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Old 03-07-2019, 11:49 PM
Angler Paul Angler Paul is offline
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

The ASMFC and MAFMC had their joint meeting yesterday and voted for status quo measures. NJ submitted just one option that would allow us to open the season one day sooner and close it one day sooner than last year. Therefore our season will likely open on 5/24 and end on 9/21 with a 3 fish bag limit at 18". Also the same seasons and 3 at 17" for Delaware Bay and 2 at 16" for Island Beach. This won't become official until the NJMFC votes for it at their next meeting. Paul Haertel JCAA. Board Member
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Old 03-08-2019, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

was announced the commercial boats got a 40% increase.

so appears we got the shaft again .

so much for the getting the fourth fish we were supposed to get back .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 03-08-2019, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
was announced the commercial boats got a 40% increase.

so appears we got the shaft again .

so much for the getting the fourth fish we were supposed to get back .

I don't have the details about this hammer but, if this is true you just kicked me in the nuts with this news.
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Old 03-08-2019, 07:31 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
was announced the commercial boats got a 40% increase.

so appears we got the shaft again .

so much for the getting the fourth fish we were supposed to get back .

I knew this was going to come up. The system is broken BUT here is my understanding of how it currently works.

The process is different for Commercial and recreational. We both got a 40% increase in quota.
In commercial they get a quota and they fish to a quota. Quota filled fishing STOPS

With recreational we get "measures" based on a quota which means we can over or under fish our quota given our season length. With the new MRIP estimates the biomass of fluke went up which is why quota was increased but our catch or harvest projections went up as well which is why we are at status quo Again.

Feds approved conservation equivalency again this year which means states / regions can make their own regulations as long as it meets the conservation goals of the fed. NJ remains our own region which is good

In Coastwide regulations the fed says 4 fish @19" and season from May 15 to Sept 15 i believe for ALL states which was not approved so thats maybe where you got a 4th fish from

Again NJ could set different regs increasing bag and or a slot if those measures meet conservation equivalency within our quota

IF a 4th fish or slot was on the table for NJ this year you would really be disappointed in the season length. See link below NJ Option presented for what 1 day change in season start -end means between wave 2 and wave 5 .
pages 2-3 for NJ but the rest is a good read also

A extra bag or slot could mean many weeks reduction in our season under the current guidelines.

Having said all that the process needs to change and SSFFF Science is the closest thing we have to make that change. I as many wish it was happening sooner but the reality is its not here for this year. There are groups like SSFF and RFA, United Boatman, JCAA and others that tirelessly work on this year in and out. It IS getting closer but the process and science changes are long.
Changing the breeder harvest by current regs is finally getting some attention!!

When the NJ meeting is posted to approve status quo with the 1 day shift in schedule by all means go there and fight for change as we all need to do so.
RFA-NJ Member
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Old 03-08-2019, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

Originally Posted by dales529 View Post
I knew this was going to come up. The system is broken BUT here is my understanding of how it currently works.

The process is different for Commercial and recreational. We both got a 40% increase in quota.
In commercial they get a quota and they fish to a quota. Quota filled fishing STOPS

With recreational we get "measures" based on a quota which means we can over or under fish our quota given our season length. With the new MRIP estimates the biomass of fluke went up which is why quota was increased but our catch or harvest projections went up as well which is why we are at status quo Again.

Feds approved conservation equivalency again this year which means states / regions can make their own regulations as long as it meets the conservation goals of the fed. NJ remains our own region which is good

In Coastwide regulations the fed says 4 fish @19" and season from May 15 to Sept 15 i believe for ALL states which was not approved so thats maybe where you got a 4th fish from

Again NJ could set different regs increasing bag and or a slot if those measures meet conservation equivalency within our quota

IF a 4th fish or slot was on the table for NJ this year you would really be disappointed in the season length. See link below NJ Option presented for what 1 day change in season start -end means between wave 2 and wave 5 .
pages 2-3 for NJ but the rest is a good read also

A extra bag or slot could mean many weeks reduction in our season under the current guidelines.

Having said all that the process needs to change and SSFFF Science is the closest thing we have to make that change. I as many wish it was happening sooner but the reality is its not here for this year. There are groups like SSFF and RFA, United Boatman, JCAA and others that tirelessly work on this year in and out. It IS getting closer but the process and science changes are long.
Changing the breeder harvest by current regs is finally getting some attention!!

When the NJ meeting is posted to approve status quo with the 1 day shift in schedule by all means go there and fight for change as we all need to do so.
sorry Dave that's the line of shit they are giving us now.
Let me refresh the meeting of 2 years ago.
Kirby told us the bag limit reduction would last 1 season .
and we would be given 1 fish back to the bag limit
Then after we still underfished that season , last year they said lets be safe , and keep that bag limit an extra season .
well here we go again another season .
Its time to ask for either a slot fish and tell them to shove status quo .

we didn't over fish the last two seasons , what makes them think we will now.

Until now the regs reflected the same in increase or decrease between both recs and commercial.

now its apparent that is going to change this season .

The season should have either increased in length , or been given an increased bag limit,

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 03-09-2019, 12:35 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
sorry Dave that's the line of shit they are giving us now.
Let me refresh the meeting of 2 years ago.
Kirby told us the bag limit reduction would last 1 season .
and we would be given 1 fish back to the bag limit
Then after we still underfished that season , last year they said lets be safe , and keep that bag limit an extra season .
well here we go again another season .
Its time to ask for either a slot fish and tell them to shove status quo .

we didn't over fish the last two seasons , what makes them think we will now.

Until now the regs reflected the same in increase or decrease between both recs and commercial.

now its apparent that is going to change this season .

The season should have either increased in length , or been given an increased bag limit,

Dan No need to say sorry Dave. I am on yours / our side on this and agree with you 100%. I was just explaining the why but certainly don't agree with the how. The system / process is still broken. They can promise anything but if and when the process doesn't allow it then we are once again at status quo.
WE should go to NJ meeting once its scheduled to fight for a slot fish, extra bag or extended season. Given the NJ proposal to MAMFC i posted in the link it doesn't appear NJ feels the same way about fighting this but who knows.

Unfortunately changing the methodology and process of our summer flounder and seabass regulations is like changing the USA Constitution apparently. They are finally at least listening to slot fish and better data ideas but its really a slow go and again not this year.

See you soon
Also anyone that wants to discuss this more please visit the RFA Booth at the SW Fishing expo March 15-17. I will be there all day Sat March 16 but visit any day you wish
RFA-NJ Member

Last edited by dales529; 03-09-2019 at 12:44 PM..
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Old 03-09-2019, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

Yes commercial got 40% increase as did rec. . Ours was nullified by our catch estimates for the up coming season. The big difference is how commercial works compared to rec. Commercial catch is recorded pretty much daily . So when the reach their quota. They are shut down immediately. Season closed. As for us rec people. We have zero data on our actual catch and we don’t get shit down even if they consider us to be over our quota during the season. After they do their calculations and come up with their number it will either posively affect our next season or negatively effect it. Until the rec side can collect proper data on our actual catch this will continue.
I don’t have the answers but I have a few ideas. The only real way to solve this problem is with sacrifice, money and time.
1)Sacrifice, being willing to record and submit your data in a particular time frame. This mean all fisherman. So enforcement is required.
2) Money, fund an institution or organization that is already accredited to work up scientific methods of how to properly present that data to those that regulate.
Also doing studies on the mortality rate this is included in our annually catch.
Time, obviously this requires people’s time and time to do the studies , accumulate the data , submit and have it peer reviews.
Quite a daunting task as all can see. A worthy cause of course but, as I see it one way of changing the system.
I hope others can come up with alternate ways to change this system from with in the system. After some years of following this I see the only way to feasibly changing the system is through the actual system.
Hoping you all have a great season .
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Old 03-09-2019, 03:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

You can contact my friend Ben Dover, he has the answers.
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Old 03-10-2019, 11:51 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

options as I see this dilemma
1- traditional or electric fillet knife
2- skin left on while still fishing or not
3- cooler or fridge on boat
4- fried or blackened - tortillas and fixings optional
Adam W
20'cc hydra sport-Bad Habit
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Old 03-11-2019, 09:58 AM
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Default Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet

I hope "The Modern Fishing Act" can somehow help us recreational fisherman out!
2002 Sea Hunt 202 Triton C.C
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