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Old 03-25-2023, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Just for the record here and probably like most of you, I'm all in for clean renewable energy but it has to done responsibly both environmentally and economically.

I'm looking for answers rather than making this a party issue since nothing good comes of that and all it does is divide us.

I don't believe in coincidences and data is data, unless it can be disputed or the coincidences explained.

I don't think the people making decisions on either side of this issue should be the same people making or influencing the decisions if it benefits them financially or their political agenda.

I want the truth!

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 03-25-2023 at 07:17 PM..
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Old 03-25-2023, 09:31 PM
2na 2na is offline
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Just another opinion but it's interesting...
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Old 03-26-2023, 09:12 AM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by 2na View Post
Just another opinion but it's interesting...
Very true! Oil and gas is incredibly clean. Propane fork lifts can run all day inside a shop and there is zero smell or fumes. The same with natural gas. All this anti drilling and anti fracking information is documented to be paid for by the commies. The Russians don’t want the competition and the Chinese want it all for themselves, especially coal. They are building coal plants at a feverish pace meanwhile California wants people to stop using cars and electricity all together because they are that brain washed.
I quit when my posts was censored to appease the doom and gloomers
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Old 03-26-2023, 10:40 AM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is offline
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Default Re: Another dead whale

WF testing and development have started and are not going to stop. Consequences of this new technology, to some degree, will only be fully known as we proceed. Impact on mammals were more quantifiable as carcasses washed ashore. What will be less obvious and quantifiable is the impact all this has on the environment, the ecosystem, spatial displacement of forage fish and predator species as well as the impact, if any, on larval and early stage development of every species, fish or crustaceans, in our local waters. The scale of the wind farms being put up over the next decade and a half is unprecedented and therefore the risks associated with the magnitude of that project can't be assessed. And any attempt to compare this to Rhode Island or anywhere else that has limited in water wind farms is the definition of comparing apples to oranges. If any aspect of this project has substantial impacts to larval and early stage development of all species sought after by recreational and commercial interests, the consequences could be absolutely devastating. And no one in my research is able to answer that question nor have any tests been conducted to my knowledge to determine what those consequences might be. Unfortunately regardless of all the back and forth on this thread, only time will determine exactly what affects this has on the ocean environment and the species that inhabit it. And those effects can range from benign to absolutely catastrophic and that's without any consideration given to the issues that would arise if these wind-farm areas are ever restricted to commercial and or recreational access at some later date.

We all want transparency as it relates to this project, we all want the truth about the benefits and risks along the way. But for those who think that's going to happen, in my opinion you're going to be very disappointed. This is one of those projects where when it starts, and based on the amount of money invested and the palms that have been greased, it's simply not going to stop.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 03-26-2023 at 12:19 PM..
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Old 03-26-2023, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by NoLimit View Post
Very true! Oil and gas is incredibly clean. Propane fork lifts can run all day inside a shop and there is zero smell or fumes. The same with natural gas. All this anti drilling and anti fracking information is documented to be paid for by the commies. The Russians don’t want the competition and the Chinese want it all for themselves, especially coal. They are building coal plants at a feverish pace meanwhile California wants people to stop using cars and electricity all together because they are that brain washed.
You've been breathing in the fumes haven't you?

I love it - this entire thread of crocodile tears over whales from people who don't "believe in" climate change, and here we have an exemplar of the good little foot soldier for Big Fossil Fuel. But sure - we're the ones brainwashed...lmfao.
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Old 03-27-2023, 12:38 PM
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by reason162 View Post
You've been breathing in the fumes haven't you?

I love it - this entire thread of crocodile tears over whales from people who don't "believe in" climate change, and here we have an exemplar of the good little foot soldier for Big Fossil Fuel. But sure - we're the ones brainwashed...lmfao.
That's not what I see. People are just tired of being lied to by our goverment. We may never get the real facts on what killed these whales. The fix is in. This isn't so much about clean energy it's about MONEY!!! Two different sets of rules. One for the working person another for the rich/politicians. Stall the truth as long as you can and make that money. Deny,deny,deny. Make a 10kt restriction on boat travel to appease the uninformed public and use it as a smokescreen. Blame it on the boats.
I have always thought that Big Oil has had it's hand in clean energy. It seems that we the public will be the only ones that won't profit from this. Clean energy at a cost to us.
What about the electric cars that catch fire and can't be extinguished and the existing windmills that kill Eagles when they operate. Fix the problem before you proceed? No not our goverment. Basically give the company's that build these offshore monstrosities kill permits. Well someone knew that it will kill wildlife. Our commercial fishing sector has to adhere to rules to reduce /eliminate marine mammal/turtle/bird mortality why not these construction cos?
Well so much for this depressing government/media BS . I'm going fishing. Hope I see that Bald Eagle before he gets swatted out of the sky.
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Old 03-27-2023, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by Ol Pedro View Post
That's not what I see. People are just tired of being lied to by our goverment. We may never get the real facts on what killed these whales. The fix is in. This isn't so much about clean energy it's about MONEY!!! Two different sets of rules. One for the working person another for the rich/politicians. Stall the truth as long as you can and make that money. Deny,deny,deny. Make a 10kt restriction on boat travel to appease the uninformed public and use it as a smokescreen. Blame it on the boats.
I have always thought that Big Oil has had it's hand in clean energy. It seems that we the public will be the only ones that won't profit from this. Clean energy at a cost to us.
What about the electric cars that catch fire and can't be extinguished and the existing windmills that kill Eagles when they operate. Fix the problem before you proceed? No not our goverment. Basically give the company's that build these offshore monstrosities kill permits. Well someone knew that it will kill wildlife. Our commercial fishing sector has to adhere to rules to reduce /eliminate marine mammal/turtle/bird mortality why not these construction cos?
Well so much for this depressing government/media BS . I'm going fishing. Hope I see that Bald Eagle before he gets swatted out of the sky.
Pete, I'm with you 1000%We will never get an honest gov't--Local, state or federal...What they want, they will get(money)!!!
We piss 'n moan, bitch and complain, point the finger BUT nothing changes for the good, only change is for the wallet...
To hell with it..."Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead".

When are we going tuna fishing???
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Old 03-27-2023, 10:30 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by reason162 View Post
You've been breathing in the fumes haven't you?

I love it - this entire thread of crocodile tears over whales from people who don't "believe in" climate change, and here we have an exemplar of the good little foot soldier for Big Fossil Fuel. But sure - we're the ones brainwashed...lmfao.
No fumes and neither am I drinking the klimate change koolaid. Anyone with manufacturing experience will tell you the only OSHA approved internal combustion machines for indoor use are propane vehicles...and propane is a form of natural gas which powers most of the generating plants in this area. Its super clean. And there is nothing fossil about oil and gas. There were never any dead dinosaurs 10,000 ft down in solid rock. Oil and gas form naturally in the earth and they are making more every day. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs...orth-exploring
I quit when my posts was censored to appease the doom and gloomers
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Old 03-28-2023, 12:38 AM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is offline
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by reason162 View Post
You've been breathing in the fumes haven't you?

I love it - this entire thread of crocodile tears over whales from people who don't "believe in" climate change, and here we have an exemplar of the good little foot soldier for Big Fossil Fuel. But sure - we're the ones brainwashed...lmfao.
I guess not making harassing or abusive posts only pertains to some. People have a right to post their opinions, and others have the right to challenge or present alternate perspectives. The site would be better served if those replies were done tastefully and not antagonistically.

I believe most people on this thread actually do believe in climate change. I think what most people don't believe is there's been any evidence provided or common sense to suggest these mammal deaths are climate change related. Otherwise, climate change must be seasonal as during the summer there were literally no local whale or dolphin deaths until early December precisely at the same time Fugro Enterprises started seismic testing for wind farm development.

Crocodile tears implies false emotion or insincere tears about these tragic mammal deaths. You're insulting the people on the thread who have genuine concern about what's happened these last few months and more so what might happen going forward.

You want to argue points, then argue points respectfully. Don't berate people because you disagree with their positions, be better than that.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 03-28-2023 at 10:03 AM..
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Old 03-28-2023, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: Another dead whale

Originally Posted by reason162 View Post
You've been breathing in the fumes haven't you?

I love it - this entire thread of crocodile tears over whales from people who don't "believe in" climate change, and here we have an exemplar of the good little foot soldier for Big Fossil Fuel. But sure - we're the ones brainwashed...lmfao.
Have you switched from gas cars and stoves to electric yet? Also, I hope you don’t eat beef since cow farts are a major contributor to global warming as well.
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