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Old 02-13-2013, 05:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by kirchoff
Hey guys,

Making your sinkers really that much cheap in the long run. I feel lead is going up in price. I know you need melting put a molder. But my question is it that much cheaper. My buddy makes his then sells them to bait am tackle shops that's why I was wondering if its just cheaper to make them your selfs.
yes it is cheaper after you buy the molds, burner, ladle, heat proof gloves, a good respirator, cast iron pot, and lead. Then most molds make 1 of each size at a time, ah more molds production type they make 3 or 4 at a time.
You have 15 to 20% waste from the scrap lead.
Buy lead get in touch with Sam he will give you back about half the weight, and you don't have to worry about the other dangers of melting lead.
Hope this helps you.
Richie Dynes
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Old 02-13-2013, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Yupp +1 on what Tropics said. I've done that many times with Sam. Give him like 50lbs and he gives you back 25lbs of whatever sinkers you want.
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Old 02-13-2013, 06:49 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by Ol Pedro
My Son and I have supplied for one of the Sponsor Boats and for a large Outdoor store . If you don't have the lead supply or the time/money to invest then just go with Sam . My Son sold his business when the lead started to dry up but the orders didn't . Running larger sized sinkers takes a lot of time . Skimming/ingoting dirty lead is nasty dangerous work . We ran 2 Lee pots and a one burner and a 25lb caldron. If you didn't ingot your lead before you fed it into the Lee's they would clog/keep running if you didn't scrape the slag/ash off the sides . Leave it to the experts . Your life is worth more than saving a few cents on your sinkers . Sam has the cleanist lead on the market and is great with deadlines .
Definately going with Sam. I mean he sounds awesome !
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Old 02-13-2013, 06:51 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by MrAC1980
Yupp +1 on what Tropics said. I've done that many times with Sam. Give him like 50lbs and he gives you back 25lbs of whatever sinkers you want.
Really? Didnt even have a clue. That's a good deal ill have to pm him.
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Old 02-13-2013, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Easiest way for me to make weights it to call Sam.
Leave message and he will call you back in a few hours and says they are ready to be picked up.
Never a sharp edge and all the holes are always open.
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Old 02-13-2013, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

It depends on how often you fish, what you fish for and whether or not you have a good source for lead.

I pour bank sinkers through 18 ounces and bucktails through 8 ounces and it makes a tremendous amount of sense for me.

I get all my lead for free, though I do have to go through the smelting and cleaning process.

18 ounce singers currently cost you between $4 and $5 buck each if purchased while on a boat. Half that if you buy from Sam. Purchasing an 18 oz bank mold from Mac's in Belmar will cost you about $34 after tax. Clearly, at these econoics it doesnt take long to recoup your investment.

On the other hand, if you're only fishing the back bays sporadically and using largely 2 and 3 ouncers you may be better off just buying the sinkers.
Member of the DD Fluke Club since August, 2012, repeated in August, 2018.
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Old 02-13-2013, 11:11 PM
kirchoff kirchoff is offline
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Default Re: Making your own Sinkers

Originally Posted by TDaly25
It depends on how often you fish, what you fish for and whether or not you have a good source for lead.

I pour bank sinkers through 18 ounces and bucktails through 8 ounces and it makes a tremendous amount of sense for me.

I get all my lead for free, though I do have to go through the smelting and cleaning process.

18 ounce singers currently cost you between $4 and $5 buck each if purchased while on a boat. Half that if you buy from Sam. Purchasing an 18 oz bank mold from Mac's in Belmar will cost you about $34 after tax. Clearly, at these econoics it doesnt take long to recoup your investment.

On the other hand, if you're only fishing the back bays sporadically and using largely 2 and 3 ouncers you may be better off just buying the sinkers.
I think I might just have to go Sam all I hear is good stuff about him.
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