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Old 12-04-2011, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4


Will be posted in consecutive posts, due to the size.


1. LAB – First time odds on The House. I’ve been such a nice guy for so long, that’s done. This year the gloves are off. I’ll EASILY qualify for a spot on the 12/18 trip and finish the job then. 4 to 1 I'm pumped; rigs tied, new line, fresh top shots, new tog pole. 3 to 1. A nice warm up on the M*** M 2 to 1
2. Slow Scott Kearny – 1st PUOSU winner. He can stand in the bow all day with the wind in his face. He watches all around him and God forbid you step away for a second, he’s in your honey hole. 3 to 1 He's not fishing 5 to 1
3. Rob B – PUOSU 3 winner. Was told by a little bird that he only goes to carry Foul Hook’s stuff on to the boat. Tony even said he LET Rob hook the winning fish last year AFTER Tony set the fish up!? Regardless, he PUT UP so his odds can’t be too high. Repeat? Not a chance in hell…10 to 1 Boasting he's gonna win BACK TO BACK 20 to 1 A decent warm up on his boat today 15 to 1
4. Foul Hook – Tony loves to send me pics from his cell phone of “limits again” pictures; all species. AFTERWARDS I find out who caught the fish (not Tony). He will fish next to Rob B but the closest he’ll come to a PUOSU HAT is if Rob is wearing LAST YEARS! Ha ha ha 15 to 1 Hadda BEG him to drive 2 blocks to pay 21 to 1 Bragging he is already counting on being on Mimi on 12/18 30 to 1
5. D Rod – David is an accomplished fisherman and has done well at which ever specie he’s fished for. He was runner-up @ PUOSU 2. You know what they say……..2nd place is 1st LOSER. 6 to 1
6. MVP – Alex. Spends all winter buying and selling fishing equipment, culling the very best for himself. He’s proven he can catch big fish. He travels all over in pursuit of trophy fish. He drops poles overboard and causes bad karma for his team. Credit where it’s due…..5 to 1
7. Stelios – Always one of the favorites. That was before he found true love. Now he doesn’t fish, he cuddles and watches LIFETIME TV (OMFG). He will have to pull a fish outta his hat JUST TO QUALIFY for the 12/18 trip!!! 10 to 1 A couple "decent" trips on Fish Monger 7 to 1 Kicking AZZ this past week (numbers, not size) 5 to 1
8. Scoundrel – Brett is an experienced and accomplished fisherman. He has his own boat and catches limits and nice fish regularly. That and $1.49 buys him a cup of cawfy @ 7-11! Don’t bother keeping the 18th open Brett, you’ll be home waiting for the PUOSU results to be posted. 20 to 1
9. Garone – Mike. Ha ha ha. One of them young kids who can build a sweet rod. Well Mr Garone, on THIS trip it don’t matter how pretty your fishing rod is but rather how well you fish it. Sea bass or ling, he’d have a chance. The elusive Tautog???? Back Seat baby. 25 to 1
10. Toggy Time – Doug. My buddy. The man with the numbers. The man with the anchoring skills. Bah Humbug. The man with the cold pizza and purple hat! Some people can catch on their own boat, even on a 6 pack. But put them on a party boat and they wilt. He’ll make the cut but it won’t be easy. 7 to 1 Warm-ups on M*** M will get him ready. Fishing the day before and his mind on a party AFTER? 8 to 1 Catches fish backwards when not even trying 4 to 1
11. Bottom Bouncer – Antonio. The House has no inside intel on this member sans reading his reports. We’ll accept them at face value, couple that with his username (a minus) and set his odds at 15 to 1. He’ll be on the cusp for the cut-off; which side is up to him.
12. DMac – Dennis. I read his reports. I hear stories from peepz he fishes with. Blah Blah Blah. Just another guy whose reputation precedes him. YO D MAC……..I’m from Missouri SHOW ME! 10 to 1
13. Fin S – Bob aka Booby aka the Polish Puller. The House ALWAYS tells the truth. Bobby has ALWAYS caught fish; usually NICE fish. Some guys just have a knack? He always puts himself in a position to do well (I’m still funny). He actually had the short-sitedness to buy an boat AND get married in the same year (we “no” they don’t go hand in hand) so this may be his last chance to win the title??? Next year he could very well be taking LaMaze classes instead of fishing. But he’s earned these odds, enduring fishing with the bow-boys. 5 to 1 Warming up on the Bingo tomorrow plus fishing on The Twig.......4 to 1 Antiquing and Weddings ain't fine-tuning your game Booby 8 to 1
14. Boston Pete – has come on THIS THREAD and stated that HE LIKES HIS CHANCES this year. He has had quite a successful fishing year so we can’t argue with that (yeah, ok……….JR carried him all fluke season lol) and has even invested in a bigger boat (like I’ll ever get an invite). He IS one of the ORIGINAL Brooklyn BSers. He does have a 16# to his credit (which he released after being assured “yes Pete, you win the pool”) and has vowed to fish BIG. It’s December and he’ll have a chance in less deep water so the side-winder won’t be an issue. EVEN MONEY! Knocking fish off fellow anglers and the "snag and switch" he pulled on Cheesehead AND Smokey shows me he REALLY wants PUOSU 4. Risk $150 to make $100
15. Donand – Andrew. Another unknown. The House LOVES these unknowns. Guy who typically catch some fish and luck into a pool now and again. He’s stepping into the Big Leagues now. 25 to 1 Met Andrew after a MONGER trip. Couldn't keep up with the Big Dogs on THAT trip soooooooo 35 to 1
16. Clam Strings – Sean. USED to be an animal. ANIMAL! Got married, got a “real” job, got a house, got a kid and now it takes an act of God to get him out fishing. He’s still young so those learned skills haven’t diminished………yet. 4 to 1
17. Rayman – Ray. PROUD member of Big Nutz Required and an ACTIVE (yo strings…..see this?) fisherman. Has put up dynamite reports all year and has earned The House’s respect. Respect yes………good odds NADA 8 to 1 Fishing in FEAR on BNR prepped Ray for this trip 6 to 1
18. Krueger – Fred. Good fisherman. Nice guy. Devil’s Fan! Add that up and he should have decent odds, right? FAGEDDABOUTIT! He’ll be more interested in fighting Shrimpie for the food or SportUSA and Lefty for the beer. 30 to 1
19. Loudsprt1 – Lou. And yet another Newbie to PUOSU. And not much intel to gather. BUT The House has a feeling this dawg is an offshore-sporty type of guy and will wilt badly under the pressure. 30 to 1
20. Joe Longo – Are we crabbing in the river? Blue fishing? Chilling with the wife and kids on the beach pulling in skates? NO we aren’t. With biceps the size of my waist I won’t say anything disparaging but……………enjoy this trip Joe as we won’t be expecting you on the 18th ROFLMAO 99 to 1 OUT
21. Bingo Charter – Captain Jack. Ok…….we all “no” Jack can anchor a boat on a dime. He’s got bottom numbers to make most CAPTAINS jealous. But today he has to prove HIS PERSONAL skills. Due respect puts his odds @ 5 to 1

Last edited by Life's A Beach; 12-04-2011 at 08:34 PM..
Old 12-04-2011, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

THE ODDS - continued

22. Long Ball Larry – Larry. I’ve researched his posts over and over. I put him as a fair fisherman who doesn’t boast about his catches. But his age makes The House wonder if he can hang with the big boyz??? Plan an offshore sea bass trip for the 18th Larry 40 to 1 OUT
23. KurtisB – Kurt. AHHH finally a seasoned fisherman who’s reports SHOWS that he catches when many don’t. Modest reports but WE can read between the lines. He will be making the cut. 9 to 1 Been tuning up his game doing A LOT of fishing past couple weeks 6 to 1
24. Lefty Reeler -Ron . Hasn’t earned the name Mr Miller for nothing. The reason he uses left handed reels is so he can pound his beers faster RIGHT HANDED. He has tried to set The House up saying he already can’t make the 18th. Don’t worry Baby……….you won’t NEED TO! STILL FUNNY 200 to 1
25. Sea Soda – Chad. THIS IS WHAT I’M TAWKIN’ ABOUT. Finally a charter guy with the ballz to fish man to man. If he wins……..He’ll be a God. If he doesn’t, he’ll still get his name and face out there for other members to fish with him. A win/win for him. And it’ll be a good thing………..if anyone wants to charter him, He WILL be open on the 18th LOL 50 to 1
26. Fish Styx – Kris aka Fish Cakes. I gotz to be nice or he’ll run for the hills. We all remember Young Guns vs Old Farts was because he caught feelings about me calling him out on his reports. Well we’ve mended those fences and he’s become a professional. BUT he will NOT be on HIS boat so the playing field is level (well, sort of). It will be fun Cakes fishing with on the 11th; a shame we won’t be doing it again on the 18th 33 to 1 Brought his personal mate on the trip now and this will certainly help the odds.........FOR THE HOUSE 44 to 1 Can't even get me back my crab bags and already whining to me on the phone 'I'm not a party boat fishing-type' 100 to 1
27. Jigsmith – Steve. A PROVEN fluke producer. A plethora of knowledge about rigs and crafting fishing poles. But you don’t have your personal captain putting you on the meat and the competition is ON. 20 to 1 Will be close on making the cut
28. Falcon – Chuckie. Finally. We’ve fished next to each other for years, bs’ed at the dock and hung out at The King’s house but never on the same boat. After this trip, you’ll know WHY LOL. If he wears his good luck shirt 30 to 1. If he doesn’t 20 to 1
29. JMurr – Philthy Riff Raff, Joe. ALWAYS fun to fish with. ALWAYS takes home fish (even if it’s bergalls). Last year’s line, in an Emcee’s voice “you’ve just won an all expenses paid, one way trip to Philadelphia” was priceless. The Flyers win the Cup, the Phillies the Series and the bEagles the Bowl before he wins PUOSU. 100 to 1 OMFG He's been on a tear (when Jerry puts him directly over the mother-lode and Stelios calls him in on a bucket-bite 200 to 1
30. Quanman – Mark. Has been a part of these trips for a couple of them and has always been a producer. He adds entertainment and is a joy to fish with (just be on the other side of the boat). BUT between him and his buddy (odds to follow) you can bet these two as a team or individually. Alone 300 to 1. With LobsterBisque 88 to 1
31. Shrimpman – Steve aka Softbait. Banned last year due to slipping a banana in my bag (I know…..I’m such a baby) but WELCOMED back with open arms this year. Every trip needs a Steve. Oh if you don’t know him, you will remember him after this trip. CERTAINLY NOT for the fish he catches. If you’re not sure who he is……..just follow the food. LOVES to fish with shrimp and will claim to his dying day that it catches big fish. It doesn’t. IF he catches a fish be sure that it’s weight will increase drastically throughout the day; until it hits the official scale. 44 to 1 Pin Hooking SHYTE. Crying because a couple peepz called him out on his Magically Weight-Increasing Fish????? 100 to 1
32. Smokey Joe – Tom. Not shy to imbibe but will also stand at the rail all day. He has let The House down in the past years but the Cream Will Rise this year. He’ll make the cut. 8 to 1 OH what a week Tom had.......12# on the Mimi.....9# on the M*** M..........and surviving the Boston Pete "Snag and Switch" 5 to 1
33. Bagel Boy – Gene. Cut his teeth with some good local captains then branched out onto his own and still caught. He’ll make a good showing on this trip too and will be cordially invited to vie for the TITLE on the 18th @ 12 to 1
34. Gerry Z – Gerry. Site owner. Fearless leader. The man who made LAB eat shyte for a month (and it tasted horrible). Gerry does a fair amount of fishing but will admit this isn’t his forte. He’ll be found OFTEN by the food OR cooler. You will also be sure it’s him when you hear the mates grumbling “can’t this effing guy tie his own rigs like everyone else?” LMAO Love ya big guy; enjoy THIS trip. Plan a late dinner date with the lovely bride on Saturday night the 17th because you won’t need to be getting up early on Sunday the 18th . 75 to1 Closest Our Exultant Leader hasn't SEEN water in a month. Stopped off @ the Ocean Explorer TONIGHT to explain to the mates that their job is to "NET THE FISH, LET THESE MAMBY PAMBY WANNA-BEs TIE THEIR OWN RIGS". Ha ha ha Heart U Gerry 500 to 1
35. Eamon – duh. Gotta say don’t know what happened???? Used to fish regularly on party boats and charters but seems to have fallen off the face of the Atlantic??? He’ll probably bring some of the best Irish Soda Bread you’ll ever eat to the trip and will go home with some fish. Just not any BIG fish. 50 to 1
36. Tautog 1 – Paulie. My Boy. He’ll have us in stitches with his stories and antics. He’ll slip some hermit crabs out of his pocket and lose them as fast as he puts them down. Don’t fish next to him because the breeze from his constant swinging and missing will get you cold. He’ll have a blast with the “party crowd” on this trip. Just won’t catch any big fish! 25 to1
37. Lobster Tail - . Won the title of Best Dressed for his hat on PUOSU 2. Kept the crowd alive with his homemade wine. He and his partner, the Lake Louise Launcher even caught some fish (think they caught a lobster pot too?). Hell they MIGHT have caught the biggest fish on PUOSU 2 but wouldn’t have known (see The Wine above) ha ha ha ha ha. You saw the combined odds under Quanman. His individual odds are the same as Mark’s 300 to 1
38. SportsfishingUSA – Vinnie. MY OTHER BOY. He’ll regal us with stories. He’ll bring a smile to your face. He’ll fish, drink, eat, sleep then fish again and you won’t be able to tell which on he’s doing LOL. Absolutely ZERO chance to catch the big fish. NONE, NIL, NADA. 1,000 to 1 Warming up on Fish Styx Charters and doing "well"???? A plus. Paying late on paypal (wow that was hard huh? Vinnie?) A minus. 1,001 to 1
39. IronFish - Ralph. Another unknown. From his posts I see he is an offshore guy. Friend of Mike Garone (don’t win ya points Kid LOL). This is a BLACKFISH ONLY tournament. The biggest pout don’t count (well unless you’re trying to win points with Murray). The House has a feeling this guy may lost the most rigs (yeah Gerry……..more than you). 66 to 1
40. Taxman – John. OH we’ve had our fair share of “discussions” on the site. I’ve actually even read FISHING reports by him. And that’s why his odds are better than Vinnie’s. 200 to 1
41. Tats – Dave. Tat’s will shine without the baggage of that OTHER HRU member. He’ll be smart to hang around the Bow Boyz and learn from the PROs, not listen to SOMEONE bitch all day long. (we WILL miss you Mick). He may even catch ONE decent fish; enough to get him on the 18th trip; MAYBE. 13 to 1
1a. Replacement for Joe Longo - Nikola Really wanted in on this trip and plans to make the cut for the finals 15 to 1
2a. Replacement for Long Ball Larry - Jezebiotch Chances he'll carry Fish Cake's stuff on to the boat EVEN MONEY. Making the cut to the final 15? ha ha ha 50 to 1. Catching the biggest fish on the Ocean Explorer? LOL 75 to 1. WINNING the entire thing? LMFAO 300 to 1

Last edited by Life's A Beach; 12-04-2011 at 08:42 PM..
Old 12-04-2011, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Heard from the mates a couple guys fished the port/bow today and mentioned they're on PUOSU trip next week.

ONE of them caught a 13#


Here's the report; face doesn't look familiar???

Last edited by Life's A Beach; 12-04-2011 at 08:50 PM..
Old 12-04-2011, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

I've never been so quiet in a thread, and I still get my odds adjusted

I can't win
Captain Shrimpy
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Old 12-04-2011, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

long range windguru looks fantastic. Let's hope it holds!
Captain Shrimpy
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by shrimpman steve
I've never been so quiet in a thread, and I still get my odds adjusted

I can't win

Do not worry what people say as they are just busting chops. Can not let it bother you. Worry about what you have control over and do not pay much attention to the rest.

Whether you have a good trip or a bad trip you always seem to make the best of it and have a good time. Many do not have that good a disposition when they have a bad day. (myself included) Need to take a page out of your book on bad days. Luckiliy I have not had that many of them.
Old 12-04-2011, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Oh Mikey we all know you secretly want me to win


to all my haters
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Joey Murray



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If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

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Old 12-05-2011, 08:00 AM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Increased to 100 to 1 ?????? Hahahhaa cant wait!!!!!
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

After that wedding....bump me up to 20:1 easy. Oy vey!

Hoping to get in a tune up trip day before.
Save the drama for the wash women....I'm here to fish!!! <0)XXX<
Old 12-05-2011, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by Life's A Beach
Heard from the mates a couple guys fished the port/bow today and mentioned they're on PUOSU trip next week.

ONE of them caught a 13#


Here's the report; face doesn't look familiar???

It was my buddy that caught it Mike.. He was fishing right next to me with 'Clamstrings' rod so you might want to lower mine and clamstrings odds!

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