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Old 12-11-2017, 10:43 AM
EJS EJS is offline
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by JDTuna View Post
First and foremost, thank you for your dedication to keeping NJ waters clean.

The point here is that the proposed gear restricts (barbless hooks and three hook points per lure) are in direct contrast with the best available scientific data. The data shows that the mortality rates with barbed hooks/trebles are not significantly different than barbless/singles. Some studies suggest barbless singles can be worse because they penetrate deeper and can be swallowed/gut hook fish. Fishery regulations need to be based on the best available science and whats best for fish populations, not the misinformed opinions of a particular group of anglers. These regulations are contrary to the science, and should not be adopted.
"Scientific studies" are easily skewed and misunderstood, depending on which side of the fence you find yourself standing!


Mortality rates of even low percentages have lasting affects that multiply for years.

I think people are looking at this from a "You are taking away my rights, you're a bully" vs. "We all want a better fishery and maybe this is a way to have it". If we had a fishery that was Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Colorado class, I think we would all be as happy as a fat kid in a Burger King!

Now how do we get that fishery? We obviously can't continue with the same methodology and expect different results, the definition to stupidity. How we get that fishery in NJ is by using responsible wildlife management, everyone has stewardship in the resource.
Old 12-11-2017, 11:02 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by EJS View Post
"Scientific studies" are easily skewed and misunderstood, depending on which side of the fence you find yourself standing!


Mortality rates of even low percentages have lasting affects that multiply for years.

I think people are looking at this from a "You are taking away my rights, you're a bully" vs. "We all want a better fishery and maybe this is a way to have it". If we had a fishery that was Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Colorado class, I think we would all be as happy as a fat kid in a Burger King!

Now how do we get that fishery? We obviously can't continue with the same methodology and expect different results, the definition to stupidity. How we get that fishery in NJ is by using responsible wildlife management, everyone has stewardship in the resource.
Something I'd like to say is that the slight increase in mortality with a single barbless hook compared to a pair of barbed trebles isn't worth taking away the rights from anglers that prefer using plugs.

There are MANY ways that NJ can help its fishery. I find it kind of strange how this rule is a priority despite other problems that cause much more of a problem to the fishery.

I'm not the one to start listing those problems. But I am one to acknowledge that this regulation is a weak and conflicting compared to the other solutions NJ can take if they truely want a better fishery.
Old 12-11-2017, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by thmyorke1 View Post
Something I'd like to say is that the slight increase in mortality with a single barbless hook compared to a pair of barbed trebles isn't worth taking away the rights from anglers that prefer using plugs.

There are MANY ways that NJ can help its fishery. I find it kind of strange how this rule is a priority despite other problems that cause much more of a problem to the fishery.

I'm not the one to start listing those problems. But I am one to acknowledge that this regulation is a weak and conflicting compared to the other solutions NJ can take if they truely want a better fishery.
I can tell everyone from personal experience that the trout populations are doing GREAT and if treble and barbed hooks damaged the populations that wouldn't be the case. between myself and just the few people i know that trout fish with regular lures hundreds and hundreds of trout have been caught over the past two years and this year is better than last year!

If this truly was about the trout protection, guess what... ALL the wild trout areas would be catch and release ONLY, but they are not!

This is a sneaky step back towards 'fly fishing only' sections of public rivers that we all buy the same license and stamp to fish
Old 12-12-2017, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by EJS View Post
"Scientific studies" are easily skewed and misunderstood, depending on which side of the fence you find yourself standing!


Mortality rates of even low percentages have lasting affects that multiply for years.

I think people are looking at this from a "You are taking away my rights, you're a bully" vs. "We all want a better fishery and maybe this is a way to have it". If we had a fishery that was Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Colorado class, I think we would all be as happy as a fat kid in a Burger King!

Now how do we get that fishery? We obviously can't continue with the same methodology and expect different results, the definition to stupidity. How we get that fishery in NJ is by using responsible wildlife management, everyone has stewardship in the resource.
If you believe the results of peer reviewed scientific studies can be skewed in this case, you are wrong and you don't understand peer reviewed science. The literature review done by NJFWS had clear results. And this decision is going against the best available science.

You also are kidding yourself if you believe NJ has the potential to have trout fisheries like Montana/Oregon/Wyoming. That has to do with habitat, water temps over the year, etc. In fact, that assertion is so ludicrous it is laughable. Try to compare a creek like the Musky to any of those rivers. It is not large enough to support numbers of fish like the western rivers.

For what we have, we have great wild trout fisheries and there is no evidence that there is any need for additional restrictions. By their own admission, these regulations are "political," and came from a survey. And they arent about conservation. If they were concerned about conservation, they would make wild brook/browns catch and release only. This is nothing more than a push by a special interest group to influence regulation to conform with their own misconceptions. Its against the mission statement of the agency.

Btw, the biggest threats to NJ wild trout is habitat loss and water quality. Those should be addressed.
Old 12-12-2017, 07:07 PM
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Lightbulb Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Brian Cowden-"NJ Fish & Game Council voted unanimously today to adopt the proposed freshwater fishing regulations. This will give NJ the lead in native brook trout protection hands down in the 17 states where brook trout are native. There was a lot of discussions around barbless hooks which were put forth by angler's demands and not by science, but in the end, that too passed. Good news for all NJ wild trout, and not just our native brookies."
Old 12-12-2017, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Lololololol!!!!! Happy pluggin’ to all in 2018! These people can kiss my ass!!! Ever see the damage half a nite crawler on a plain hook can do??? Hehehehe!!!����������
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Old 12-13-2017, 08:10 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

another win for the special interest groups...sigh
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Old 12-13-2017, 08:45 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

And those fruity cups on gardenstatetrout are ripping njf. They think we're all fish killers. I'm gonna kill every trout I catch now regardless of where it's caught, or put a 7/0 thru it's back and use it for bait...Just to fit their stereotype. Lol
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Old 12-13-2017, 09:20 AM
Paul N Skill Paul N Skill is offline
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by Jigman13 View Post
And those fruity cups on gardenstatetrout are ripping njf. They think we're all fish killers. I'm gonna kill every trout I catch now regardless of where it's caught, or put a 7/0 thru it's back and use it for bait...Just to fit their stereotype. Lol
That's acting like an adult.
Old 12-13-2017, 09:48 AM
trouterspace trouterspace is offline
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by Jigman13 View Post
And those fruity cups on gardenstatetrout are ripping njf. They think we're all fish killers. I'm gonna kill every trout I catch now regardless of where it's caught, or put a 7/0 thru it's back and use it for bait...Just to fit their stereotype. Lol
Wow. That's brilliant. Way to stick it to the man.👊
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