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Old 11-08-2011, 12:48 PM
jmurr711's Avatar
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Default Re: Puosu 4

thans mikey for letting me bring clam but with no mick theres no fun in bringing around the dogfish
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears
Old 11-08-2011, 03:19 PM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by Life's A Beach
34. Gerry Z – Gerry. Site owner. Fearless leader. The man who made LAB eat shyte for a month (and it tasted horrible). Gerry does a fair amount of fishing but will admit this isn’t his forte. He’ll be found OFTEN by the food OR cooler. You will also be sure it’s him when you hear the mates grumbling “can’t this effing guy tie his own rigs like everyone else?” LMAO Love ya big guy; enjoy THIS trip. Plan a late dinner date with the lovely bride on Saturday night the 17th because you won’t need to be getting up early on Sunday the 18th . 75 to1
Reservations for me and the Mrs made for the 17th Mikey.
As far as the this trip, I intend to get a spot close to the food/coolers and limit out on Joe's BBQ, Philly Pretzels, homemade Vino and Beer.

Can't believe others still bring up that bet you lost to me on PUOSO 2. You know, the one where I got the larger Blackfish and for a month if anyone asked a Blackfish question on the site you would have to respond " If you'd like to know anything about Blackfishing you will have to ask Gerry Z since he is a much better Blackfisherman then me"

I would never throw that back up to you Mike...Not sure why others do but I would bet there will be a few hecklers on this trip asking you questions about Blackfishing. Common guys..... Enough is enough already

Just trying to help you out my brother..... Who loves you??

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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Old 11-08-2011, 03:59 PM
Toggytime Toggytime is offline
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Default Re: Puosu 4

So let me get this right Lab, your bet with me wasnt the first one you lost.
Old 11-08-2011, 05:01 PM
Boston Pete Boston Pete is offline
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Default Re: Puosu 4

That's BULLSHITE Bobby!!!!!!!!
Old 11-08-2011, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by Toggytime
So let me get this right Lab, your bet with me wasnt the first one you lost.
What about the one Pete lost to your old man Doug?

Haha!!! That was some funny shite!
Save the drama for the wash women....I'm here to fish!!! <0)XXX<
Old 11-08-2011, 05:04 PM
sportfishingusa sportfishingusa is offline
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Did boston pete already blow his load this year with fishing? does he have it in him? ( i think he might) we shall see!!

I learned a lot the past few years, wont call myself a contender, but i think i got a half decent shot with some of the cast we got on board.

I will fish next to murray and shrimpy, between shrimp and clams, the cockola bait should set a perfect platform for me!!

If i do make it to the trip on the 18th, i BET 1 to 1 odds, i am one of the only ones to make it and hardly ever leave my perch. I will have a full cooler under my feet for my beer, and i will stick it out and grind it in my one little spot, i dont bring skates, i bring fishing rods and beer!! If it is to cold, i will be inside, eating and drinking.

I plan to start drinking early morning, catch a few fish, pass out around noon, wake up a few hours later, build a little bit, build a little buzz again, and feel like shit the next day from the hangover.. but it will be well worth it..

If you dont have a wreck chart and need numbers from an old salt, please call 1800-Dead Money.
Old 11-08-2011, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by sportfishingusa
Did boston pete already blow his load this year with fishing? does he have it in him? ( i think he might) we shall see!!

I learned a lot the past few years, wont call myself a contender, but i think i got a half decent shot with some of the cast we got on board.

I will fish next to murray and shrimpy, between shrimp and clams, the cockola bait should set a perfect platform for me!!

If i do make it to the trip on the 18th, i BET 1 to 1 odds, i am one of the only ones to make it and hardly ever leave my perch. I will have a full cooler under my feet for my beer, and i will stick it out and grind it in my one little spot, i dont bring skates, i bring fishing rods and beer!! If it is to cold, i will be inside, eating and drinking.

I plan to start drinking early morning, catch a few fish, pass out around noon, wake up a few hours later, build a little bit, build a little buzz again, and feel like shit the next day from the hangover.. but it will be well worth it..

DO TOO! and i am bringing mackeral strips
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears
Old 11-08-2011, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Puosu 4

2. Scooter paid
3. RobB
4. Foul Hook
5. D Rod
6. MVP paid
7. Stelios paid
8. Scoundrel paid
9. Garone
10. Toggy Time paid
11. Bottom Bouncer
12. D Mac
13. Fin S paid
14. Boston Pete
15. Donand PAID
16. Clam Strings
17. Rayman
18. Krueger PAID
19. Loudsprtfish 1
20. Joe Longo
21. Jack/Bingo
22. Long Ball Larry
23. Kurtisb paid
24. Lefty Reeler Paid
25. Sea Soda II Paid
26. Fish Stix
27. Jigsmith paid
28. Falcon paid
29. J Murr paid
30. Quanman Paid
31. Shrimpman Paid
32. Smokey Joe PAID
33. Bagel Boy paid
34. Gerry Z paid
35. Eamon
36. Tautog 1
37. Lobster Tail
38. SportfishingUSA
39. Ironfish
40. Taxman
41. Tats Paid

Just an update on the payments after checking the mail today.


1. Ocean Explorer/Bobby Quinn - I'm so glad I was able to procure this great black fishing boat for this trip. 40 guys really opened the trip up to a lot of new guys from the site.

2. The raffle prices will be posted tomorrow, with pics. I am considering allowing members who aren't on the trip to buy chances beforehand via paypal. THESE are sweet prizes and I'm sure MANY people would like the chance to win them.

3. A big thank you to Joe Lynch/Mai Tai Lures/Rigs/Jigs for his work getting these prizes PLUS donating rigs for this trip. I'm SURE Gerry Zagorski will appreciate it more than anyone else!

4. Anyone who thinks The House might have made an error on their odds can either request in this thread that they be re-considered (with any logical reasoning) OR mail them to me. I will adjust them right after SportfishUSA wins the title and Joe Murray is sited wearing a pair of MY jeans (30).
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Last edited by Life's A Beach; 11-15-2011 at 05:17 PM..
Old 11-08-2011, 06:03 PM
DaveTats DaveTats is offline
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Originally Posted by Scotty
We need TATS!!!! Glad u got on board Davey
Glad you're paying for me, thanks!
Old 11-08-2011, 06:21 PM
jmurr711's Avatar
jmurr711 jmurr711 is offline
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Default Re: Puosu 4

Title Is Mine! will get ya the other half out of this check been a rough stretch up here and is that a 30 length or waist?
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ID:	42434  
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears

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