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Old 01-06-2013, 03:28 AM
Seamus Seamus is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

Ive seen it done both ways, professional and not. I think whichever way, the guys doing it know the difference. If it's unprofessional but they still managed to get most of the job done I still tip but just dont charter that boat again.

I've seen some real out of line behavior on party boats like mates fishing all day while customer are working the bait station and helping less experienced people with tangles a few rods down from them. I dont know anything about running a boat but as a business owner I would never allow a customer to have an experience like that.
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Old 01-06-2013, 11:36 AM
Solemate Solemate is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

I think it depends on a lot of factors. First off be aware of staying away from the customers space and tending to there needs first. Your catch must be there meat and only fish if the Captain approves of it. You are not there to show off but to be a helpful part of the fishing experience. You are not being paid to fish but at times your fishing could benefit the Charter. If it is not and open charter then you should also get permission from whoever chartered the boat.
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Old 01-06-2013, 11:44 AM
tautog tautog is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

Only time I have ever really put a stop to it is on trips were trophy blackfish are likely. It would sorta suck if the mate got a 16lber and the paying customers all caught fish under 10lbs.
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Old 01-06-2013, 03:11 PM
njfisherman1975 njfisherman1975 is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

As long as the mate helps out when needed...I never see a problem with it. Captain and mate probably like to fish as much or more than the charter and if the deck is taken care of every time needed...I say go for it.
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Old 01-06-2013, 05:20 PM
zhitoman zhitoman is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

Here is a little story that happened on a party boat out of Sheepsheadbay, not a charter but still. We were fishing for porgies, and this young mate was fishing non stop next to us. So he decides to go take a break from fishing and starts talking to other mates while his rod in a rod holder with line still in the water. I get a nice bite and start reeling in a nice 8-10 lb fluke on my porgy rig! I start screaming for net, and the same young mate nets my fish. As he nets the fish and brings it in the boat we see that his line is tangled with my line. He unhooks the fish turns around to me and says, that is my fish, it was on my hook! I start to argue, but other mates come to his rescue and tell me to watch my attitude. Well, that's not even the end of the story. At the end of the trip the young mate wins a pool with my fluke, because he was in a pool!
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Old 01-06-2013, 09:57 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

There is only one circumstance where a mate should fish and that is if no one is catching. This might help the group pick up a few hints.

Otherwise, no way.

Let's face it, there are only so many fish under a boat.
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Old 01-06-2013, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

When i am working.. i enjoy dropping in a line for a lil.. If i am just standing there chewing down smokes i dont see the harm.. If the customer needs help or hooks up i reel in and help out.. once everyone is back in the water and fishing, i drop back in..


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Old 01-06-2013, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

Maybe I am looking at it to simplisticly but the same rules of other (service based) professions should apply to being a mate on a boat. If I work at a movie theater should I be sitting and watching a movie if its a light crowd that day? Take a break to ride some rides if working at Great Adventure? Over the years except for cutting and netting the fish I tend to take care of myself but on most boats there is always someone to tend to. If you want to fish dedicate that day to fishing if one is at work they should be working.
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Old 01-07-2013, 07:58 AM
joeya78 joeya78 is offline
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

Originally Posted by ytuna
If the mate is taking care of everyone's needs I have no problem with them wetting a line. I have been on a fair number of six pack charters where the mate fishes and it has not diminished the quality of my experience. On many boats the mate and captain become part of the social experience to the betterment of all. When they join in the ball busting the day gets better.

The mate still takes care of the nasty work: anchor, cutting bait, cleaning fish, cleaning the boat, unplugging the toilet. If he can do all of that I still catch a few fish thats great.
Well said
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Old 01-07-2013, 09:58 AM
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Default Re: Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

When I'm working I generally don't fish . It's all about Service . My problem is when I'm fishing (not enough for me to work/enough room on a trip). I drop what I'm doing and jump into the pile when the bite is on instead of fishing . I have caught plenty and take Great Joy helping others catch fish .
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