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Old 02-03-2010, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

Originally Posted by SI Cruiser
I normally report under a different user name but in this situation I need to report under a different name.

If you want to know where all the Hudson River Stripers went I can tell you.

All the illegal immigrants in Jersey City take home every 14 to 28 inch striper they catch.

Will they ever sign up with NOAA? No
Will they ever abide by any law in the country? No
Will they ever learn to speak English? No

Also, do not trust Stripers Forever. They are a bunch of treehuggers looking to shut down the recreational fisherman. They will rip apart the commercial guys and try to come across as a friend to the recreational guy all on behalf of the striper. Just beware they want to make it a gamefish and limit recreational catches to just one fish.

Enough said!

Talk about opinnions that become truths... SI Criuser, I don't know about illegals in Jersey City but your comment about Stripers Forever, a group of which I am a member, got me thinking so I emailed the powers that be and here is what they had to say:

Chris - I don't know who is making these comments, but we definitely have our opponents and they come from all corners. Some clubs or groups simply resent anyone but them having an organized voice, some of the national organizations see us as competition, and naturally pro commercial voices hate us. Stripers Forever has about 17,000 members from all kinds of fishing disciplines, and from every state in the U.S. plus several foreign countries. We have no paid staff. We are a totally volunteer organization - though we do hire lobbyists - designed to do one thing, and that is make striped bass a game fish and end its commercial exploitation. We think that is the best way to insure that stripers thrive and provide great recreational fishing opportunities.

Our organization does not suggest particular bag or size limits, and frankly while I know that there is something going on with new size limits in NJ - one larger and one smaller, maybee - we have no position on it of any kind, and in fact we don't even know the details. We have several board members from NJ, and they may know, but it is not a topic at Stripers Forever. NJ is a game fish state and they are free to adapt whatever regulations fit within the ASMFC guidelines.

There may be some of us who are tree huggers, but I don't' know any. Most of our board - that sets our policies - are lovers of the natural world, but are not PETA types or people with unreasonable environmental positions. Most of us are just simply life long sportsmen who just happen to believe that striped bass should be managed for the more socially and economically valuable goals of recreational fishing than for $2.50 a pound. Brad

I don't know but Brad who is I believe the head of the entire 17,000 member organization dosen't sound like a tree hugger who is out to get the recreational fisherman to me...

Last edited by irishc; 02-03-2010 at 06:08 PM..
Old 02-03-2010, 07:00 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

why don't your board members know what the proposals are?1700 members one of them must have some info.i know your club is not a pro commercial organization!just where does stripers forever stand on bag limits?they must have an opinion.if you guys don't have an opinion why have a club.the charter and head boats need a reasonable bag limit of at least 2 fish per angler.maybe you should get your president to post the views of your members on this site.like you stated ''you'' don't know.let someone that knows and cares and maybe more people will have a better idea what stripers forever is all about.it might make for some interesting conversation.i does not have to be ugly just truthful!!! impo
Capt Sal

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Old 02-03-2010, 10:50 PM
IdidntDoit IdidntDoit is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

Originally Posted by Fishguts
Can you please inform me at were this alarming rate is occurring? The original poster was blaming the lack of fish in the bay on netting that did not even happen. We as fisherman are fishing under quotas and or mortality rates. Commercial fisherman fish under quotas. A healthy fully rebuilt fishery can support a maximum sustainable yield of harvest. But as you also point out some people hate to let the facts get in the way when they try to make thier point.

Raed the artical about fish stripers taken in the hudson river! I think that river runs into the bay the last time i was there?

If the fish spawn in the river and there is less fish doing the dirty then there will be less fosh going in and even less coming back in the bay from the river. Sounds like it a idea.
Old 02-04-2010, 12:02 AM
Harlee Rod
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

I work in an area that borders the Hudson River. The small 12 to 18 inch fish reside in the river all year long. Many do not migrate into the bay as they maintain residence along and under the piers.

Many of our customers practice catch and release throughout the winter as this fishery is closed. They feed on nightcrawlers, clams and soft plastic baits. Many of the bass they catch and release are a by-catch generated from their interest in tommy cod or perch.

Contrary to other posts I have read recently on this website, our customers respect the regulations and do not take fish out of season. They respect the fishery and abide by all New Jersey regulations. Yes, they fish to eat, but they will take home a 12 inch bluefish before they take home a 26 inch bass.

They are not the cause of fish failing to make it into the bay.
Old 02-04-2010, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

Originally Posted by Capt Sal Cathy Sea Charters
why don't your board members know what the proposals are?1700 members one of them must have some info.i know your club is not a pro commercial organization!just where does stripers forever stand on bag limits?they must have an opinion.if you guys don't have an opinion why have a club.the charter and head boats need a reasonable bag limit of at least 2 fish per angler.maybe you should get your president to post the views of your members on this site.like you stated ''you'' don't know.let someone that knows and cares and maybe more people will have a better idea what stripers forever is all about.it might make for some interesting conversation.i does not have to be ugly just truthful!!! impo
I think Brad laid out where Stripers Forever stands very clearly in the email he sent me. Stripers Forever’s stance is that the resource should not be wasted and that the fishery should foster economic growth that goes beyond being able to buy Striped Bass in a fish market. Brad is not talking about the proposals, He is saying that he doesn’t know if the current regulations will be actually be changed in the future or what they will be changed to, do you? Thing is, I just don’t understand how anyone can start bad mouthing that organization when they had a major part in getting game fish status for Striped Bass in NJ which was a big win for recreational angler’s & charter boat & party boat captains. The quota that would have gone to the commercial fishermen (something like 320,000 lbs.) has been assigned to the bonus tag program for recreational fishermen (aka – your customers). That means your fares can keep more fish and that’s good for your business.
Old 02-04-2010, 08:37 AM
eagleyankfan eagleyankfan is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

Originally Posted by Fishguts
A healthy fully rebuilt fishery can support a maximum sustainable yield of harvest.
What a crock of bullsh*t. It's a never ending battle with comm. fishery and rec fisherman. And I get the whole "we have a family to support" thing. But that statement, is pure, 100 percent bull. I'll make a deal with you, I'll go 100 percent catch and release if you go build a fish factory to breed fish to harvest like they do catfish. Why take from our oceans? I mean, catfish are done that way. Be an innovator. Be a leader in market where a market doesn't exist. What you shouldn't do though, is spew garbage sentences like that.

My comment was made in general, not just stripers so please don't keep blinders on and only see what YOU want to see/read.

Yes, I know. There are never waves of dead fish deemed as "by catch". And the Jersey "reefs" are NOT being flattened by draggers . Those ARE things I SEE and KNOW as fact. Perhaps you're smart enough to explain WHY/WHERE whiting went? I mean, they were a full healthy fishery. I know, the rec. fisherman fished them all out! Right? But that's another thread.

Hudson River, I have no idea about. My point, as researchdude said, was the original post was off base. To figure out where the "Raritan Bay" stripers went, a starting point is to read Frank Daignault books. Follow that up with "where did the bunker go".
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Last edited by eagleyankfan; 02-04-2010 at 08:50 AM..
Old 02-04-2010, 10:22 AM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

the stripers have to go up the hudson to spawn.they stage in the bay before going up to spawn.they eat the migrate up.they follow the bunker eat as much as they can and go and spawn in fresh water.we catch them on return trip also.the last few springs the bunker run left something to be desired.when we should have been fishing close in the bay we were on the ocean side.WHY?because the bunker were there .a big movement of bunker went towards jamaica bay,the bass followed.the month of june the ocean run was good.WHY?because the bunker were there.the stripers are still here i8n good numbers and will go up the hudson to spawn.we need lots of schools of bunker to be in the area of raritan and princess bay to hold these fish.
reduction bunker boats are to blame.it is a simple equation bunker =bass.all game fish follow the food.why did we catch bluefin tuna this year?sand eels that is why.if the the bunker come in heavy to the bay the stripers will be on them.this is what I KNOW and i do it every day and have been for many years.the answer to the question is the bay stripers are still here just in different areas.the arhur kill had bunker last spring and we caught bass there.great kills saw the worst run of bunkers in years so did ah.so it is is said let it be written!
Capt Sal

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Old 02-04-2010, 11:00 AM
Fishguts Fishguts is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

Originally Posted by IdidntDoit
Raed the artical about fish stripers taken in the hudson river! I think that river runs into the bay the last time i was there?

If the fish spawn in the river and there is less fish doing the dirty then there will be less fosh going in and even less coming back in the bay from the river. Sounds like it a idea.
What was the commercial landings for striped bass taken from the Hudson last season? Is commercial harvest allowed in the Hudson? Is all NY waters closed to commercial stripe bass harvest from Jan1 to July 15. These are just a few questions that came to mind when I read the first post....Then I thought..... What if the season is closed during the whole spawning season..........what if harvest is banned above the GW bridge......what if the landings where 0 lbs, would it still be ok to blame some fisherman's poor bay catches on a few shad netters? Any help with pointing me in the right direction on finding these answers would be much appreciated thanks
Old 02-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Fishguts Fishguts is offline
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

[QUOTE=eagleyankfan]What a crock of bullsh*t. It's a never ending battle with comm. fishery and rec fisherman. And I get the whole "we have a family to support" thing. But that statement, is pure, 100 percent bull. I'll make a deal with you, I'll go 100 percent catch and release if you go build a fish factory to breed fish to harvest like they do catfish. Why take from our oceans? I mean, catfish are done that way. Be an innovator. Be a leader in market where a market doesn't exist. What you shouldn't do though, is spew garbage sentences like that.

Not sure about your post and not trying to to get personal with anybody.Garbage sentence? Bull?..... So I see that you seem to disagree that a "healthy fully rebuilt fishery can support a maximum sustainable yield". Is that what you call spewing LOL. Lets see how far fetch this concept is. Let fisherman be able have quotas and bag limits that give them the opportunity to harvest the most possible fish with out doing harm too the over all health of the fishery. Wow some crazy stuff... Not real sure about your points or lack there off with the rest of your post. Do you like catfish?
Old 02-04-2010, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Where the bay stripers went last year! Must read!!

1st of all, their were a TON of bass in the bay Last April/May as we crushed them troilling 4-8' diving plugs on light tackle and others CRUSHED them on clams (100 fish days).
The problem came when the water warmed up and their were very little to NO bunker for them to feed on in the bay.

SO, they left andheaded down the coast where their was a GREAT run from Deal South.

NO bunker in the bay was the reason why the stripers left the bay mid-end of may last year PERIOD

Not illegals, not keeping larger bass (altho that will take it's toll eventually to a degree).

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