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Old 12-17-2022, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

This is Government Oversight and Special Interest Groups and exactly what you get when the 2 are forces are combined and it's a very slippery slope!

NOAA has a 7 BILLION DOLLAR ANNUAL BUDGET they want to keep. I don't know about the rest of you but that sounds like a lot to me. I guess with all that money they look for things to focus on to keep that funding going. Don't we have more important problems our government should be working on? 10 years ago whales were hardly ever spotted in our waters. Now there are so many, we have a bunch of thriving whale watching tour businesses all up and down the NE coast. Even Sea Streak here in NJ has whale watching tours.

Google "Save the Whales" and you'll see all the organizations and money behind it. The search results go on forever. Do you think they have some money and influence to throw at this? They certainly do...

So what's next? I don't know the numbers but I would image 10s of thousands of deer are killed each year by cars and trucks just in the US... If all a sudden some special interest deer group gets the ear of the government are they going to want to decrease our speed limits?

This needs to be stopped in it's tracks and we all need to take a stand now!

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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Old 12-18-2022, 10:37 AM
Meat Hunter Meat Hunter is offline
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
This IS the government our fellow citizens demanded.
We simply got what we asked for.. Just look at Venezuela.
They demanded tyranny, and simply got exactly what they voted for.
No difference here in the states.. You and I may not want tyranny, but lets face facts, the majority of our fellow citizens are demanding it.. Its the fault of NO one, except the citizenry of the US.
You got it. It's very sad when you have to open borders to win elections. Sad. Venezuela is coming here in short order. The media only airs what supports the party. Did you ever see anything about our dollar being replaced with controls attached to it? NO! Executive order signed in March, digital dollar rolled out 3 weeks ago by New York Fed. Don't worry about whales, there's much bigger fish to fry!!!

Meat Hunter
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Old 12-18-2022, 04:13 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

I am soon to be 69, and look, I know that every day above ground from this point,is gravy.. Lots more days behind me, than before me.. I have seen some great times... It just makes me sad that my grandkids will live in a world where their government basically tells them what they can do, when, where, and how often..We have today what looks like a majority of US citizens DEMANDING tighter and tighter control of every aspect of life from cradle to grave..

Its just part of the human condition.

I won't get overly religious and tell you every aspect of my faith on these pages, but this example of human nature should be of interest.

God delivered the children of Israel from severe oppression and slavery, with miracle after miracle.. As soon as they had thier freedom, the first thing they did was make a golden calf to worship, instead of the God that freed them... Later on when they reached the Promised Land, they demanded a king to rule them, instead of enjoying the freedom the God gave them, and simply worshiping Him...
For whatever reason, it seems we as a species reject freedom and want to be controlled.. We have been doing it for thousands of years, and its worse now then ever.

Last edited by bulletbob; 12-18-2022 at 04:17 PM..
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Old 12-18-2022, 04:15 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

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Old 12-18-2022, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
I am soon to be 69, and look, I know that every day above ground from this point,is gravy.. Lots more days behind me, than before me.. I have seen some great times... It just makes me sad that my grandkids will live in a world where their government basically tells them what they can do, when, where, and how often..We have today what looks like a majority of US citizens DEMANDING tighter and tighter control of every aspect of life from cradle to grave..

Its just part of the human condition.

I won't get overly religious and tell you every aspect of my faith on these pages, but this example of human nature should be of interest.

God delivered the children of Israel from severe oppression and slavery, with miracle after miracle.. As soon as they had thier freedom, the first thing they did was make a golden calf to worship, instead of the God that freed them... Later on when they reached the Promised Land, they demanded a king to rule them, instead of enjoying the freedom the God gave them, and simply worshiping Him...
For whatever reason, it seems we as a species reject freedom and want to be controlled.. We have been doing it for thousands of years, and its worse now then ever.
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Old 12-19-2022, 05:29 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

The thing that makes me the most sad, is the fact that if this passes, there will be boaters, fishermen and other "sportsmen" that will instantly get hull numbers and report and "violators" to the state Marine Police, County Marine patrols, US Coast Guard, or even municipal marine patrols, because "illegal",,
Yeah however, just because something is "the law" does not mean its right.

On these very pages I have seen guys raging against guys keeping a 17 inch fluke, perhaps that was gill hooked and bleeding badly. Drop a dime on that SOB in a second because "illegal".. Yeah might be, but that doesn't mean wasting that fish is the right thing to. As a society, we have become a huge flock of thoughtless, docile sheep..... bob
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Old 12-19-2022, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
The thing that makes me the most sad, is the fact that if this passes, there will be boaters, fishermen and other "sportsmen" that will instantly get hull numbers and report and "violators" to the state Marine Police, County Marine patrols, US Coast Guard, or even municipal marine patrols, because "illegal",,
Yeah however, just because something is "the law" does not mean its right.

On these very pages I have seen guys raging against guys keeping a 17 inch fluke, perhaps that was gill hooked and bleeding badly. Drop a dime on that SOB in a second because "illegal".. Yeah might be, but that doesn't mean wasting that fish is the right thing to. As a society, we have become a huge flock of thoughtless, docile sheep..... bob

Only way they can enforce it would be to make any boat over 35’ have to use AIS at all times .
Tickets would come from a computer .
One look on any marine site shows our entire area having that speed limit . So will def effect us .
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 12-19-2022, 05:58 PM
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Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

A big part of the issue here is Apathy... People just give up because they think their voice doesn't matter because it won't change anything. This might not turn out the way we all want it to but I can guarantee one thing, it certainly won't go our way if we don't speak up and push back.

The good news here is there are a lot of people I know who are not into fishing and got wind of this and I feel like we have a fighting chance.

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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Old 12-19-2022, 06:05 PM
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Default Re: Last Chance Before they Take Away Our Freedom AGAIN!!

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
A big part of the issue here is Apathy... People just give up because they think their voice doesn't matter because it won't change anything. This might not turn out the way we all want it to but I can guarantee one thing, it certainly won't go our way if we don't speak up and push back.

The good news here is there are a lot of people I know who are not into fishing and got wind of this and I feel like we have a fighting chance.
Comes down to guys getting off their ass and taking just a few minutes to help their causes.
Guys with smaller boats need to realize they are next .
They aren’t going to let a 27’ boat do 50 after forcing a 35’ to do 10 .

The tree huggers are having everyone they know fill out these questioners , many that don’t even live in our state .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club

Last edited by hammer4reel; 12-20-2022 at 03:15 PM..
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