Meal Worms,Wax Worms, Butterworms
For all our freshwater fishermen/and women...we will be stocking your favorite fresh water baits for the upcoming trout season. Also have giant nightcrawlers and trout worms (red wigglers). As well as an assortment of Power Bait and Salmon Eggs. .....Now ,for all you striped bass fisherman ,we have bushels ,half bushels clams ,clam bellie chum,sand worms and blood worms....Call ahead to reserve your bait ....If you want your clams shucked ,we will need 24 hour notice . We will save the shells for you ,so you can use them for chum..(There is a charge for this service)....Call the shop to reserve your bait ...732-787-2248.....Pete.....Atlantic Bait and Tackle
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East