WTS - Mitchell Reels in Excellent Condition
Starting to sell many reels I have collected over the years. All in Excellent Condition
- Mitchell 402 SW Reel- Pancake handle, smooth drag, strong bail, no dents, no dings, no scratches. 9 of 10 cosmetically, 10 of 10 mechanically....... Price - $42.
- Mitchell 302 SW Reel- smooth drag, strong bail, no dings or dents, a few light scratches on reel foot from being mounted on rod. Full spool 20lb Trileen. 8 of 10 cosmetically, 10 of 10 mechanically. Price - $35.
- Mitchell 300 Reel (France)- smooth drag, strong bail, no dings, no dents, no scratches; 9 of 10 cosmetically, 10 of 10 mechanically; spooled with
15lb Mono. Price - $25
- Mitchell 300 Reel (Newer Model, Japan) - Red Trim with Gold lettering, no - scratches, dings, or dents; Price - $27.
Pictures available of all reels, no shipping - pick up or meet Eastern PA or Jersey