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Old 11-21-2017, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by thmyorke1 View Post
Just like with the regulation involving spring-stocked waters to be opened for private clubs, I have submitted my opposition to the rule.

I wasnt able to go to that meeting November 14th. How did that meeting go?
apparently this meeting was held in south jersey...far away from the trout waters and anglers that the regulations will effect...hmmm keeps stinking more and more...

And lets think about this survey...anyone here get to take a trout survey? I was asked to take warm water and saltwater surveys...never saw a trout survey...anyone else?
Old 11-22-2017, 11:26 AM
Paul N Skill Paul N Skill is offline
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

[QUOTE=Chrisper4694;498032]apparently this meeting was held in south jersey...far away from the trout waters and anglers that the regulations will effect...hmmm keeps stinking more and more...

The F&G council always meets monthly at their Central Region office in Robbinsville which is the same place as where the November 14 hearing took place. To suggest something underhanded occurred is stretching it in my opinion.

I agree that the proposed regs are contradictory in what we have been lead to believe about barbless lures. And strongly object to the "private waters" exemption. And I told F&W that by submitting comments online which you can still do until Dec 1. Also the F&W council holds their monthly meeting on December 12 in Robbinsville where they take public comments that are published in the minutes.
Old 11-22-2017, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Looks like the Council will reviewing our comments and be voting to adopt these proposed rules at the 12/12 meeting. Get those comments in!

From Page 5 of the 10/17 minutes

Chief Lisa Barno, Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries reported the Fish Code went out for comment on October 2nd and have received 20 comments so far. At least 17 of them had to do with drinking water rules because the drinking water rules and the Fish Code rules docket numbers were one digit off. The public hearing is scheduled for November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Assunpink Office conference room and on December 12th, public comments will be reviewed and a vote to adopt the Fish Code will take place.

I would be interested in reading the minutes for the 11/14 meeting but don't think they will be published before the 12/1 deadline.


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Old 11-22-2017, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by Paul N Skill View Post
The F&G council always meets monthly at their Central Region office in Robbinsville which is the same place as where the November 14 hearing took place. To suggest something underhanded occurred is stretching it in my opinion.
The Council meeting was at 1pm... the public meeting on the proposed regulations was at 7pm.....

If they truly were interested in engaging the fishing community you would think that the public meeting would have been held somewhere within the Northwestern part of the state which is going to affected by these rules.

Council Meeting Schedule

Public Meeting Announcement
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Old 11-23-2017, 11:18 AM
EJS EJS is offline
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Everyone has a the right to speak their mind and voice their opinion, thank god for the United States of America and those who defend her!

For those who don't know me, I am a conservationist, a TU member, and a NJWCC member. I volunteer well over 100 hours a year to multiple efforts from stream clean ups & restoration to trout stocking.

Yes, I give up time fishing to pull cars, tires, wood burning stoves, TV's, hot water heaters... out of a river, because I want to have cleaner streams and better fishing! I give up days on the river to go stock Trout so that others can enjoy a day on the water. So that the next generation understands a good day of fishing is better than any day in the office!

I've been fishing with crushed or filed barbs for 10 years. I can honestly say I see no difference in the ratio of fish landed vs lost, but I do see less tissue damage with barbless hooks, w/ obvious less damage when using single hook vs treble hook.

Everyone here wants a better fishery, they want to be able to fish and catch year round, but some want to make no sacrifices(time, effort or money) for that happen! Very Interesting
Old 11-23-2017, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by EJS View Post
Everyone here wants a better fishery, they want to be able to fish and catch year round, but some want to make no sacrifices(time, effort or money) for that happen! Very Interesting
First and foremost, thank you for your dedication to keeping NJ waters clean.

The point here is that the proposed gear restricts (barbless hooks and three hook points per lure) are in direct contrast with the best available scientific data. The data shows that the mortality rates with barbed hooks/trebles are not significantly different than barbless/singles. Some studies suggest barbless singles can be worse because they penetrate deeper and can be swallowed/gut hook fish. Fishery regulations need to be based on the best available science and whats best for fish populations, not the misinformed opinions of a particular group of anglers. These regulations are contrary to the science, and should not be adopted.
Old 11-25-2017, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by EJS View Post
Everyone has a the right to speak their mind and voice their opinion, thank god for the United States of America and those who defend her!

For those who don't know me, I am a conservationist, a TU member, and a NJWCC member. I volunteer well over 100 hours a year to multiple efforts from stream clean ups & restoration to trout stocking.

Yes, I give up time fishing to pull cars, tires, wood burning stoves, TV's, hot water heaters... out of a river, because I want to have cleaner streams and better fishing! I give up days on the river to go stock Trout so that others can enjoy a day on the water. So that the next generation understands a good day of fishing is better than any day in the office!

I've been fishing with crushed or filed barbs for 10 years. I can honestly say I see no difference in the ratio of fish landed vs lost, but I do see less tissue damage with barbless hooks, w/ obvious less damage when using single hook vs treble hook.

Everyone here wants a better fishery, they want to be able to fish and catch year round, but some want to make no sacrifices(time, effort or money) for that happen! Very Interesting
Well you personally see one thing and i personally see the opposite...njf&g digest agrees with me with a science backed article.
Old 11-27-2017, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Just a reminder to all the real anglers, get your comments in by the end of THIS MONTH.


Even if you don't trout fish, know that letting them do this is a dangerous precedence; let them know it's not OK!

They are trying to pass regulations based on the opinions of a small community of fly fishermen, contradictory to their own scientific findings.
Old 11-28-2017, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

reminder: get your comments submitted by this Friday, 12/1 or they will not be considered

There is still time to submit comment on proposed amendments to the 2018-2019 Fish Code. The Fish and Game Council and NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife are proposing important changes to trout regulations as well as to general fishing regulations. For information on the proposed changes, a link to the full proposal and how to submit written comment visit http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/new...proposal18.htm on the Division's website. Comments may be submitted electronically or in hard copy by December 1.
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Old 11-28-2017, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: NJF&G hypocritical trout regulations...

Originally Posted by acabtp View Post
reminder: get your comments submitted by this Friday, 12/1 or they will not be considered
I hope everyone is submitting their disgust with these proposed regulations. Spread the word, there is still time. Dont let this door get opened! Regulations passed based on the opinions of special interest groups and contradictory to scientific findings is a dangerous precedence for all of us, not just trout anglers!

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