Let's get past hystronics and flawed logic to reality.
A LNG pipe line can not expode. #1 LNG will NOT BURN. Of course you knew that- right. #2 Even if someone drills a hole in it ... what exactly what will ignite the Liquid when it cools to gas state under the water? Pilot-light fish? And will there be LNG in the pipe when this happens? Remember a ship must be unloading for that to happen.
The pipe line is used to UNLOAD ships. This is not the Trans-alaska pipe line or TRANSCO. It's not a steady flow. It's a use(unload ship) and shut it down. There's NOTHING in them when a ship is not unloading!
Let's talk about nuclear power while we talk about fracking. They both have the same relevance to this pipe line.
Originally Posted by Pride Fishing Tackle
I respect you as a fellow fishermen but common sense and logic are things your argument is lacking. Pipelines can explode right and accidents do happen? Just ask the towns folks up in Canada that didn't get blown up by a run away train but why would you care you live in the states. Fracking pollutes but your basically saying since you don't live near it then its ok with you. According to No Limit not one well has EVER been polluted by fracking. You sure, I guess the oil company sent someone out tocheck EVERY well in the US. I guess Cuz is making up what he witnessed personally in PA? What about our fellow fishermen who's streams, lakes and rivers have been polluted by fracking. What about the watershed? I guess you don't have a problem with little Sally drinking tainted water. According to you fracking doesn't pollute and another gentlemen thinks oil rigs are great natural fish structure, except when they blow up and millions upon millions of gallons flow into the ocean. I am sure the folks in Louisiana were psyched when that thing blew up and I am sure BP made everything right with folks that lost there livelihoods and took care of the families that lost loved ones. Can you please look into your crystal ball and tell me tonight's winning lottery numbers? I assume you have one because you are predicting there will not be another superstorm in our life time. That's what people said about that nasty storm that hit 20 years ago, what was it called a 100 year storm. I hope your right but when one hits when I am dead and gone then I guess my kids will have to clean up the mess. Makes perfect sense to me and a logical argument. Please send me the GPS numbers to your favorite togging spot and I will forward those numbers to the folks at LNG and have them set up the station there. I am sure that will be fine by you as then you can just tie up to the pipeline. They will welcome you with open arms and maybe give you a hot cup coffee.
At the end of day, I am a fishermen not a scientist. All I ask is that people and our elected officials use a little common sense when making an argument or decision in life. This project makes no sense to me and that's why I am against it.