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Old 04-06-2021, 11:12 AM
DanPrk DanPrk is offline
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Default Re: Fishing access for the south branch rahway and robinson branch?

That was what I was going for. Trout would be nice in the early season but any fish in general is fine to me. I was planning on biking to the fishing spots but they're a bit too far. Last Saturday I fished the upper section of the robinson branch between clark res and milton lake. I caught my first ever trout but the water was quite disgusting. There were white perch floating belly up and plastic bags every where. Feel very bad for all the trout living in that nasty water. I was very surprised at how soft trout are. The only fish I've really handled were lmb and it really caught me off guard.

I would really like to try and eat a trout this spring but the water quality is quite concerning. Next time I'm planning to fish the rahway river park area and maybe jackons and bloodgood pond. This is my first year trout fishing so I'm not sure what areas are stocked. What do you guys think?
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Old 04-07-2021, 10:01 AM
logs22 logs22 is offline
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Default Re: Fishing access for the south branch rahway and robinson branch?

I fished the same area between the reservoir and Milton lake last week and was hooking a stocked trout almost every cast. While the water quality in that area can be somewhat murky the area is generally pretty clean and it was when I went last week. I then returned this morning and was absolutely disgusted by how much litter had accumulated in just one week and it is all 100% anglers (I use that term very loosely) that clearly don’t give a sh*t about turning the area into a dump. I just don’t understand how someone can simultaneously enjoy fishing and nature while at the same time completely disrespecting both.
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Old 04-07-2021, 10:05 AM
logs22 logs22 is offline
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Default Re: Fishing access for the south branch rahway and robinson branch?

Oh, and I would not eat any trout stocked in Union County. I have fished just about every pond, lake and river in the county and they are all horribly polluted. If you want to eat what you catch I recommend making the drive to the south branch or to one of the Delaware tributaries in NW NJ.
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Old 04-08-2021, 06:41 PM
DanPrk DanPrk is offline
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Default Re: Fishing access for the south branch rahway and robinson branch?

Originally Posted by logs22 View Post
Oh, and I would not eat any trout stocked in Union County. I have fished just about every pond, lake and river in the county and they are all horribly polluted. If you want to eat what you catch I recommend making the drive to the south branch or to one of the Delaware tributaries in NW NJ.
Are there any areas on the south branch or Delaware tributaries you would recommend. I've been watching way too many trout catch and cooks and I have got to try it out at least once. If the nearby waters are as bad as you say, I'm gonna make that trout count. Once I get a portable stove I'm gonna try and do a river side catch and cook with my dad. I get hyped just thinking about it.
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