saturday crappie and bows!!!!
a friend and I went out early Saturday up to lh to catch a few more crappie before the weather rolled in.we start fishing at 6:30am and had a good bite going of nice crappie.we were getting these real quick hits were the bobber would shoot under and come right back up.we thought maybe shiners or sunnies but I hooked one and it starts jumping all over the place,a 14" rainbow.i release the trout and cast out again and in two seconds of the jig hitting the water I am hooked up again with another rainbow.this went on for
all morning.a good mix of crappie and trout.we fished until the slush started falling and called it a day.all truot released and 6 good crappie kept for diner.
went back sunday early and had ok fishing as it was 23 degrees and the eyelets were freezing up pretty trout but some good crappies.fished until 10am and back home to clean and work around the yard.
there was no one out Saturday,i only saw 2 boats and did not see any other shore fisherman but my friend and i.crazy for a opening day