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Old 08-04-2016, 02:31 PM
HighHook94 HighHook94 is offline
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Default Fluke 6 inch gulp

So everybody has been hyping the gulp 6 inch grub for fluke. Seems like it's been putting a lot of keepers in other ppls boats. I fish in the ocean in 50-75 feet of water with bucktails and do okay. So I bought some grubs in nuclear chicken, white, pink, and glow. When I tried putting these on my bucktail, I was either getting shorts on my top hook, where I had a 5 inch white swimming mullet, or getting the tail of my 6 inch grub bitten off. I lost almost 10 grubs in one trip because of this. I know these 6 inch grubs catch fish, because I've seen ppl on other boats catching with these. I try to vary my jigging to see what works. Sometimes I try the John skinner type of fast jigging, and other times I'll try a slower bounce. I keep the bucktail around 6 inches above the bottom. And I know I'm fishing in productive areas. I just think it's my technique. Any help would be much appreciated. What do you guys do to get keeper fluke in the boat?
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Old 08-04-2016, 02:41 PM
WhaleFart WhaleFart is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

Hey bud,

I can give my insight on this... When fishing the grubs I do it a few ways depending on my set up, drift speed, and action.

Option 1, fish the grub solo on a long shank hook jig head or buck tail, so the hook is coming out 1/2 inch away from where the curly tail starts. You will miss a lot less short hits.

Option 2, fish the grub on the high hook and leave the bucktail for a smaller gulp or strip. I noticed a lot of bigger fish but I also feed the hook down a good amount so again it's within 1/2 inch from the curly tail.

Option 3, I shorten the grub by about 1 inch with a simple cut. This allows me to fish it on smaller jigs.

I've caught a lot of big fish on these grubs, sometimes adding a strip of meat helps the bite but I've always liked fishing it plain and simple with a lot of action. I noticed it works far better in the ocean then in the bay. However I've landed quite a few stripers on the jig and grub in the back bay.

Good luck hope this helps
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Old 08-04-2016, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

Next time use a stinger hook either tied off the eye of the first hook or off the loop of the hook and you might do better.
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Old 08-04-2016, 02:59 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

stinger hook is the answer as stated above.
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:07 PM
HighHook94 HighHook94 is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

I figured a decent fluke would take that grub down pretty quick, but next time I'm going to try a stinger hook or shorten the grub. I appreciate the responses guys. Also, do you guys bother using a teaser or just use a jig? If you do use a teaser, do you put a 6 inch on top also?
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

Typically yes they do inhale the whole grub, but this year they have been just nipping at the ends, its like they are biting out of instinct versus actually being hungry and wanting it. Even up in MA its been the same way. And yes use a teaser like a foot above the bucktail with either a hair teaser and bait or gulp also with a stinger!
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:31 PM
HighHook94 HighHook94 is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

Yeah they keep biting my tails off. Seems like they are only nipping at it out of curiosity. But I think once I add the stinger that will help. Thanks for the advice.
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

using a stinger hook with gulp? Not sure I've ever seen this technique . I got know how to rig this please send pic. I just can't see it how do you get 2 hooks thru single 6" grub with out A) destroying the grub or B) messing up the acrimony of the gulp? I gots to know
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:53 PM
Jarhead Jarhead is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

I use what some of my buds call a "wonder rig"... 3 way swivel with the Spro about a foot from the swivel and a "teaser" about 2' long. I've been catching pretty regularly using a swimming mullet gulp (4 or 5 inch) on the Spro and the 6" grub on the teaser with a meat strip. I lose some grub tails but, on those days, I wait a "5 count" before I set the hook. The "Let 'em chew" strategy works well when they're short striking. Good luck!!
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Old 08-04-2016, 04:10 PM
blindalfred blindalfred is offline
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Default Re: Fluke 6 inch gulp

Originally Posted by Jarhead View Post
I use what some of my buds call a "wonder rig"... 3 way swivel with the Spro about a foot from the swivel and a "teaser" about 2' long. I've been catching pretty regularly using a swimming mullet gulp (4 or 5 inch) on the Spro and the 6" grub on the teaser with a meat strip. I lose some grub tails but, on those days, I wait a "5 count" before I set the hook. The "Let 'em chew" strategy works well when they're short striking. Good luck!!
Agree, drop back or "Let 'em chew" strategy is the key with the large bait. 7/0 hook means you'll seldom gut hook a short fish and you won't get "tailed" as often.
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