Originally Posted by dakota560
Chris great report, great job! Awesome pics! I love flyfishing, I also love fishing lures as well. Personal preference decides on any given day but more so conditions and what your fishing for will dictate which technique might work best.
Problems happens when someone feels they're a purist in their own mind that makes them a better or more elite angler and a better person. It actually makes you a narrow minded SOB. Fish the way you wish, be respectful of others around you and don't judge others based on their choice of fishing techniques. Hope others around you do the same and if not ignore them or if necessary tell them to mind their own business and if that doesn't get your opinion across tell them to #&$! off, how you fish is none of their &$#@%*! business.
yeah, i'm almost always gonna use what i believe is the best technique to catch big fish or many fish or whatever it is i'm trying to do. I used to bring my fly fishing stuff with me to the smaller NJ streams but it never paid off so i just stopped bothering. other places it may be the better option at times, but not where I've gone locally. It's besides the point though as you said, I don't care how he's fishing, his douche move was something else though....especially after i made sure he knew that was me that pulled out of the other spot to leave him alone.