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Old 07-09-2020, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: WMAs temporarily close due to coronavirus furloughs

Originally Posted by Blackfishhead View Post
This was Assunpink at 0442 this morning.
I am trying new spots but COVID has my going to plan B!
thanks for reporting back. On the bright side these bodies of water might be good once they open back up (if you get there first )
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Old 07-10-2020, 10:12 AM
RWole RWole is offline
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Default Re: WMAs temporarily close due to coronavirus furloughs

In reply to above posts. Yes having Conservation Officers present would benefit greatly, if we can realize this why cant they? Fishermen are not benefitting at all with the closures because we can not access .
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Old 07-10-2020, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: WMAs temporarily close due to coronavirus furloughs

The unfortunate truth is as state coffers drain, were going to see more and more closures until a vaccine is found for Covid. If the state was smart, instead of closing areas to the public, they should fine the crap out of people who disobey regulations and leave trash all over the place. Use those dollars to fund enforcement efforts, reward the many who play by the rules and send a clear message to the ones that don't. CO's stay employed, public resources remain open arguably at a time most needed and the idiots who ruin it for everyone else are the ones who pay the price. Not the people who care most about our natural resources. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp? Part of the problem is the state imposes fines today in the same amount they did 30 years ago. Someone litters, fine them $2,000, guarantee they won't litter a second time but if they do make the second offense $5,000. The state would have enough CO's to patrol and I guarantee the number of infractions would decrease significantly.

Last edited by dakota560; 07-11-2020 at 12:20 PM..
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Old 07-10-2020, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: WMAs temporarily close due to coronavirus furloughs

Originally Posted by dakota560 View Post
The unfortunate truth is as state coffers drain, were going to see more and more closures until a vaccine is found for Covid. If the state was smart, instead of closing areas to the public, they should fine the crap out of people who disobey regulations and leave trash all over the place. Use those dollars to fund enforcement efforts, reward the many who play by the rules and send a clear message to the ones that don't. CO's stay employed, public resources remain open arguably at a time most needed and the idiots who ruin it for everyone else are the ones who pay the price. Not the people who care most about our public resources. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp? Part of the problem is the state imposes fines today in the same amount they did 30 years ago. Someone litters, fine them $2,000, guarantee they won't litter a second time but if they do make the second offense 5,000. The state would have enough CO's to patrol our resources and I guarantee the number of infractions would decrease significantly.
The problem with this is that it makes too much sense!
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Old 07-11-2020, 09:32 AM
RWole RWole is offline
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Default Re: WMAs temporarily close due to coronavirus furloughs

One of the biggest problems is CO's are rarely seen. Just their prescience alone would deter people. Where are routine patrols ? How many times have we all heard no one ever comes and checks.
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