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LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16 - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 07-06-2016, 10:45 PM
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Default LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

Sorry for the late report. We went to Bass Pro in AC when we got home from the boat.

We got up this morning and got to the boat and set up on the bow. There was no wind at all. Like really. Nothing so we didnt have high hopes for the trip. Boat was packed again. One group that came on had 22 people. Lots of rental rods. Broke the inlet at 8am and headed to the reef. We get out there and the water is this gross looking color. Like a murky dirty pool color. Horn honks and we drop down. Nothing going on. I cast out and work it back to the boat since we are not moving at all and get a short. Dad gets a skate. Will decided to try to find some clean water. So we make a move down the beach. Still no drift and no wind. So dad and I cast out and work back to the boat and get a few shorts nothing great. Lots of skates around the boat. Will moves again and puts us next to some structure and the sea bass start coming aboard. The rental rods got quite a few of em. Dad gets a nice one. By this time its almost time to head in but will wanted to do another drift since the wind started to pick up. We moved and i dropped down and get wacked. Get the fish to the top and Ryan and Kevin were both busy with a few skates so i swung the fish up. Not the best idea but hey why not. Turns out to be a nice 19incher. So i got the dollar fish. Dad gets a short and will blows the horn to head in.

Get back to the dock and we were not going to stay for the second trip since the conditions were so bad but as we were deciding what to do. Will came down and told us to stay because he just talked to a friend and the wind picked up and they had a nice drift going down the beach catching fish. So we stayed. We went out with only around 15 or so people. So head down the beach and make our first drift. Dad hooks up right off the bat with a short and so do I. So we are thinking game on! We move around from spot to spot and pick away at the shorts. Few people got keepers on each drift. Then it happens. I dropped down and get hammered hard. Set the hook and start reeling. I can tell its a good fish right off the bat. Get it about half way up and it just quits fighting and just becomes dead weight. But still heavy weight so i called Kevin for the net. He came right over and got ready. Next thing we see is a real nice fish coming up. He drops the net and scoops him right up. He pulls the net up and drops it to the deck and he is trying to get the jig out of the net when he realizes that the line broke. The fish inhaled the 6/0 hook way deep and i guess it rubbed on its teeth on the way up because it snapped on the dropper loop. So i was lucky to get the fish. Turned out to be a 5 and a half pounder. We make a move and nothing really going on but shorts. Dad drops down and hooks up with a nice 19incher. So we both got one in the box now. Will honks three times and we head in.

Well Ryan comes around to do the pool and when gets up to me in the bow I can tell right off the bat that my fish dwarfs the fish they had on the hook. So guess what!!!! I win another pool!!!!!!!! Thats 3 in a row! Holy sh!t!!! Me and dad have a good laugh since we have one of us has won the pool on every trip we had made. Crazy. Just crazy!!

So all and all it was a fun day. But so hot there. With no wind in the morning it felt like it was 1000 degrees. Sweating big time. Lots of water today. Afternoon wasnt as bad since we had some wing. Ended to the day with the two fish to 5 and a half pounds and dad got the sea bass and one 19incher.



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Old 07-06-2016, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

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Old 07-06-2016, 11:07 PM
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Old 07-07-2016, 06:50 AM
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

Congrats again. It was a scorcher out there with no wind. I fished off of Long Branch yesterday - we left when we ran out of water Working your jig back to the boat helped, we got 5 keepers up to 24". I know you guys are killing it Jeff, but one suggestion: Sunscreen
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Old 07-07-2016, 11:32 AM
liveitup1.75liter liveitup1.75liter is offline
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

He'll of a job!! What are u guys doing with all that meat??
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Old 07-07-2016, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

Great job there dude...awesome series of reports. Great to see you and your Dad getting out and doing well.
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Old 07-07-2016, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

En fuego
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Old 07-07-2016, 07:46 PM
dales529 dales529 is online now
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

Originally Posted by hartattack View Post
Congrats again. It was a scorcher out there with no wind. I fished off of Long Branch yesterday - we left when we ran out of water Working your jig back to the boat helped, we got 5 keepers up to 24". I know you guys are killing it Jeff, but one suggestion: Sunscreen
And a new T Shirt once in awhile! HUK needs a bath lol. although with that many pools in a row I would keep wearing it too. Good job Jeff and let dad get some before the trip is over
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Old 07-07-2016, 07:58 PM
ParkerBoys ParkerBoys is offline
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

Great week of fishing you had with family. What camera are you using?clear photos. Are you using a software to crop them and attach them together.
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Old 07-07-2016, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: LBI - Day Five - 7/6/16

You guys hateing on my shirts!!! Haha. Thanks guys.

Parker its a cannon power shot. Pictures taken in super vivid mode. Makes the colors pop


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