Re: Old Party boats
I was born in '53 and my first memory of fishing the raritan bay was aboard my Uncle Dave Faber's party boat the Flying Saucer out of the highlands. I guess I was probably around 7 or 8 so that would be around '60. We were fluking in the bay and I remember being sick and a little scared. But it never stopped me from coming back ! He sold the flying saucer 1 and got a bigger flying saucer 2 and the story that I heard was that the flying saucer 1 and 2 ultimately both ended up moving south. Dave lived right below the lighthouses and I also remember hiking up to them from his house and thinking that he was the luckiest guy on earth. He didn't have any kids so the line ended with him. Does anyone remember the flying saucer or Capt Dave Faber ?