Good Flukin' in the DEEP
After getting them in 8’ of water last week, we had good action today in 88’. Dales joined Henry, Ronnie and me and we steamed off-shore in hopes of finding some fat flatties before the NJ season ends on Sunday. We were fortunate to find a nice patch that we kept plucking from, ending the morning with 7 keepers - all fatties. One stray Bluefish, many Sea Robins, zillions of out-of-season Sea Bass, lots of short Fluke (as small as 6”), we had good action all morning. Drift was quite fast (1.5 kts) and that probably prevented the fluke from heeding our pleas to “come on back”. It was one & done on Fluke bites when you drift that fast.
Thanks for finding them Henry !! We tried several different depths today until we found the zone. It’s encouraging that they are still chewin’ in the deep.
Once in a while you can get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right