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NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016: - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 12-30-2015, 01:03 AM
AndyS's Avatar
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Exclamation NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

The U.S. government has reduced the amount of flounder that recreational and commercial fishermen can catch next summer.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration set the limit at 16 million pounds, down 30 percent from 23 million in 2015, U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone said Monday. The limit would drop below 16 million in each of the subsequent two years.
The ruling did not sit well with Pallone (D-6th Dist.), whose district includes part of the Jersey Shore.
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational fishermen in New Jersey," said Pallone, the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. "They depend on a sufficient summer flounder quota and without one, New Jersey's economy faces a threat as it continues to rebound from Superstorm Sandy."
NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service said the limits were needed to avoid overfishing as there has been a decline in young fish. Pallone said he would work with other members of the state's congressional delegation "for more favorable catch limits in the future."
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Old 12-30-2015, 08:18 AM
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

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Old 12-30-2015, 10:41 AM
Joey Dah Fish's Avatar
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Originally Posted by 1captainron View Post
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.
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Old 12-30-2015, 10:44 AM
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Lightbulb Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Make sure to sign up for the 2016 Saltwater Registry.
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Old 12-30-2015, 11:10 AM
hammer4reel's Avatar
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Originally Posted by 1captainron View Post
"I am most disappointed in the restrictive rule for our commercial and recreational Fishermen in New Jersey", Spoken like a life time politician!!

Pallone promises to work with OTHER members of the States delegation "For more favorable catch limits in the Future.........Wait a minute, many years ago when all this crap started, wouldn't today be the future they talked about? Hasn't he been working with Other delegate's in the past or is this just gonna happen now??

It's more Bullshit once again....if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
All those who have sat back on their ass all these years and did nothing but complain, will be the first one's typing how they can't believe all the Pirates out there! We will be made to look like criminals.

Once again, tossing back DEAD fish and killing the Breeders....Smart move NOAA. For the Millions of dollars this organization gets, you'd think they'd have it together by now. Justifying the Job or the Organization at the expense of the American people.
Ron , by now I would think everyone should be able to see whats really going on.
The plan of the NMFS is to get the government paid for every fish in the ocean.
They could care less about either the recreational fishery of the commercial one UNLESS they are getting paid for it.

You can go buy a quota of 30000 pounds of fluke right now for 75 grand.
want a second 30000 pounds after that , hand out the dough

yet you cant even get a reasonable limit for an entire industry that brings billions into the state.


because to them the billions isnt in nice piles that they can spread around to the other politicians as perks.

And since the commercial fleets doesnt buy those quotas to make a dollar a pound while the Government makes 2.50. those fish are sold to other countries for political perks.

as with everything else in this country its ALL about the money.
Captain Dan Bias
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Old 12-30-2015, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Palone is just like all of the other politicians, useless!
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 12-30-2015, 11:36 AM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

by the people,for the people except when we can make money.so now a family of 4 will spend $350.00 to go out for a days fishing and get even less.i'm sure that will happen allot.take take take...take take take...take our flukies.

Last edited by bunker dunker; 12-30-2015 at 01:28 PM..
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Old 12-30-2015, 12:38 PM
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

"And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Until the government figures out what this part of the Gettysburg Address means it doesn't matter what the 2016 or future regulations are. We'll have our own set of regulations we follow. All anyone can do is be guided by your conscience, not by politicians who have their own interests in mind.
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Old 12-30-2015, 04:34 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Hate to get political, but we always get the govt we ask for and desire.. These people were demanded by the good people of the great state of NJ to serve in the employ of those that voted them in.. Never forget that.. They were ASKED..
Same here in NY where I live.. We continually ask for radical leftists to enact their particular agenda... It is our desire that they serve,, We asked them to do their job, how dare we complain when they do what we asked???... bob
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Old 12-30-2015, 04:58 PM
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Default Re: NOAA sets fluke reduction harvest for 2016:

Originally Posted by 1captainron View Post
..if you think for a minute that anyone in the business isn't going to do what they have to do to survive, your nuts.
what does that mean?


EST. 1995
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