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Old 07-10-2013, 09:26 PM
fishguy fishguy is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

Fracking doesn't cause environmental damage? How do you know? This shoddily regulated method that uses chemicals nobody really knows about is scary to me. Why won't these corporations tell the public what, exactly, these chemicals are is proof enough to me that they're no good. I'll tell you this: I wouldn't swim right by the old Dutch Boy Paint factory outfall pipe on the Raritan River and I sure as s**t wouldn't drink water that had fracking chemicals in it.

This pipeline would increase the desire to frack in our region and why the f*** would we wan't to export any of that gas anyway? Shouldn't we keep all that gas here in the good old USA to make our energy costs lower? Oh, right. If we export it to Europe or somewhere the corporations who don't give a rats ass about you or me will make more profit.

This whole thing is no f*****g good. Plain and simple. "Offshore structure" my ass. Homeland security wouldn't let you within 5 miles of that thing.

Last edited by fishguy; 07-10-2013 at 09:29 PM..
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Old 07-11-2013, 12:43 AM
Cuz Cuz is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

Having hunted in Bradford County, Pa. for many years where fracking ran rampet I know many people whose wells are contaminated with natural gas. Some of the streams I fish smell of natural gas. My friends well cap, submersible pump, all the piping, shot out of the well casing like a rocket one afternoon. The spark from his pump which was 200+ down ignited the gas in his water. Fracking five miles away caused this to happen.
All the roads are chewed up badly from 24 hour usage. They have now stopped most of the work until the gas companies pay an added tax for road repairs. There is damage on every single highway in the county. New York state is following the same suit.
Tried staying in a hotel one night. I was awaken all night by the constant sound of trucks jake brakes.
The first people to sign up for fracking got a good shafting financially. Now people have learned from all the stories retold and are a lot wiser.
The bottom line, the utility companies are the winners making millions every day. A very, very small percentage of consumers are capitalizing on fracking. All the gas is shippped to the east coast. My bill is the same every month. Before fracking and after.
After seeing this for myself, I am not in favor of any new enviromental docks, shipping platforms etc. We have survived without it this long why BS people into how it's going to help our lives. Another long term money maker for the gas companies. It will not effect the consumers bill.
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Old 07-11-2013, 05:42 AM
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

a natural gas terminal in sandy hook bay... perfect ! might save everyone 14 dollars a year in gas bills ! lets do it ! lets make sure its installed and gas is flowing in time for the next super storm !
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Old 07-11-2013, 06:44 AM
pulltaug pulltaug is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

this has nothing to do with fracking
they are not fracking oil off the coast of new jersey!
they are pumping LNG into a pipeline to another pipeline - THAT IS ALREADY THERE!!!!

Dino - This is not Gasoline and you won't be around for the next SuperStorm Neither will I for that matter.

Cuz - I don't think a pipeline in the Ocean is going to make more waves or your ride on a boat bumpier...

Again this is not Fracking...this is pumping.
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Old 07-11-2013, 09:46 AM
Pride Fishing Tackle Pride Fishing Tackle is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read


I respect you as a fellow fishermen but common sense and logic are things your argument is lacking. Pipelines can explode right and accidents do happen? Just ask the towns folks up in Canada that didn't get blown up by a run away train but why would you care you live in the states. Fracking pollutes but your basically saying since you don't live near it then its ok with you. According to No Limit not one well has EVER been polluted by fracking. You sure, I guess the oil company sent someone out tocheck EVERY well in the US. I guess Cuz is making up what he witnessed personally in PA? What about our fellow fishermen who's streams, lakes and rivers have been polluted by fracking. What about the watershed? I guess you don't have a problem with little Sally drinking tainted water. According to you fracking doesn't pollute and another gentlemen thinks oil rigs are great natural fish structure, except when they blow up and millions upon millions of gallons flow into the ocean. I am sure the folks in Louisiana were psyched when that thing blew up and I am sure BP made everything right with folks that lost there livelihoods and took care of the families that lost loved ones. Can you please look into your crystal ball and tell me tonight's winning lottery numbers? I assume you have one because you are predicting there will not be another superstorm in our life time. That's what people said about that nasty storm that hit 20 years ago, what was it called a 100 year storm. I hope your right but when one hits when I am dead and gone then I guess my kids will have to clean up the mess. Makes perfect sense to me and a logical argument. Please send me the GPS numbers to your favorite togging spot and I will forward those numbers to the folks at LNG and have them set up the station there. I am sure that will be fine by you as then you can just tie up to the pipeline. They will welcome you with open arms and maybe give you a hot cup coffee.

At the end of day, I am a fishermen not a scientist. All I ask is that people and our elected officials use a little common sense when making an argument or decision in life. This project makes no sense to me and that's why I am against it.
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Old 07-11-2013, 11:15 AM
pulltaug pulltaug is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read


I respect you as a fisherman, but your business sense and your knowledge of what already exists is lacking.
Pipelines can explode...yes. There is over 2.5 million miles of pipeline in the U.S. and of course there will be accidents. But they are far better alternative and safer way to transport LNG or any other fuel than a tanker or freight trains. Just ask Canada. There are risks in everything we do - Planes and car accidents kill more people than pipelines....do we stop using them?

Statistics from 2005-2009 show that a pipeline is 70 times as safe as trucks, which killed 4 times as many people during those years - despite only a tiny fraction of fuel shipments.

As for where I live - I am close to a power plant that uses Nat Gas, Hydro electric power and we all live within a nuclear zone if - god forbid there was ever a nuclear disaster - we would all be toast. So we are all subject to the "pollution" of oil and gas.

I am not saying that fracking is the answer - but THIS IS NOT ABOUT FRACKING. THIS IS ABOUT A PIPELINE TO IMPORT LNG.

As for Louisiana - BP paid BILLIONS in damages and cleaned up every part of the beaches along the gulf. The fisheries there are thriving...hardly affected.
There were 14 people killed in that explosion - not hundreds like in a train accident or plane accident.

Now...as a "business man" - I think you would want to grow your business.
I would think more money in people's pockets would be better for you.
More people buying your tackle, your merchandise etc.

I would love to hear your plan for growing your business when people are paying more for gas, energy costs etc. Consumers are not dumb - they will cut the things the "like" to do rather than things they "have" to do.
Hence - recreational fishing.
So when little Sally is all grown up (and in good health) and her husband wants to go fishing - but can't because it's too much in gas for him to drive from the fracking fields of Pa. to the Jersey Shore (not to mention his heating bill which is already overdue and he has to pay it or else little Sally will freeze) ...to buy tackle from you and then go on a fishing boat which all has to be paid for stops showing up...how do you plan on growing your business?
How will you heat your shop when the price of nat gas triples because regulation and no pipelines can get LNG to power plants fast enough to meet demand?

If this project happens - it eases the burden on MILLIONS of people in our area...maybe even some potential new customers.
According to your website - you've been in business for over 30 years Congrats on that. But if you think the world economy isn't changing and Natural Gas isn't going to be thee next big thing we use for powering America...good luck sticking around for another 30.

As for my GPS numbers - I don't have any. My boat isn't big enough to get to those spots - especially in November. I take a party boat like many other fisherman - who probably buy tackle and rods from you. So if I can't get there - I am not going and that my friend, does not bode well for your business or the party boats or charter captains.

By the way when was the last time any elected official used any common sense?

This project makes total sense and that's why I have decide that I will support it.

Jobs, Lower energy costs and more business for the jersey shore.
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

I'd rather be BROKE and not have to worry about LNG contamination then save a few bucks a year and risk the health of the sea, it's wildlife and myself. I don't see the world in dollars and cents, maybe that makes me ignorant, but every dolphin I see, or fish I catch, brings me more happiness then any amount of money. Or build the damn thing, and wait for the Sea to show her strength, and throw that thing all over our beaches. Don't worry though, other Clean Ocean Action volunteers like myself will spend hours cleaning it up.
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Old 07-12-2013, 07:22 AM
pulltaug pulltaug is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read


I'm not sure if anyone really understands this project

If you are just trying to "make waves" to save our seas....you can keep up the rhetoric.

I love the website by the way - with the words in uppercase

Stand up to BIG ENERGY...
I guess you use zero gasoline or electricity.
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Old 07-12-2013, 08:40 AM
paulyfish paulyfish is offline
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Thumbs down Re: Help Needed Please Read

Originally Posted by pulltaug

I'm not sure if anyone really understands this project

If you are just trying to "make waves" to save our seas....you can keep up the rhetoric.

I love the website by the way - with the words in uppercase

Stand up to BIG ENERGY...
I guess you use zero gasoline or electricity.

I didn't want to get into this, but what the heck. You call yourself a fisherman? Any idea where this project is planned for? Hint: The new name is "Port Ambrose". Anybody remember what happened to Ambrose Light? Talk about taking a stand without doing your homework. Our area needs this project like a freekin hole in the head. Mr. Christie needs to listen to fisherman, both commercial and recreational and veto this again, just like he did the first time.
Capt. Paul Eidman
Menhaden Defenders
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:03 AM
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ColdFoot ColdFoot is offline
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Default Re: Help Needed Please Read

Originally Posted by pulltaug

I'm not sure if anyone really understands this project

If you are just trying to "make waves" to save our seas....you can keep up the rhetoric.

I love the website by the way - with the words in uppercase

Stand up to BIG ENERGY...
I guess you use zero gasoline or electricity.

Since you seam to be such an expert, please tell me one positive thing the LNG station would bring, other then money. And none of this new fishing spot nonsense, everyone k ows you wont be able to get anywhere near that thing, not that I would ever want to.
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