35 AM
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Question Re: I hope I'm a day late and a dollar short on this RSA FLUKE PERMITS!

A lot of these in depth post's you need to be a lawyer to understand them...In other words they are not in laymens terms....It would be nice for a member who does understand these long winded regulations to put them in words that I and possible others could understand to avoid the confusion!

But that might be too much to ask! I am not sure.
Old 09-12-2010, 11:40 AM
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Thumbs down Re: I hope I'm a day late and a dollar short on this RSA FLUKE PERMITS!

Originally Posted by paulham
can the moderators make a sticky of the threads that have discussed this already? Now that RSA season is on us, there will probably be a lot more of these uninformed posts popping up.

They COULD but a better idea would be for MEMBERS to just do a simple SEARCH, using said feature on this site and finding the appropriate posts themselves. 'Give a man a fish and he'll eat for one day........Teach him to fish (or search) and he'll eat (find his own answers without being spoon-fed like a baby) forever.'

Please don't respond that you don't have enough time to search yourself.........PLEASE! It takes seconds and I'd lay LONG ODDS you've got one extra moment to stay online.
Old 09-12-2010, 11:49 AM
shrimpman steve's Avatar
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

You have just proved that you know NOTHING about how the RSA works! There have been many threads about this program, if your computer was down maybe you should have looked at past posts to educate yourself about the subject! And why take your frustrations out on the boats that purchased poundage to keep us fishing! The boat owners are probably going to loose money by keeping us fishing, but you go ahead and boycott those boats that have purchased poundage, which was "set aside" anyway. I will make up for your shortfall.

I for one thank the boats that have decided to purchase the poundage and extend my season. This is a program that has been around for YEARS! 100% of the money goes to research, which you would know if you did some research before condemning boats trying to stay in business.

Don't explain to your grandchildren that you can't fluke, just take them on a trip on a RSA vessel.

The only reason I take this tone with you, is because you have stated that you have no "respect" for peeps fishing these boats, which I am one of. Learn about the permit before you hurt someone trying to extend our season legaly. If you don't like it blame the government, not the boats adhearing to the law. If the PB's didn't purchase the poundage the commercials would have anyway.

Maybe you can do some research (not hard, just look at past posts) and give these guys a break.
Captain Shrimpy
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