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Old 09-18-2014, 09:42 PM
jrock jrock is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Lolol look out guys we have a tuff guy on the salmon river!!!!!!! So don't even think about bringing your braided line up there cause the dakotanator gonna kick your asses!!!!!!!! That's right folks hes a kick ass and asks questions later type of guy, he doesn't need much, hey I don't like your fishing outfit he says, I'm gonna kick your ass now!!!!!!!! Lolol, and if you see him in the middle of the river that's his hole stay clear or the dakotanator will getcha lol. Ill tell you what why don't you post the days your gonna be up there and we will all stay off the river how's that sound???? Talk about having courtesy, the river is shoulder to shoulder and here comes mr. Salmon river himself right down the middle of the river and sets his lines str8 out obstructing dozens of anglers casting lane.........ill tell you what I was having a bad day but you two clowns put a smile on my face so thank you for that lolol. Forget the ny dept. Of fish and game why don't you just post your own rules and regs. For the salmon river for us to follow please, Im no longer afraid of paying a ticket for violating any ny fish and game regs. I just don't want to come under the wrath of the dakotanator for heavens sake............lololol, I think I own the river because I think you should be allowed to use whatever legal tackle you want he says, but he wants you to use the tackle he tells you to and I'm the one who thinks he owns the river lol I'm done arguing with you because you have proven to be irrational. .....
Old 09-18-2014, 10:04 PM
Gollum11 Gollum11 is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Hey, thanks for the info everyone. I had a feeling I would catch some flak for the title and context of this thread, but to be fair the majority of people are only there to snag and I was only being honest. It was more of a hypothetical question and I will not be using braid up there. I have only been up there for salmon one time before and would not want my waders to be cut and I could see it being an all around pain in the ass. Especially since I will be parked in the middle of the town pool enjoying the circus. This is more of a guys weekend to get away not a serious fishing trip, especially since no real fishing will be going on. I will save that for spring and steelhead fishing up there. So judge me if you want, but I am going to enjoy the show. Thanks again for all the responses, I am sorry things took a turn towards the negative. I will try to make my future threads about nobler pursuits.
Old 09-18-2014, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?


Glad I was able to improve your day. You attack someone's post and expect respect in return....you'll have to explain to me how that works. Sorry to hear you were having a bad day but I'm sure you're used to it because that's what losers have to deal with every day of their pathetic existence. So be rude and get your jollies off by making sarcastic comments autonomously on the site but as was the case in Groundhog Day when you wake up tomorrow you're still going to be pathetic you. That must be a tough pill to swallow.

See you on the river

Old 09-18-2014, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Originally Posted by Gollum11 View Post
Hey, thanks for the info everyone. I had a feeling I would catch some flak for the title and context of this thread, but to be fair the majority of people are only there to snag and I was only being honest. It was more of a hypothetical question and I will not be using braid up there. I have only been up there for salmon one time before and would not want my waders to be cut and I could see it being an all around pain in the ass. Especially since I will be parked in the middle of the town pool enjoying the circus. This is more of a guys weekend to get away not a serious fishing trip, especially since no real fishing will be going on. I will save that for spring and steelhead fishing up there. So judge me if you want, but I am going to enjoy the show. Thanks again for all the responses, I am sorry things took a turn towards the negative. I will try to make my future threads about nobler pursuits.

It wasn't you who destroyed the thread. If you ever need help understanding the fishery, the true fishery steel head and browns, I'd be more than happy to help out any way I can. It is a world class fishery for those who want to learn the right techniques. You'll have days you'll never forget. If interested. PM me so we can put this thread to bed.
Old 09-18-2014, 10:29 PM
jrock jrock is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Hey gollum you seem to have the right attitude, I'm going up some time in october with a bunch of guys also. Its all about the time spent with friends and enjoying the show. I use 8 pound mono on a 10 1/2 foot noodle rod with as 3000 size reel. And I catch plenty of fish. Your right most people snag the fish unfortunately but those fish should be released by law. The fact of the matter most fish that are hooked in the mouth because they swim with their mouths open and the line drifts into their mouth. They will swipe at the bait out of anger and actually bite on more rare occassions. They are there for one thing and one thing only and that's to spawn. Thats why they start rotting before they are even dead because they are not eating much at all. either way its all about having the proper drift to get them t ok bite/ attack your presentation. Your drift should be at a natural pace ont the bottom third of the water column. Thats how I have had my success anyway.
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