Rock Bottom weekend report
Saturday we had out Mike and his friends for a day of ling fishing. Headed out to the grounds with real nice weather and had some fish right away then it slowed down. Bounced around between a few spots and had a pick of ling and a nice cod so we decided to give the guys the option of porgy fishing and they decided to give it a go. Had non stop porgy action with a blowfish mixed in and as soon as we got there for about 2 hours until the box was loaded and we headed in.
Sunday we had out Barb and her family for a short birthday trip for her husband Dave. Headed out to the porgy grounds where we had them the day before and had action as soon as we stopped. Had excellent fishing for about an hour and then as soon as the wind shifted the bite shut down real quick. Still read the fish under us but they just wouldn't bite anymore. Moved around some looking for a school of them to bite but it just wouldn't happen and picked a few more here and there. Definitely would of had our limit if the bite stayed, but you can't force them to eat. Barb had the hot hand and showed everyone up. Everyone had a great time and Dave had a great birthday.
We do have just a few spots left for Saturday 9/24 for porgy
Sunday 9/25 is still wide open for some ling/cod/flounder
And we only have 2 spots left for opening day blackfishing. The 17th of November is open as well but the rest of the week/weekend is already full.