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View Poll Results: How many times skunked on the same charter, before you rule them out for future trips
1 time is all it takes 5 14.29%
fool me twice... shame on me. 12 34.29%
third strike and your out 12 34.29%
I don't hold the captain or boat responsible.. ever. 6 17.14%
Voters: 35. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-05-2018, 05:47 PM
SunDevilJon SunDevilJon is offline
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Default Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Hi Guys,

Hoping we can keep this thread clean without the mentioning of any names/boats... unless of course it's positive things to say

How many times do you go out with the same charter, before saying, I NEED TO FIND A NEW CHARTER..

We have all been out there and gotten skunked before.. it's not anything new.

I never hold it personally against a Captain or a Boat, especially if they're doing everything in their power, to put you on the fish... but at what point do you say, these guys either don't know what they're doing?.. or maybe something else for that matter?

I have gone out with several guys on here.. had some incredible trips.. and some not so incredible trips..

I got skunked last summer with a sponsor on this forum, but he was a complete class act and reached out to me to come along on open boats at no charge to make up for it.

I use to go out with Denis (Roulette) all the time... I swear.. Denis ALWAYS found the fish. I must've been out with him 12-15 times over the course of 3-4 years... We were never skunked a single time... I recall just one time that we ended up with one small tuna and a couple of mahi.. but never completely skunked..

There is a particular boat I've gone out with 3 times.... beautiful boat... but skunked every time now... even recommended the boat to friends because it's a nice vessel.. now my friends gone out twice with them.. skunked both times for him too... 5 times between 2 people.. I hate to say it.. but I don't believe it's bad luck at this point

So - how many times out with the same boat before you rule them out for good?
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Old 06-05-2018, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

I would think your gut has already told you what to do....just go with it. Bad karma is bad karma simple as that.

Hell, you could have Striped bass fished with me a dozen times this spring and got skunked every time like many did.....doesn't make me a bad Captain or work any less harder.

A lot of factors go into your question, so like I said, just move on and find a new boat, there's plenty out there!
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Old 06-05-2018, 06:53 PM
Pauls1976 Pauls1976 is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

I think Capt Ron said it best, sometimes bad karma is bad karma. I don’t charter like I used to but I have changed boats and lodges I used for years for a variety of reasons. Fishing techniques I prefer, changes in Capt or Mates attitude, bad karma, chattering for Marlin and the finding out the Captain is over Marlin fishing or simply just wanted to try a different boat or location. Maybe it was just bad timing, who will ever know.

Try someone fresh, maybe you will strike gold with that choice, maybe you’ll realize it was just bad timing. It sounds like you aren’t basing your feelings off just one trip. Lots of great boats, captains and crews around to try something new. Just my two cents!
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Old 06-05-2018, 07:00 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Interesting post. I have chartered both offshore / inshore/ 6 packs/ 10-15 packs and Party boats for years now and run numerous trips as the host. I consider myself very loyal to a boat / captain I am happy with and it usually takes a lot to make a switch. I voted for Never hold the captain responsible assuming you meant for the catching.

To me there are 4 factors:
1) Effort:
I look for the captains that put out the effort, have the passion, quality of bait, enough bait (5 buckets of chum sharking vs 2-3 ) as an example. Is bait available rather than digging for it especially when tournament fishing (inshore mainly) etc etc. Mate attention to my customers.

2) Business side of the charter:
Is everything easily discussed and disclosed arranging the trip from deposit to trip date and through the end of the trip including weather issues. Have had many great experiences and some bad ones. Bad experience here and i am one and done!
3) Catching:
IMHO mother nature has more control on the catching than the charter business so it goes back to #1 Effort.
4) Comfort:
At age 59 now i tend to look for comfort as i cant do the run and gun anymore but do miss that.

i dont consider price a factor as thats advertised. I never ask for discounts even on years of multiple charters unless offered as these guys have a hard enough time making a living and after all its my decision.

Some Experiences:
Effort:Would book as many trips as I can do with the following boats: I am sure there are more but these are my go to sponser boats:
Capt Jerry Monger, Capt Dave Jenny Lee, Capt Ralph Last Lady, Capt Ron Fishermen PB, Capt Bob Bogan Gambler PB, Capt Ron Rockbottom, Capt Chad Tagged fish, Capt Mike Seahawk PB, Capt Dan Megan Beth, Capt Freddy Andreas Toy , Capt john Golden Touch and some NS PB in PP
Business side good:
Have had 6 pack offshore captains allow us to use the boat (sleep in cabin not touch stuff) night before rather than pay for hotel.
Provide flexible dates for weather to insure we got out while risking another possible booking ( loyalty on their part)
Price breaks from them for multiple bookings (again i dont ask or take it but cool if they offer)

Business side bad:
I like to do the money end of business at the dock but thats me. Either up front or at the end but dont bother me while fishing or on the ride out (PB exception to that rule ok) or worse on the ride in ( especially offshore as thats rest time or playing cards or freinds sharing the trip. ) Had one trip where the paying had to happen NOW on the ride in and the tip was more than agreed to which was an out and out end game for me. Capt even threatened to throw our catch overboard!
Was a loyal Fluke Tournament charter with a standing verbal / no deposit required until I checked one Feb and was told sorry Dave I booked all the tournaments even though I told you in july it was yours . Again done with that boat.
Sharking with a Boat in every tournament for 5 years and all of a sudden the calcutta and winnings changed on the ride in: after some yelling that was it

Sorry for the lengthy post but there is a lot that goes into getting the best fishing experience when chartering and PM me if you want more examples both good and bad as i have been doing it for a long time.

Having said all that I did switch once after being skunked on 7 consecutive trips even though the effort was there

Good luck and again MANY great sponser boats on here!
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Last edited by dales529; 06-05-2018 at 07:12 PM..
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Old 06-05-2018, 07:00 PM
damnyankee damnyankee is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

I gave a captain 2 years and over 30 trips before I said enough was enough...
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Old 06-05-2018, 07:07 PM
BCinerie BCinerie is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Comes down to service and effort over catch. Been on many boat rides 90 percent not captain fault. Others I don’t ride with them.
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Old 06-05-2018, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

I am extremely loyal to the boats i fish on. If i have a good time on the boat catching or not you will still see me there every week. I have a select few boats that i fish and i wouldnt have it any other way. Only time i dont sail with those boats is bc i was invited on a charter. Then ill fish that boat for the day and hey you never know i might fish with them again. I have been on boats that i will never step foot on again and if the boat im going on isnt going to shape up to sail ill walk right back to my truck and go home before even thinking of jumping on another.


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Old 06-05-2018, 07:31 PM
Uncle Nicky Uncle Nicky is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Getting skunked is part of it. If you can't handle an occasional slow day, better off learning to golf.

I gave up on party boats about 10 years ago, I'd rather spend more and go less often, and have quality fishing trips. But, it's not always easy to get in on a 6-pack trip on a weekend, especially on boats that are in high demand. I'd say most captains are pretty good, those that aren't disappear quickly, there's just too much competition. Some are a little more aggressive, I like fishing with them whenever possible.

I don't really rate boats and captains as much as I rate fisheries. I'll travel to Montauk, Erie, Outer Banks, Cape Cod....I believe success is determined more by numbers than by boat or captain.

Last edited by Uncle Nicky; 06-05-2018 at 07:41 PM..
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Old 06-05-2018, 07:33 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Work both ways.I had people bitch ad moan because we got skunked. What when on yesterday sometimes shuts down instantly.I told my mate years ago when the customers show up at 430 am and ask how yesterday was even if it was great to say"there here but everyday is different''. If you told them it was a slaughter the day before that is what they expect.The next thing is the ability of your charter.When we chunked and live lined every charter was different!The more they "chartered" the better they got. I had every charter imaginable in my career. I had a guy bitching to me what do ya think when are they going to bite?I said i use to have God on my speed dial but it got to expensive but wen we get some current the might bite.
I have also had crews sow up drunk and i do not tolerate that.I have had people show up late and that really pisses me off being they go once a year and i go everyday and me and the mate are on time.I had a customer get 26 run offs on live bunker at the rocks and only land two fish and told me it was a slow day.I also told customers to loose my # as they don't have enough money to ever get back on my boat. FYI a charter is when you send the captain a deposit and you reserve the whole boat! Yes it works both ways so think about it.I got skunked lots of times and i could catch stripers even if i do say so myself!
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Old 06-05-2018, 08:05 PM
SunDevilJon SunDevilJon is offline
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Default Re: Skunked? When to find a new charter...?

Great discussions so far

Appreciate all posts!
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