Repower Question
Would like some honest imput. I have a 23 center with a 1997 Evinrude 200Oceanpro on the back right now. Had yet another lower unit problem last week. (think the mechanic does not know his stuff) For the 3rd time in three years. Motor runs great above 1,500 rpm but has always been a pain under that. (ie trolling) Thinking of just biting the bullet for a repower. Any input would be helpful. Getting tired of the constant headache. Am i thinking strait by giving up and putting a new engine on the boat. Hull is in good shape.
Could just buy another used boat for the same or less, but thinking by doing the same thing again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity!
What is your input and suggestions on this. Need a real realiable Marina
Tired of the hacks!