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Old 02-12-2025, 01:10 PM
Fishguy1 Fishguy1 is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

I'm just going to leave this here


It seems some of you need a refresher course on the Constitution.
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Old 02-12-2025, 02:15 PM
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

Originally Posted by AndyS View Post
Work is slated to begin in Seaside Heights and Park, said Steve Rochette, spokesman for the corps' Philadelphia District. The $73.5-million project includes dredging and placing 2.1 million cubic yards of sand onto the beaches from the Manasquan to Barnegat inlets.
Where is Elon Musk when you need him ???
Nothing like doing the same thing that didn't work the last god knows how many times again and hoping for a different result. Mother nature always wins, she takes back what does not belong there.
AKA. "The Squid Whisper"
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Old 02-12-2025, 02:25 PM
togzilla togzilla is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

Originally Posted by Broad Bill View Post
Bunker, Gaza received $50 million for condom bombs, not $10 million. As an aside, I thought politics wasn't allowed on the forum as I've been tar and feathered for lesser comments. But since this thread was started I'll join in.

Anyone who thinks that government, federal, state and local, aren't the worst run institutions in the world, you haven't experienced or audited their levels of incompetency. Say what you wish about Elon Musk but if you're going to complain about potential negatives you should comment about the positive contributions of maybe the most intelligent person on the planet.

His net worth is over $400 billion, he employs over 150,000 employees worldwide and I'm sure he's paid more in taxes than his government subsidies and is no different than all other major industries who receive insane subsidies annually funded by your tax dollars. Do you really want to complain about what this man has and continues to accomplish for this world and the economic impact his businesses have had on our country. Research what the average pay is for his employees, they're not complaining. He works them hard but they are at the higher echelon in pay in this country and I don't see them complaining.

As far as DOGE, it's long overdue. The government is as corrupt and inefficient as it comes. America voted and wants change and this administration is delivering on that promise. As Dan and Bunker pointed out, why are the only people complaining Democrats. USAID represents a paltry seven tenths of one percent of the overall federal budget and look at the wasted spending uncovered within a week. The numbers we're going to see coming out will be nothing short of shocking. The corruption is being exposed and politicians, I'm sure both R's and D's, are concerned when these atrocities are exposed, their personal slush fund dries up and the average American finds out how their hard earned tax dollars have been being spent. This is long overdue and a significant part of what needs to happen to get the $37 trillion debt problem under control. The Country can't survive the way it's fiscally being run, it's an impossibility.

Read the attached article, COVID alone had over $400 billion in fraudulent claims processed or wasted or misspent funds! $400 BILLION wasted in much needed COVID relief!


FEMA paid $59 million to illegal immigrants to stay in luxury hotels while our own citizens impacted by the fires in LA and Hurricane Helene go homeless. Is this how you want the country run? It's not how I want my tax dollars being spent. We've all asked for accountability and transparency and now that it's happening why are people complaining?

As far as dredging is concerned, same problem as always. Our esteemed government is addressing the results and not the cause. We'll be spending another $100 million ten years from now when the sand they're about to pump in gets washed out again no different than the Manasquan inlet. Absolute stupidity. Fix the cause and you fix the problem, Management 101.
Well stated and spot on! Our govt. has been weaponized against us for decades now and it is time to drain the swamp. There is going to be a ton of misinformation that gets reported as the politicians and govt. bureaucrats fight tooth and nail to keep their corrupt gravy train going. Get your popcorn out for this year!
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Old 02-12-2025, 02:57 PM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

Dave well thought out reply and valid points and concerns but we have two choices. Status quo do nothing which as you mentioned both parties are culpable of for 50 or more years or change the way this Country is being run. There's no easy or simple answer and I agree the good some of these agencies are doing shouldn't be thrown out with the bad. But we have to start somewhere and the political partisan bullshit needs to end. I don't want to address your individual points, we agree on some and disagree on others. That's how a democracy is supposed to work. I think we'd all agree if we continue on the path we're on, this Country will go bankrupt and we need to put government spending under the largest microscope this planet has, make some hard decisions, eliminate the corruption and graft that permeates our government today and introduce systems with improved efficiencies and checks and balances to bring us into the 21st century.

We have the intelligence, we have the resources, politicians simply can't get out of their own way and continue to make decisions along party lines and for what's best for them and not what's best for the Country or the needs of the American people who voted them into office.
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Old 02-12-2025, 03:22 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

very good points and agreed its on both sides but we all must agree that this
worthless spending has to stop.as stated before 59 million going for illegals
so they can stay at 5 stars hotels while they kick the veterans to the street.America first should always be our first choice.we need more common sense in our government.
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Old 02-12-2025, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

How about identifying waste/fraud, providing evidence for it, and then passing a budget to cut it out - GOP controls both houses of Congress as well as the executive after all.

But no, let's stop funding across the board first, and reverse items piecemeal as shit hits the fan. That's how things work in America now under Musk/Trump.

And people who don't understand the purpose of USAID - it's called soft power, and I promise you the Chinese understand what that is and how to use it. We're giving up entire spheres of influence for chump change. Americans should care about that even if they don't care about helping people and saving lives.
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Old 02-12-2025, 04:04 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

the saving lives part i don't understand as hundreds of thousands of American troops died so other countries could live better?? you can just give billions to
illegals and not a penny to the thousands of Marines who were drinking,eating and bathing in poison for 30 years.i know we are all entitled to out opinions but
enough is enough.we need to take care of America first.we need to keep America's needs 1st on the list.we need to stop flipping the bill for all other countries and start helping our own.
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Old 02-12-2025, 05:22 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

To me its great that our fishing community can come together to have a reasonable discussion even if we don't agree on everything.
Don't care who you voted for but last i checked Musk wasn't on the ballot nor was confirmed by congress and the senate for a position he obviously has already. But again I doubt for long as DJT will turn on him soon. But then again the cabinet is full of ring kissers with no experience.

Have to call out the Hypocrisy since Kool AID is a meme.

Yup our Vets get screwed in this country and the VA is a mess both funding and care. Why wasn't this fixed by either party. However only one person (you know who) called vets suckers and losers and doesn't like POW's as they got caught. John McCain rolling in his grave and deserved better
So as a Vet (I am not) how do you support a man who says that over and over?

Lets ban abortion in most states and pretend the cost of care for these unwanted kids is less than a condom or birth control and then cry about welfare. How many of these hypocrites adopt a kid the laws they want saved?

Where is the talk about the tax revenue "illegals" that work on payroll in the USA contribute to the treasury as they cant file and can't get refunds so their payroll deductions go into the " general fund" . Last I looked it was in the billions. No they dont get paid under the table, that was the 80's.

Where is all the Lottery money going???? Why is no one talking about that?

Why are religious of all religions tax exempt and build mansions ?

Waste there is plenty of it and you dont need to build a rocket or EV to point it out. DJT says best part is Elon gets nothing for doing this? Who's drinking the Kool Aid now LOL

Fix your house / meaning the 3 branches of government first and then point fingers elsewhere but they would be surprised that its comes right back on them
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Old 02-12-2025, 05:28 PM
Fishguy1 Fishguy1 is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

You guys need to start posting links to the facts and figures you throw around, it's useless opinion unless you back it up with credible sources.
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Old 02-12-2025, 05:49 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: 73 million dollars ?

Originally Posted by Fishguy1 View Post
You guys need to start posting links to the facts and figures you throw around, it's useless opinion unless you back it up with credible sources.
Not so easy as with the partisan nature one link source would be debated from another. Should not be that way but is so hard and the reluctance to post links.
Open to your ideas or a source you think would work?
I hope its not one side vs the other as their is a common goal
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