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Old 06-10-2013, 12:50 PM
Mjh609 Mjh609 is offline
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Default Re: Caught my first bass using a wacky rig!

Originally Posted by flyboy1
the 4" work but not as well as the 5"... the 5" senkos have the perfect wiggle/shimmy where as the 4" are a little stiffer... I prefer the 5" but will sometimes throw on 4" for targeting smaller fish..

Senkos are awesome for Texas rigging but for wacky rigging these are the best IMO. http://www.lftlures.com/categories/s...whack-n-worm-6
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Old 06-10-2013, 01:01 PM
goodfishin goodfishin is offline
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Default Re: Caught my first bass using a wacky rig!

My go to rig is the Texas variety because I can fish the Senko back through heavy cover in a lot of different ways. With that said, I've been practicing with a wacky rig more and have been having the same issue with being able to feel a strike, especially in really heavy cover where you can't feel the Senko hit bottom because it's probably settling in or on vegetation. To compensate, I've started doing one tiny, tiny little twitch after it hits what I think should be bottom to feel if there's any tension on there before lifting, retrieving and re-dropping. Works pretty well for feeling if there's a fish on when the line hasn't moved and also occasionally provokes a strike as well.

Re: hooks, since I've been fishing in really heavy cover, I've been testing out and having good success with weedless finesse hooks. Still hard for me to unlearn my childhood trout learnings about visible hardware being a total no-no with worms but the bass don't seem to mind at all that their snack is hanging from a round contraption.

If you are fishing somewhere that doesn't have a ton of vegetation, I'd highly recommend trying the O-ring method of rigging. You basically use small, rubber O-rings that you can find at hardware stores to thread the worm through and then hook your circle hook just under the O-ring and not the worm. Keeps the worm from getting chewed up by the hook and works like a charm. It works better for regular Senko's than finesse worms but the first picture gives you an idea of what we're talking about (on a weedless finesse hook). However, the key is to have an O-ring that is tight enough to hold on tight to the worm... otherwise, after you get a big strike, you end up with what you see in the second picture. Nothing.


p.s. The pike pictured in my other post ("Just another day at the office...") as well as the 7-8 bass I mentioned were caught on baits wacky rigged on weedless hooks the size of the one in these pictures.
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Name:	Wacky oring.JPG
Views:	198
Size:	33.6 KB
ID:	59891   Click image for larger version

Name:	wacky oring no worm.JPG
Views:	193
Size:	36.7 KB
ID:	59893  
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Old 06-10-2013, 03:57 PM
flyboy1 flyboy1 is offline
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Default Re: Caught my first bass using a wacky rig!

@GoodFishin... those hooks work good for wacky rigging but the weed guards suck... they don't guard against anything and snag just as easily as any other hook... but the actual hook itself works good as it is compact and angled in a circular pattern..
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Old 06-10-2013, 04:09 PM
goodfishin goodfishin is offline
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Default Re: Caught my first bass using a wacky rig!

I understand what you're saying... You still end up having to pull a lot of salad off of the hook/bait. However, the one thing it does help with is the point biting into thick, strong stems of lily pads and the like. It catches some grass but doesn't impale some of the thick stuff...
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