Re: Nomahgen Park Shocked Union Cty
Nomahegan Park Pond has slowly been becoming a swamp for the past 40 years. Sediment washes in. There’s no riparian buffer so the shoreline caves in. It has been due for a renovation for a long time.
In the short term, fishing will suck. But after the construction is done, the lake will be deeper and a better habitat for the fish. In a few years, fish will come back and fishing will be better than it has been in a long time.
NJDEP will stock the lake, but even if they didn’t, the fish would come back. It’s not an isolated lake. Fish would fish their way in from the stream coming from the UCC pond.
Rahway River Trout Unlimited is keeping an eye on the pond. We have our fishing derby there. I’m looking forward to some great fishing in years to come.