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Old 01-03-2019, 10:36 AM
Gobigblue Gobigblue is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

The Mates on that boat always have a "Daunting" Task when measuring pool fish
Old 01-03-2019, 11:02 AM
TomKaye TomKaye is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

""That's why I like to discuss these issues on this forum from time to time, to learn and get ideas and opinions.. This forum section is NOT a 100% "reports' forum as many think.. Its a salt water fishing discussion forum and that encompasses many topics... bob""

Excellent point. Well said Bob.
Old 01-03-2019, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

You did one of the two choices.

1- make a stink of it with the mate and captain when it happened. This is not the forum. I'm sure it bothered you then. But not enough to complain to anyone that mattered.

2- bite the bullet and just go elsewhere to fish. Which you did.

The discussion here is just that- discussion. Walked away from it.

There's not going to be many (if any) telling you NOT to talk to the people on the boat when it happened. That is if you wanted to get it remedied.

That's the difference between fishing something and just bitching about it.

It cant be fixed here. Simply put... you blew your chance to fix it when you left that boat.

Next time SPEAK UP. It also embarrasses him in front of the people who REALLY REALLY matter- HIS FARES. That's the payback or cure and stuff like that about a boat from his fares spreads like a cancer if true... reputations in the toilet.
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Last edited by Capt. Debbie; 01-03-2019 at 11:35 AM.. Reason: typos
Old 01-03-2019, 11:48 AM
TogRipper TogRipper is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

This was a good discussion. I learned that if in question always ask to have the fish flipped to the other side to confirm. A "Sticky" scale is something I never thought of.
Old 01-03-2019, 12:07 PM
Flukenstein Flukenstein is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

There was a discussion on this site a few years back about tipping the mates on party boats. It included thoughts on how much is appropriate and how much is appropriate for a pool winner. It went on for page after page and much of it was "Bullett Bob" making excuses for why HE DOES NOT TIP MATES! Perhaps the mates on this boat knew Bob would stiff them, after all he did say he fished on this boat a few times a year. Karma Bob, karma.
Old 01-03-2019, 12:25 PM
porgylber porgylber is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by june181901 View Post
Meat Hunter and others: Perhaps all of the sponsor boat captains who see this can make a decision that once fares are collected they can announce the amount of money in the pool. That would stop 'skimming' aka stealing!
I’d absolutely be in favor of this! While most are honest, the temptation is apparently too great for others.
Old 01-03-2019, 01:11 PM
Gobigblue Gobigblue is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

The only reason a pool is run, is to benefit the mates. Bob's question is did the Mate in question look at Bob and say " This Guy is going to stiff me"
Old 01-03-2019, 01:34 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by Flukenstein View Post
There was a discussion on this site a few years back about tipping the mates on party boats. It included thoughts on how much is appropriate and how much is appropriate for a pool winner. It went on for page after page and much of it was "Bullett Bob" making excuses for why HE DOES NOT TIP MATES! Perhaps the mates on this boat knew Bob would stiff them, after all he did say he fished on this boat a few times a year. Karma Bob, karma.
wrong.. I said I feel no OBLIGATION to tip the mate in that thread.. Big difference... To be sure, I DO often tip mates, for good service, always when cleaning fish of course, always give them a nice cut of any pools i win.
however, i have never felt the need to hand a mate a $20 bill just because I am fishing on the boat he works on.. Some mates i have seen over the years are a lot more interested in market fishing, and drinking beer with the regulars than they are in providing fine service. I know that many on this board feel they MUST tip a mate always, good service or not... i don't have that mind set ,sorry.

If i step on a boat, get my own bait all day, untangle my own line, unpin my own fish, free up my own bottom hangs. and a mate never even says good morning, or lends a hand to help make my day of fishing better, I feel NO need to hand him a tip. Tips are earned by good service, not for showing up in grundigs.
However, thats a different topic. In this specific case, I had never seen this particular mate working on the boat in question.. he was most interested in darting into open spots at the rail casting bucktails or Deadly dicks,, most likely for pelagics that were showing on the screen in the wheelhouse.. I was hung up constantly that particular day, probably lost 10 rigs, and never did he come over to help.. For that level of service, should I tip??.. Not in my DNA, sorry.. This thread will now devolve into a" OP is a cheapskate" rant of course... bob
Old 01-03-2019, 01:39 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by TogRipper View Post
This was a good discussion. I learned that if in question always ask to have the fish flipped to the other side to confirm. A "Sticky" scale is something I never thought of.
Agreed, I have learned quite a bit on this thread, and will probably keep entering pools .. What i will do is talk to the captain before the boat leaves port and clarify as to if he would mind if the 2 top fish could be switched on the scale in a close contest.
Old 01-03-2019, 04:11 PM
tombanjo tombanjo is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
As I said, at that instant, i didn't think much about a "crime"...
More confused until an hour or so later when I started to think more about it.

Secondly, the boat was not really "unfamiliar" to me.. I go out out on it once or twice a year, for the past several years.. always liked the main captain, seemed like a decent guy. However, the mate was one in a procession- like many boats, they never seem to be there all the time over several years.

I would be hesitant to ask for weights in a fish etc, its just not really how i am wired, and checking personally is a good way to get a fist in the face.
Checking the scale?.. how exactly?... Its not my property, and I am pretty sure most captains would not want a guy they don't know handling it...

As i said, past several years, I have seen a LOT more good fishermen, lots of old timers like me included, refuse to enter the pool.. Might be a pattern here that I should be aware of..
Most people are more aggressive to defend themselves in matters such as this than I am, and might well be more cynical and less trusting. I am typically quieter than most in situations like this, trusting those that are running the business to do the correct thing.. thats my weakness for certain, I can offer no real defense, except to say that next time , IF I enter a pool, I will ask at least that the mate level the scale with both fish, and possibly reverse them... bob
Someone said I was a bit harsh. People who pull this shit get me pissed off so it wasn't really directed at you. The pool is gambling. They used to shoot people for cheating. Things may have calmed down a bit since then but the cheaters count on the inherent intimidation those in charge have built in plus the challenge of bringing the confrontation of the accusation. Ever been faced with someone coming back at you aggressively shouting, "You calling me a liar?!!" Most back of searching for a more diplomatic solution at that point rather than saying yes, I am. Balance scales are easy to check. Make sure each arm is exactly equidistant to the center. It's an old trick easily thwarted by insisting on switching sides.
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