Well my grandma passed away Friday night at the age of 86. She lost a very short battle with Lymphoma. I’m not sure where my head is at knowing we can’t have services for her with all that’s going on. It’s a sad weekend. Thankfully she went peacefully sometime after midnight at her home in S.C. with my aunts and Grandpa by her side. R.I.P. Barbara Diangelantonio! She was the toughest women and greatest grandmother on the planet.
Had to relieve the stress somehow so fishing works best for me obviously. Hit the Big D Saturday morning in the rain. Hooked a nice Tiger Musky but lost it at my feet. Grrrrrr!!! No other bites either. Hooked up with Mikey in the afternoon and slayed some Gorge Rainbows on Outofline jigs. Ahhhhhh, those Trout are small. It’s whatever. Lol!!!
Sunday on the Crappie grounds. It was a tough bite in the on and off drizzle and the thunder and lighting close by kinda had me almost crapping my pants. Thankfully all that dramatic weather dissipated quickly. Managed 3 Slime Darts to 24 inches, 1 lonely LM and got that limit of tasty Crappie. Just got done filleting them. Simply delicious eats! YEA BUDDY!
Wasn’t ready to go home yet as the day was still young. Hit the Raritan to throw some big plugs. About an hour passes and finally I got wacked. Fish feels pretty good. Not huge but good. I see the color of a nice Walleye. Yes! I’ll end the day with this fish. Not a super plump Eye but a solid 21-22 incher. He was released to go make babies! Some good action all around. Thank God for fishing!