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Old 10-17-2013, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

I appreciate the point of the "hook in the eye" on "swung over the rail" 20lb fish, but the same happens with all species large and small fish swung over the rail - flying hooks and lead. Still no reason to gaff an unwanted fish. If you are using light tackle / fluke tackle, then simply take a hand wrap on the line when the fish is boat side and bust him off! Sorry if you dont want to lose a 50 cent wire and hook. I my self use a five foot leader of 60 or 80 lb mono uni knotted to my main line. Reach over and and hand wrap the leader and haul the fish up over the rail. many times I dont even use wire, but a circle hook or long shank J hook and get a lot more bites. If you dont want them any way, who cares if you get bite off a few times. Gaffing and throwing them back should be illegal and at least PB captains should not allow it to happen on their vessel. Good thread Capt Ron! Abuse needs to be stated.
Old 10-17-2013, 09:45 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Yep - put on some gloves, use a decent leader, and haul up the fish.
Old 10-17-2013, 10:21 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Captain Ron,

Certainly no disrespect to you.i know you have a job.

You did say in your initial post that you gaff the fish. Fine.
Just so you know, my philosophy is kill all fish you can eat.

What I have seen on party boats is egregious.
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Last edited by Scoundrel; 10-18-2013 at 12:21 AM..
Old 10-17-2013, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!


You're dead alot longer than your alive
Old 10-17-2013, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Hey capt Ron, I always wondered why you guys don't just bring the nets that you use for stripers on these bluefish trips to avoid this? Nets can be replaced, bluefish stocks cant.
Ive upped my standards..........up yours

"You can watch things happen, make things happen or wonder what the !#$ just happened" - Captain Phil Harris


Last edited by JOHN D; 10-17-2013 at 11:00 PM..
Old 10-18-2013, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Truth be told, gaffing them in the mouth, maybe in areas with solid meat, say in the back area, certainly not near the body cavity, gills, eyeballs, and the fish have an outside chance of survival, if they are lucky..

Tossing them back certainly slows them down a bit (understatement). And as we all know those F'ers will eat one another promptly. I like the idea of having heavier tackle and pressuring them as hard as possible without
breaking the line. You need to know what the limits of your terminal gear is and fight them just to the breaking point. So you loose a few. BFD.
Master of the Sea Monkey
Old 10-18-2013, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

I completely agree about gaffed fish being thrown back. in fact one the reasons I have not been out for blues is because I dont eat bluefish and dont want a 20# blue to be gaffed when im not going to eat it. in fact I jokingly said to my dad, "should I bring my own net".

I have actually been out on boats SPECIFICALLY because they would net the fish regardless of blue or bass. I have even been scolded for throwing back a bluefish before on a night trip because it could take the school away from the boat.

I have tackle plenty heavy enough for these blues but do not want to snap my rod swinging a 15lb + blue and would much rather be able to have it netted, and would even pay a higher price for this. I have also been out before fishing with two rods, one a 20# class and the other a 30-40# class. both had 60lb topshot and every fish I caught on the lighter rod was lip hooked and every blue on heavier rod was was gut hooked. just something else to consider about heavier tackle, although I know many of fish now are being taken on jigs which would mitigate this facet.

but regardless fish that do not wabt to be kept should not be gaffed, regardless of tackle used
Old 10-18-2013, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Truth is, I have a great bluefish story where the mate swung a blue over the deck with 10 + lines attached and a 9/0 hook with a steel leader ended up squarely in my nose...
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Old 10-18-2013, 05:50 AM
capnbw capnbw is offline
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

guess you didnt duck quick enough, but seriously no wonder people dont want to post it always turns into a piss--g match, and scoundrel if you read again Captain Ron did NOT write that he gaffs fish. JMO
Old 10-18-2013, 06:40 AM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by JOHN D
Hey capt Ron, I always wondered why you guys don't just bring the nets that you use for stripers on these bluefish trips to avoid this? Nets can be replaced, bluefish stocks cant.
i cant say any more or i will be thrown off....
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