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Old 07-15-2020, 07:32 PM
Pondhopper8 Pondhopper8 is offline
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Default River jet Boat size question

Looking into a g3, Crestliner, seaark jet tunnel. I am stuck between a 16 or 18 foot. I mostly fish solo and on occasion with 1 or maybe 2 other people at the most. My question is will I still have enough fishing room with the 16 footer, as I prefer this size because of the price point. Thanks in advance!!!
Muskies Inc Chapter 22
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Old 07-16-2020, 08:49 AM
Jhunter1 Jhunter1 is offline
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

16 foot is fine but I wouldn't get anything less than 60" wide. I have a 1760 sea ark tunnel with a 75/50 jet. Next boat will be a 1872 but for now this is more than good.
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Old 07-16-2020, 10:21 PM
Sako1 Sako1 is offline
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

I have a 1652 SeaArk conventional hull and I mostly go out by myself and it's very manageable byself getting it on/off the trailer, and perfect for two. Depending on the fishing style, 3 would likely be ok.

Consider when you go from 16ft to 18ft you'll need a bigger, heavier and more expensive motor. My 1652 will get up to plane nicely with the 9.9 honda I have on it for RV and really moves in the salt with the 25.

My only regret with my SeaArk is that I didn't buy it sooner; very well made and designed.

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Old 07-17-2020, 03:40 AM
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

I have the Crestliner 1870 FCC With a 115/80 Mercury 4 stroke jet .
Extremely stable boat even with 3 guys standing on the same edge of the boat .
Nice platforms for fishing .
Runs in super skinny water .

I think it would be great with even the smaller 65 jet as the 80 pushed it faster than most guys will run it .
The extra width on both bottom and beam are worth the extra money over most other standard size boat .

And it’s no harder to trailer and use the wide 18 as it is to use any smaller boat .
Captain Dan Bias
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Old 07-17-2020, 12:57 PM
Pondhopper8 Pondhopper8 is offline
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
I have the Crestliner 1870 FCC With a 115/80 Mercury 4 stroke jet .
Extremely stable boat even with 3 guys standing on the same edge of the boat .
Nice platforms for fishing .
Runs in super skinny water .

I think it would be great with even the smaller 65 jet as the 80 pushed it faster than most guys will run it .
The extra width on both bottom and beam are worth the extra money over most other standard size boat .

And it’s no harder to trailer and use the wide 18 as it is to use any smaller boat .
Thanx for the info everyone!!! I really like the Crestliners, both the 1660 and 1870 because of the width and price points. I think I’m going to hold out to be able to afford the 18’. As far as the outboard, I am no speed demon myself, you do agree that the 65 would suffice as a sufficient power option on the 1870?
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Old 07-17-2020, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

if you can afford it, you probably want the biggest motor the boat will take.

with boats, i look at it this way - more horsepower is not for getting you to the fish faster... it is for getting you back to the ramp faster when a storm is coming or someone gets hurt. but getting to the fish faster is a nice bonus.
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Old 07-17-2020, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

Originally Posted by Pondhopper8 View Post
Thanx for the info everyone!!! I really like the Crestliners, both the 1660 and 1870 because of the width and price points. I think I’m going to hold out to be able to afford the 18’. As far as the outboard, I am no speed demon myself, you do agree that the 65 would suffice as a sufficient power option on the 1870?

I went with the bigger motor as felt could get up on plane quicker in skinny water .
The FCC tunnel is made for the jet to actually be above the bottom of the boat .
IMO the 65 would be fine .

I drove out to Halls Marine in Muncy Pa to buy my crestliner .
They gave me a better price as well as didn’t jerk around the numbers like the local dealer in Allentown did .
They set up a lot of jet boats for the Susquehanna there and know the details well .
A call to them you can get solid info

Another tid bit of info .
I bought a camo version , it is CRAZY hot because of the dark color .
A friend bought the tan version , he can walk in bare feet on his , you can’t do that on mine
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

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Old 07-18-2020, 08:36 AM
ultimatepredator ultimatepredator is offline
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

I have a 1656 xpress side console with a Yamaha 40/30 2 stroke. It is typically just myself and the dog. I have more than enough room and it runs upriver about 20mph. It's not a speed demon but it gets me anywhere I would like to go.
2 people on the boat is fine to fish. That 3rd person makes it a little tighter but everybody still has room to move around and the boat is completely stable.
When I have 2 other people onboard the extra weight makes the boat a slug and sits much lower.
If you are by yourself and you get hung up on rocks while drifting the 16ft is that much lighter and can be moved easier by yourself(dogs are no help at all at that time). On and off the trailer is easy too.
Ultimately, you do what is right for you. Talk to Mayberry in port Murray. See if you can go for a test ride. Or maybe someone here will take you for a run on different setups.
Also, on the river YOU WILL hit rocks and things so keep that in mind. Buying a used boat to learn the river is not a terrible idea. And you can always upgrade.
If I were to buy new it would be a forward center console 1660 with a 60/40 and that would be perfect for my use.
Good luck
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Old 07-18-2020, 03:12 PM
Pondhopper8 Pondhopper8 is offline
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Default Re: River jet Boat size question

Thanx everyone for the info!!!! It has been a big help I appreciate it!! Will post pics when mind is made up and boat in driveway. Thanx again!!
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