Originally Posted by Capt Sal
You are a good guy and i know you care but???? You think you know more tha n Charter and PB Capts. Get your facts correct. Have a good TURKEY DAY BOB
No I certainly don't know more than a professional fishing boat captain. I am not that bright to be honest. However I do know that weakfish were fading fast by the time stripers started to recover well.. They peaked in the late 70's, to mid 80's.. Still there for a decade after,yes, but the writing was on the wall.. The incredible spring runs in the Peconics and Delaware Bay, just got worse and worse each year, and then the summertime fishing in the Raritan/Sandy Hook complex which fared ok for a while, started getting slower each year as we got into the 2000s... fish were still around, and still targeted, but the fish themselves got smaller each year, and the numbers were fading as well..
They were netted relentlessly. I recall the pound nets in sandy hook Bay very well. Then while there were still decent numbers of them around, but smaller in size they were targeted relentlessly for several years by the party/charter boats in the Sandy hook area.. boats from NY came over as well.. Weakfish/Porgies were the order of the day, except for the boats that were strictly fluke fishing.. By that time I had moved to NY, but much of my life was still in NJ, family etc... Its an old story.. Too many were taken by net and by hook to be eaten. Its really that simple.. I just don't want that to happen to Stripers, because if it does, there's just nothing to fall back on in the cool months.. Party and charters will be relegated to a 6 month season... Not saying its going to happen at all.. Just that it could happen if we aren't careful.. My experience tells me that it will happen again.. Many smart folks saying how great the stocks are, with almost as many equally smart folks sounding alarm bells... As I am a more typically pessimistic type. I side with the alarm bell types, ONLY because i have seen this song and dance too many times before.. It happens up here too in the big Finger lakes.. Good eating white meat species decimated because too many fish taken and eaten for too long. Too many guys denying it as long as they can still catch a few however. There are a lot of anglers that would be happy to catch and eat the last of a species before someone else could catch and eat it.
Human nature prevails... bob