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Old 05-21-2015, 12:14 PM
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dfish28 dfish28 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Port Reading/SRI
Posts: 1,775
Exclamation Navigational Hazard (SRI)

Talked to my buddy this morning, at one hour or so past low the found the old north channel marker that is 3pilings lashed together that have broken off close to the water line, can still be seen at a blowout low, best description of location I can give without the #s would be at the northern end of seaview island where the two channels meet from North to south along the island to the turn to east and west channel that brings you back to the Hills area, it the old green marker that hasn't been fully removed, hug the north and east around there - the red side... Be careful and go slow, it lifted and spun a 28 Grady and got into the props!
This was reported to the CG and numbers given for apx location, with the holiday weekend coming and timing of tide it could be very dangerous, if I can get out I will mark with an orange buoy with some reflective tape around... My guess is a bigger boat came through at a low and pushed it back up straight...

Ohh, 3 others reported hitting it this same morning!
Adam W
20'cc hydra sport-Bad Habit
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