I'm considering going out on the Big Jamaica on Monday for their mackerel trip, but i've never targeted them before. Has anyone hopped on one of these trips? I'm thinking medium sized metals would be good, and i have an 8ft MH rod that should be able to take them. My only worry is my rod and reel are kinda a POS, and I'm worried it might crap out on me. I know they have rental rods i could use as a backup, but I'm not very confident in casting metals out with a conventional reel, always been more of a freshwater/spinning guy so i'm a bit out of my comfort zone.
I hear the fishery is struggling and is nowhere close to what is had been in past years, but I'd love to hear if anyone has caught them recently. I'm trying to decide if i should do this trip or join up with some other NJF guys on the ice. Any tips or advice are appreciated! Tight Lines!