You guys are probably talking boat fishing..But im a surfcaster and i will not step foot on the beach with out my SP Minnows in macklrel or black/purp shine,1/2 oz -1 1/2oz Bucktails(not spros)with the Uncle Josh porkrinds(red/white) AVA 007(black,green,white) and of course storm shads 4-6in!! Oh and the Vision sandeel was a big catcher for me the past few seasons..Ron Z have caught me ALOT of fish also slow retrive with a twitch/bump in it DEADLY from shore when the sandeels show...And also some Slugo's mostly black!! All mentioned above i use a SLOW retrive with a stop(sp minnow) or a good bump up and drop..Sometimes ya gotta keep changing the retrive to see what they like..I had 1 night were the bass would only hit the 007 if it was retrived back at a faster pace..Ya never no how they r gonna like it