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Old 03-27-2013, 08:24 AM
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Default Re: Bucket brigade at Milton Lake right now...

Originally Posted by surfrod
Buzz... after talking with the truck guys and Mark B about this, tossing apparently does no harm to the fish... and actually helps "wake" them so they move away from the stocking point faster. Even as it is, many stay near the stocking point "too long"...

I've never heard of anyone seeing dead trout after they did this but it just looks bad. I guess I'm more of the 'show them so love' types who think you should just walk the net down to the creek and gently release them. That takes time which is something they don't have given lack of staff. They should ask for help like Pa does. You volunteer, you meet at a predetermined spot and then you help the PFBC stock. I'm sure the NJDFGW could use the help.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 03-27-2013, 10:38 AM
Bergen Angler Bergen Angler is offline
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Default Re: Bucket brigade at Milton Lake right now...

Originally Posted by buzzbaiter
Speaking of trout, I saw a hatchery guy tossing - and I mean tossing - trout into the Pequest yesterday morning. I figure he was at least 5-6 feet up on the truck and the river was 15-20' below the bridge so those trout were dropping around 20-25' feet. I'm sure they're okay but they could at least try to do it less violently.

Bucket brigade = basically bank anglers who keep everything they catch in buckets without regard for size limits or seasons. A majority do not speak english as a primary language(thats not an insult but the truth). In many cultures outside the US, catch & release fishing is uncommon. You KEEP everything you catch and that becomes food for the week and beyond. I have reported them many times for undersized fish or fish out of season(mostly bass). Once they get caught or warned, they move on to some place else.
Buzz, thanks for the explanation. I do see Eastern European guys (usually 4-6 of them) casting 5-8 rods per person (surf rods) and keeps everything (Bass smaller than 8") or sometimes, to save their hooks, they just break the neck of small yellow perch and toss them back. It really upsets me.
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Old 03-27-2013, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: Bucket brigade at Milton Lake right now...

Originally Posted by buzzbaiter
I've never heard of anyone seeing dead trout after they did this but it just looks bad. I guess I'm more of the 'show them so love' types who think you should just walk the net down to the creek and gently release them. That takes time which is something they don't have given lack of staff. They should ask for help like Pa does. You volunteer, you meet at a predetermined spot and then you help the PFBC stock. I'm sure the NJDFGW could use the help.
NJDFW does use volunteers, probably still just aren't enough to distribute them all gingerly.

here's a report from one right on this message board:
I fishing
I New Jersey
I the USA
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