Originally Posted by sternline
The federal government sets no limit whatsoever on Omega's catch of menhaden. Menhaden are entirely unprotected in federal waters, that is beyond three miles (except for Texas, whose waters extend further). With a stroke of a pen--or really a few clicks on a keyboard--NOAA could solve the menhaden problem and stop the ecological catastrophe being caused by Omega.
The ASMFC decision made in Baltimore in December 2012 is the first time that the reduction catch in federal waters (known as the EEZ) has been restricted, and that is rather indirect. The ASMFC can restrict that catch only by restricting landings on the Atlantic coast[/I]. And who is really going to enforce that?
We all need to wake up and stop the massacre of the most important fish in the sea.
Metric tons of ''landings''.They have reduced the tonnage but not enough.