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Passaic River 7/14 "Unfriendly Competition" - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 07-14-2012, 03:46 PM
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NorthJerzyG NorthJerzyG is offline
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Default Passaic River 7/14 "Unfriendly Competition"

Decide to do some shore fishing today since I didn't have a lot of time. Hit my first spot around 10am. Another angler was in my preferred spot so I posted up a bit upstream. After an hour I had a big bluegill and a dink bullhead so I moved on.

Next spot is one ive fished for many years. Checked for others and didn't see any so after a tough hike down a muddy hill I began fishing. Next thing I know, a line gets cast about 5ft away from me? Apparently there is another fisherman about 30ft away, but out of site because of a cliff, casting at me! Game On!!

I throw one in his direction and hook a nice smallie who dances all the way in. Hahahahah!!!! Next thing I know, Dunk, another cast lands at my feet, followed by a "Dude, ur starting to piss me off!!"

Ok, so I climb around the cliff so now were further apart, but in full view of each other. After about an hour, he's still guarding his spot, and not catching anything, while I'm throwing the arsenal at them. And also, no more casts at me. Finally, Bamm!! Hook into a Fiesty 27" pike. Splashing, drag peeling........ Land him, CPR, and look over........ My "buddy" gives me a thumbs up!! Hahahahahahahah

So, all in all. 2 decent fish in 3 hours.... But man was it sweet to "win" an unfriendly competition!!!!!

Haulin Bass since 1985
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Old 07-14-2012, 04:00 PM
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NorthJerzyG NorthJerzyG is offline
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Default Re: Passaic River 7/14 "Unfriendly Competition"

Oh, and 2 more things..........

1. For scale, my pliers are exactly 7" in length.

2. Man I hope that guy is a forum member or lurker, lol...............
Haulin Bass since 1985
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Old 07-14-2012, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: Passaic River 7/14 "Unfriendly Competition"

One you get away from the familiar spots, you can find plenty of elbow room. I fished about 3 miles of the river today from 6:30-1:30 and never saw anybody else(water was too shallow with too many trees down for boats or kayaks so this was a bonus) Now I had to walk through some of the deepest muck known to man(nearly up to my waist) and jungles of poison ivy to get around but it was well worth it. People are lazy by mature and instead of working up a good sweat, they fish under the bridges with their favorite man chair
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 07-15-2012, 11:44 AM
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Eskimo Eskimo is offline
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Default Re: Passaic River 7/14 "Unfriendly Competition"

Conflicts with other fishermen is an unfortunate consequence of living in the most congested, densely-crowded state in America.

I recall one summer day fishing from the shore of Delaware River by Route 80. I found a small pool in the river that had some Walleye in it. Some "pescadors" who weren't catching any fish decided if they stood EXACTLY where I was standing, they could catch fish, too. They actually walked over an stood on the same rock I was standing on while I was still there! I went from fishing completely alone to fishing shoulder-to-shoulder, butt-to-butt with these two guys!

I was so uncomfortable, I packed up and walked away from what could have been an amazing afternoon of fishing.
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